Anna/Lindsay thread #4 - "You've got friends, kiddo!"

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At this moment I don't think Lindsay would've been the best choice to talk to that victim. Because of her personal issues she's way to emotional to handle something like that right now :(

And I think after she returns they should keep her in the lab for quite a while until she's back to the Lindsay from the start of season 2, before they let her do an interrogation again :cool:
She just tore the house down on WaT, in my opinion. I honestly don't understand why the writers don't give her storylines with more meat and just let her do her thing. She's an amazing actress!

She did do an amazing job on WaT, Pretty Eyes. She also did a great job in MI when she played Eva Rossi, someone very different from Lindsay. :)

I miss the days of SOY, Fare Game, Cool Hunter, and Bad Beat. I know that they will Anna more when she comes back. ;)

Here are some pics from Medical Investigation:

Anna as Eva Rossi

*picture credit to

MI Promo Pic

Dutch, love your avvie. ;)
Medical Investigation just finished in Poland, but I think there was only one season anyway.Was pretty good.
As for Stella, she shows compassion and understanding for the ;)victims. Remember ''Stealing home'' or, even before the Franky event,''Wasted''? Still, it would be nice to see Anna involved in a scene of this sort 'cause it would highlight her spectrum of emotions and ways of dealing with different situations.
Wow Anna looks so pretty in those pics!
Have we any news on her baby girl? Does she have a name? (Ive been away for a couple days just wanna make sure ididnt miss anything)
No name yet, goodnight_tonite :(. Hopefully soon though. :)

CSINY isn't the same without Anna..Which is why I keep making CSINY music videos to pass the time till she gets back :D
^ Well I miss her too. Haven't been able to get my hands on anything else she ever played in. I remembered Mo posting something in the D/L shipper thread about this movie she played in and which was suppose to be quite watchable (?), but I can't find it anywhere :( Has anyone seen this?

Haven't found any news about her daughter's name either.
It's an Independent film, so it might be hard to find. You could try a video store - not the ones that rent but sell - and they might be able to order it for you.
it should be at Blockbuster or Hollywood Video. I rented it out here at Blockbuster. Her role is small, but cute... :)
I loved Anna in MI. Eva Rossi's biting sarcasm was fun to watch. :) I think she provided a sort of comic relief on the show.
Well thanks for all the tips, but unfortunately going to the nearest blockbuster or another video store that rents or sells it is going to be a bit too expensive... ;)And I've found it at an online shop, but they didn't ship to Europe... :(
audacity said:
She just tore the house down on WaT, in my opinion. I honestly don't understand why the writers don't give her storylines with more meat and just let her do her thing. She's an amazing actress!

She did do an amazing job on WaT, Pretty Eyes. She also did a great job in MI when she played Eva Rossi, someone very different from Lindsay. :)

I miss the days of SOY, Fare Game, Cool Hunter, and Bad Beat. I know that they will Anna more when she comes back. ;)

Here are some pics from Medical Investigation:

Anna as Eva Rossi

*picture credit to

MI Promo Pic

Dutch, love your avvie. ;)
I love your avvie too, Dutch. :)

Audacity, thank you so much for refreshing my memory about Anna portraying Eva in MI. I had a complete brain freeze until I saw Neal McDonough's name. Then, everything clicked. She was a real flame-thrower on MI, and it's difficult to reconcile "Eva" as the same person who's "Lindsay." To me that just proves what an outstanding actress she is. I'm so grateful NY cast her; now I'm eagerly anticipating her return from maternity leave. :D That way, we'll get more "MOO!" :devil:
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