Anna/Lindsay thread #3- "Hello, Ms. Monroe"

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That jacket is super cute, I love her top too.. :) Shes so cute and little, I love it, I'm average and then my sister is like 5'10, so.. I dont know how I ended up being 5'5 ish... urgh... :mad:

Smilie he he, yeah my brain was just not working when I said that the other day and then my friend was like 'dude, Melissa... ' and he's laughing, I have tons of people in the barn rolling when they heard what I had said, I was like 'I gotta go put this on my sig'

Feenx I'll be there (I'm serious) my doggie however.. shes a little nuts-o, Montana... shes just... well, shes crazy! lol

2 days... ::almost passes out:: wow... ::drinks 4th cup of coffee:: wooo hooo!!

I say we hurry up and get to CBS... lets do it... I can possibly get us a cool escort in the fire truck, or a cop car.. lol
2 days... ::almost passes out:: wow... ::drinks 4th cup of coffee:: wooo hooo!!
Melissa think ya need to clam down on the coffee :lol:

I say we hurry up and get to CBS... lets do it... I can possibly get us a cool escort in the fire truck, or a cop car.. lol
Saaweet! oooohhh can we go with the siren on :D
Luveykat said:
Hehe, that's funny. Actually she's taller than me too...
But I like being short, it's actually kinda fun, and funny.... for my brothers :D
I get alot of the short jokes from my younger brother.
he he, I get short jokes every now and then, but I'm getting used to it....

::goes crazy:: no need to calm down on the coffee, thats so nothing, I drink like 20 of them... no thats an exageration, like 5 or 6 on special days, 1 or 2 usually every other day... he he.

Yes, we can go with the sirens on.. he he.. I'd get fired, but it would be worth it.
Yes, we can go with the sirens on.. he he.. I'd get fired, but it would be worth it.
wooohooo!!!!! :lol:
Guess what time it is? Picture time!!!(i think it's more like screencap time :lol:)

:lol: She looks scared i love that scene, Mac with the sword and the tight black shirt.... feenx wrong thread :lol:
Radical618 said:
so all you shorties... amen!
AMEN, im only 5'1 1/2 :lol:
Ok i got a question for all.
Other than Danny who would you like Lindsay to get involve with romantically?
^^^ Flack for sure... Danny or Flack, I'd be satisfied with either of them.. or all three of them.. ::recalls a FF.Net story she read about that:: Rad, was that your handy work?

Good cap Feenx... I so cannot wait until I get my S2 DVD'S... ahhh!!! oh my gosh, seriously, 1 more day, Wednesday I'm going to be flipping out!!
^^^ Flack for sure... Danny or Flack, I'd be satisfied with either of them.. or all three of them.. ::recalls a FF.Net story she read about that::
you read that one too!
^^^ I surely did and I LURRVVED IT!!!! I tried to find it last night but I got too tired and decided to go to bed...

::looks at clock:: AHHHHH!!! do you guys realise that we are now in the countdown of less then 48 hours till the premiere!!! woo hoo!
^^^ Flack for sure... Danny or Flack, I'd be satisfied with either of them.. or all three of them.. ::recalls a FF.Net story she read about that:: Rad, was that your handy work?

yup that was meeee... :lol: I like that one... hmmm... :devil: if only if only...

one more day!!!!! :D
thanks! glad you like them...

and I am completly like dying here... dunno if I can make it the final 24 hoursssss.... *deep breaths, deep breaths..*
1 day.....
6 hours....
33 minutes...
35 seconds.....
so sad that i have a countdown. and 6 more days for that Anna Fan project deadline.
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