Anna/Lindsay thread #4 - "You've got friends, kiddo!"

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According to Ask Ausiello, at Tv, Anna started taping her first episode back last week. So, she won't be gone too much longer.
^No nothing and to be perfectly honest I haven't been looking for it anymore either. Anna clearly doesn't want her baby girl's name to be known so I'll respect that.

But the thing that really annoys me is the fact that Lindsay has not been mentioned in either one of the two ep's since she left. :mad: She's a main character and especially for her fans who are watching and haven't read the spoilers it must be very strange that she just left and seems to be totally forgotten by her colleagues. :confused:

I know there was suppose to be a scene in last week's ep where Danny calls her and for some reason (I'm thinking too little time) that scene was cut, but why doesn't Mac or Stella ever talk about how she's doing in Montana? She deserves some credit!

What do you guys think?
I think they should at least mention her. Right now, they are acting as if they are not even missing a team member. In my opinion they should have at least mentioned her in at least the last episode if not both that she has missed so far.
I can't to see how Anna looks when she is back on the show,we're so used to seeing her pregnant, seeing her back to normal hould be interesting. Maybe we;ll get body shots, and not just head shots. :lol:
^I really hope so. Perhaps no body shots yet in #18 because that was filmed just a few weeks after she gave birth, but at least the spoilers for #19 indicate that she's back to normal. :)

At least that means she doesn't have to hide behind everything and everyone available on set anymore. :rolleyes:
Radical618 said:
I can't to see how Anna looks when she is back on the show,we're so used to seeing her pregnant, seeing her back to normal hould be interesting. Maybe we;ll get body shots, and not just head shots. :lol:
Ditto that sentiment. I know the directors are doing their best to hide it, but everytime she's on screen I keep thinking "she pregnant, she pregnant, she pregnant" and can't think otherwise. :rolleyes:
^^ My Mom and I would just look at each other and laugh when she came on-screen, because it was so obvious they were attempting to hide her condition. Anna's a beautiful woman, but pregnancy really made her beautiful. She didn't deserve to be behind file folders and lab tables and all that crap. :lol:

For a current example, watch Diane Farr in "Numbers." The production's attempts at hiding her pregnancy are comical too.
^ I know, it's too funny. And when Lindsay first re-appears we'll probably all be 'checking her out' :lol: to see if you can still see she was pregnant just three weeks before.

She probably already has lost quite a lot of the fluid she was clearly retaining.
Oh, I'll be checking her out. I'll be like a flippin' cashier at the grocery store! :lol:

Hope you guys got that... :rolleyes:

I'm ready for my Lindsay fix though. Honestly, the show is very, erm, straight forward without her. She brings a lot of laughs to the show, and I miss that.
Radical618 said:
I'm ready for my Lindsay fix though. Honestly, the show is very, erm, straight forward without her. She brings a lot of laughs to the show, and I miss that.

She brings a certain quirkiness that I really like and miss too.
I have a question..sorry if it's already been asked.

Is Anna's hair naturally straight or wavy? Because I remember there was an interview with her a long time ago about how people don't recognize her because her hair is different than it is on the show...and I was wondering what was different for her? Because when she was pregnant would it have been bad to straigthen/curl her hair?
Well, if she straightened it with a straightener...and same with curling, probably would be okay, as long as she didnt use chemicals. BUT, I dont know for sure what her hair is like naturally. Maybe straight?
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