Any secrets?

my secret: what happens on the road, stays on the road, WOOT ROAD TRIP 06!!!

more secrets, serious ones:

I also cry when I miss a new CSI, or when I miss anything to do with Idina Menzel on TV.

I love painting my nails pretty colours.

I love MTV

I cry every time I watch RENT, every time. And when I watch Wicked bootlegs. EVERY TIME.

WIERD: I clip my toenails obsessively. I can't handle if they grow even the slightest bit.
I'm paranoid of burglers. I'm up half the night because I hear things in my house, and I'm imagining them. So, I rarely get sleep either.
I cry all the time during sad CSI: episodes -- when Aiden died, when Danny cried in RSRD, when Speed died on CSI:Miami, when Flack squeezed Mac's hand...

I still love him, even if he doesn't love me.

I can relate easier to fictional characters than I can to real people.
1: I can't stop listening to Helena Paparizou and Voodoo Child by Rogue Traders on the net.
2: I account for about 70% of the nail polish and varnish remover consumption in my house. When I'm sad, I paint my nails. When I'm happy, or bored, I paint my nails. Usually on a school night. I have to take it off straight away or the teachers'll kill me.
3: I have a crush on a boy noone else fancies, so I'm feeling really smug about that right now
4: To a girl I know is on the forum but whose user name I don't know: I still laugh to myself about how you nearly fell over when you realised who it was :p hehe
5: I haven't shown ANYONE what I've written recently because it's turned from a hopeful novel to PURE smutty nonsense. I am burning it and starting again ASAP.
i also cry if i miss a new episode of house

-i cry every time i watch "grave danger" no thats a lie i cry when anything bad happens to person on csi
-same thing except with house charaters (mostly chase)
Another Secret: I cry when I watch "turning the screws" because the little girl looks like my friend did when she was younger. And I also cry anytime I see any of the characters cry.