:guffaw:We just watched this again, OMG silly, funny and strange :cardie: It was reminicent of "Ending Happy" and bunch of losers
and The 4 guys first getting into that wreck and came out of it with only a few scratches. except for Nicky who was bleeding, [btw, who's car was that?] and walking together like in a Clint Eastwood type movie to the bar. Hog Hideout, a low-life rauncy, seed, tacky dismal bar. Nick suspicious and finding the guy with the dead raccoon in his face:wtf: All their theories. no phone service and Henry talking to the dead guy and the raccoon and singing Davy Crockett:lol:
Case B, with Dr. Langston and Cath working a case. Seeing the girl drowned and not knowing who did it. Dr. Ray, he's awesome, what a powerful presence, his smooth, cool demeanor, and the delivery of his dialogue so precise. He and Cath work well together. Brass coming onto the scene and waaking up Bernie:lol: cute guy EEEK
The reinactment of the guy and the racoon, only CSI could think of this or pull it off. hilarious although sad too
Slick holding gun on Henry, and Nick comes to his rescue, Nick rocked in this ep. so right on in all areas. Slick says a prayer, and Nick and the others bow their heads:shifty:
Shriley enters, beautiful woman and so classy
NOT Where's Harry? and poor Henry as Shirley puts the moves on him EWWW:scream:
Dr. Langston and Wendy finding different needles~
Brass and Bernie who kept falling alseep and Brass saying "Cut the crap" and him saying Lily called him "Bountiful Panda" and Brass going "It sounded better in Manderin" then one last time when he hit the table he died~
Nick finding the rubber dummy in the freezer, his expression priceless:lol: this place was a little house or bar of horrors:angryrazz:
Shirley and the guys what a piece of trash and a tramp she was. And Hodges finding a distillery down stairs more weird stuff~
Greg's ingenuity, with a subsitute phone:thumbsup:
Ray and Doc find Bernie's intestines all messed up like the other guy with 2 appendix Ray "Dr. Jekyll is back"
Henry and Slick playing cards and he think's it's FISH, Henry goes "It's Gin Rummy":lol:he then burned himself with sufuric acid and Nick puts coals on the burn and find a skull, more weirdness
Cath and Ray find the guy who drowned Lily wore a size 13 shoe [and FYI, Ray wears a 13 1/2]~
Apparently the skull was Harry and they were a ways back cooking his ribs GROSS:vulcan:and he had Hepatitis B which he passed on to everyone who ate him~
Brass and Shirley about her love life with Harry and Slick, and how she dumped one for the other and Brass with his always humorous one line "What man wouldn't":guffaw:
Who killed Harry, Nick and Greg and Hodges didn't come to any conclusions
Doc finding weird little tubing/vials inside Bernie, with one that said
MICHAELANGLO and Ray looking through a book found one line missing, what does this mean? again my opinion would be an
FUNNY EPISODE,:guffaw: Nick to me was the funniest one, his comments and his expressions, so he's handsome a fine actor and funny!