Anna/Lindsay thread #3- "Hello, Ms. Monroe"

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chelliyah said:
lol wow... imagine if she was and they wrote it in to the story lmao **shifty eyes...**

Maybe that is why she stands Danny up for their dinner date.:eek: :eek: She's afraid to tell him about the baby!!!!!! :devil:

Ohhhhhhhhhhh Yeah!!!!!
^Of course, we don't know that ;)

Acutally they did show Lindsay walking towards Mac and Stella---head to legs view. She didn't look pregnant. If she is, she's not very big.
Kelleigh said:
I think she looks different too. Did you notice how the never really gave her a full body shot. IMO I think she looks like she is expecting. I guess we will find out soon enough. MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM!!!
My sister thinks that too, she was Anna knocked up?! Im like idk? I really didn't like her in this episode she confused me a little in the case. But next weeks epi looks good!
Was anyone upset a bit that TPTB had her come to a conclusion before all the evidence was in? Once they found the female blood being pregnant she said that the other woman did it because she found out and was angry. ;)
I don't care about what the writers gave her in this episode...all I know is that she looked STUNNING! :D
Does someone have some beautiful caps?

Seriously, I didn't find it annoying that the writers let her jump to a conclusion. It was actually funny to see how she didn't make a big deal out of it later, lol.
She wasn't in this ep a lot, but I enjoyed every second that she was. :)
I thought she got off to a good start in this episode, asking Flack how many numbers he got and all.... but the tie thing was, kinda weird. I don't know. I'm looking forward to the next episode when she does her bomb undercover thing. I hope the writers give her some moments to shine.
I was like "meh, maybe she is pregnant" but then they showed a few head to toe body shots of her and I'm like "nah, no way, if she is shes so tiny, or they are hiding it super well". That would be such a hard story to run with if they wrote it in, I'd just get worried that she'd leave the show (whether its because she chose to, or the writers just felt that her being pregnant just wouldnt 'work'?) IDK. We'll cross that bridge IF we come to it, all I can say is she gorgeous, as per ususal, I loved her outfit at the beginning of the episode, and her shirt later on in the episode when shes talking to Mac and Stella about the evidence she found and the spider... (had to be vague, didnt want to spoil anything), but, I'm excited for next weeks episode. I think Anna did a great job! :)
I honestly don't think they'd write her being pregnant into the show. It just doesn't really mesh with things right now. Would she take a leave of absence from work? Would she still pull double or triple shifts with a baby at home? *shakes head* No, it just wouldn't work. If Anna really is pregnant, which I can't begin to guess about or comment on, I think they'll conceal it as much as possible on the show--have her in the lab a lot, find clever ways to hide her stomach, etc.

But I really think we're all giving this way too much thought considering that it's all speculation and guessing at this point.
^^^ mmhmmm, I was letting it eat at me at first and now I'm like "yeah right, they have so many way to edit things like that out its totally cool"... all in all, great episode so.. he he :)
here ya go lol :D

^ Those are SUCH cute pics of her. Thanks for posting.
I really liked Lindsay in PWM episode. Although I don't thnk she was in it enough.
I just can't wait for next weeks episode.
yeah i think now she has actually settled in, she should have some more time focused on her, jus like poor lil flacky!!! hehe
i jus wanna see the next epi!!!! :( i wanna know wats up wit her n danny :p hehe

oh and glad you liked the piccis!! there were more, but thought those were the cutest! :D
I thought it was cute she knew how to tie a tie! :lol: she was great in the eppy, loved the dynamite thing... I thought that was awesome!
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