Anna/Lindsay thread #4 - "You've got friends, kiddo!"

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Ok...this might be better in the episode discussion thread but really didn't want to 'stir up' things more than they really are.

I really like the actress of Anna Belknap. I'll admit my only reason for starting to watch the show was her. I didn't see any of the episodes before she started so I really don't know about the 'chemistry' or lack of between Aidan and Danny. However, I must agree that I'm liking the development of this story between the 'street-wise' New Yorker and the 'country/small town' Montana. Granted we haven't been able to see much development because of Anna's pregnancy. With the baby born in January, I assume that she was pregnant the whole time they filmed this season and between morning sickness and then 'hiding', the writers really couldn't do much.

The same happened when they had to 'write around' Phylicia Rashad's pregnancy in 'The Cosby Show'. Characters that were normally very 'touchy feeling' had to stand behind things and such. It made them look very stiff and Anna/Carmine suffered that same fate.

Anyway, my real comment has to do with the killer. Did anyone catch his name when they convicted him? It sure sounded to me like Daniel. Danny (new love), Daniel (killer of her friends). That would cause some emotional problems for me. Heh...just thought maybe the writers could use it as 'angst' in their (Sorry, I also write to so I tend to think of ways to make conflict...especially in romantic relationships.)

But did I hear it right or am I batty?

^^ Yeah the killer's name was Daniel. I will give the PTB the benefit of the doubt and say that they had used all their writing energy on getting that awesome D/L scene in there that they just couldn't find a good killer name. ;)
Oh, and redbaron, sounds like you are leaning towards the D/L ship (yay!) so if you haven't already, come check out the Danny/Lindsay thread, lots of awesome people there!

I must say Anna looked damn good for having had a baby only 3 weeks before filming again! And Lindsay's courtroom scene before Danny showed up, when she broke down... I thought Anna acted that very well!
I thought her acting was amazing.

When I watch TV shows, I don't actually think about how good an actor or actress the person is, because it's really their character that either interests me or not. Lindsay is my favorite character on CSINY, and Anna is the only one I could actually imagine playing Lindsay, so I always think her acting is great, because essentially the way Anna plays Lindsay is who Lindsay is, so if Anna's acting seems bad, then that would just be Lindsay's personality...
Did that make sense? :lol:
I mean, everyone deals with pain a different way...
Basically, Anna is a really good actress IMO :D.
I also know exactelly what you mean :lol:,
I've wanted to see that somewhere else but I couldn't find the right words for it :rolleyes: but you nailed it IMO
She's a great and pretty actress :D
^^ You said it perfectly darx2. When I watch a show I see Lindsay and not Anna playing Lindsay

OK that didn't make much sense either. :D :p
happy belated b-day PE
Thank you dl_shipper34! :D

I want to see her develop with and without him. He's a positive part of her character, but she needs some devlopment on her own.
I could not agree with you more, Radical! Lindsay's a good character, but TPTB must work to strengthen her and make her a tougher, stand-alone character :cool:. She's great, don't misunderstand me, but she's more than window-dressing for Danny. ;)

And even in those scenes with Danny, she finally decided to 'ask' for his support by grabbing his hand and 'leaning' on him. She's starting to finally confide in people and that's a good thing IMO.

You've got that right. She's making the moves; she's not making him work for the relationship anymore. Yes, he flew to Montana, but he flew of his own accord. She reached out for his hand, and she reached out to kiss him. :) That signifies that she's ready to move forward with her life. :D
I am so ready for some great one-liners... I think she should do some of those with Flack. The both of them having some smart ass answers for each other would be WONDERFUL!
There hasnt been a lot of Flack/Lindsay stuff, has there? I wish there were more... They are both kinda witty an whatnot.
I must say Anna looked damn good for having had a baby only 3 weeks before filming again! And Lindsay's courtroom scene before Danny showed up, when she broke down... I thought Anna acted that very well!

Agreed! You couldn't even tell she had recently given birth...except in the day-dream scene. Still she did do a great job. Kudos to her.
I, too, would like to see more Lindsay/Flack interaction. I'd like to see Hawkes and Lindsay work a case together also.

Getting your body back after having a baby isn't easy but she's doing great!
^^ shes defenitely doing great, she looks amazing for such a short period of time after her pregnancy. :D

from the looks of it, there hasnt been much news of Linds being in the eps after 19. Maybe its gue to her pregnancy and spending more time with the family, or theres something cooking in the finale, were not sure. Very little or no mention. :( Maybe she still is in the eps just theres no mention of her, who knows! most of you probably have read this either in the D/L or spoiler thread, but just in case some of you didnt...
goodnite[/b]..]That might not be the case. Just because she's not mentioned in the spoilers in the Spoiler Thread doesn't mean she's not in the episode. From what I know, sides/spoilers are usually released with the main character + guest star; spoilers are rarely released with main character + main character scenes. I hope that makes sense :p
yep, i know, and it made sense :) It just seems alot of people over in the other threads are getting nervous that she wont be sure that she will be though
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