Anna/Lindsay thread #3- "Hello, Ms. Monroe"

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jorja_fan86 said:
I'm not sure if this has been metioned but over on youtube there's a clip of Anna from when she was a guest star on Lisa Kurdrow HBO show entitled The Comeback. Hopefully it's still there :).

I saw that clip. It was rather funny. Anna was like, "Let's get the hell out of here" or something like that.
Canadian TV Guide did an interview with Anna recently:

Anna Belknap is pregnant - very pregnant. She's due in the new year, which means that the people behind CSI: NY have to decide if they will write her bulbousness into character Lindsay Monroe's storylines or have her exit the series, temporarily, for other reasons. We chatted with the cheerful mom-to-be over the phone from Los Angeles.

TV Guide: Hey Anna, thanks for calling.
Anna Belknap: No problem. Hey, is this a Canadian number?

TVG: Yeah, it is. I'm in Toronto.
AB: Oh, Toronto!

TVG: You've been here before?
AB: No, but my good friend from college lives there right now.

TVG: You should come up, we have some snow.
AB: Ohhhhhh, snow.....

TVG: You're from Maine, so you know all about the snow. Are you going to Maine for the holidays?
AB: No, I can't travel anymore because I'm pregnant. I love Christmas in Maine and I'm going to miss it this year. We'll do it in L.A. We'll get a prop guy to make us some fake snow!

TVG: Is your pregnancy being written into the show?
AB: No.

TVG: So, Lindsay will just be gone for several episodes?
AB: Yes.

TVG: How has your pregnancy affected the shooting of CSI: NY?
AB: They've been taking it easy on me, so that's been good. It's been going really well though, it's been busy because there haven't been any reruns airing.

TVG: That's a good thing, having no repeats...
AB: I think so. As a viewer, I don't want to see a lot of repeats, you want to keep the ball rolling.

TVG: What do you watch on TV?
AB: I watch weird shows! Lately I've been addicted to A Baby Story. We have TiVo, so I'll come home and there will be five episodes on there for me to watch.

TVG: Were you freaked out at all when you joined the cast after Vanessa Ferlito had left?
AB: Everybody was great, but still, yeah, I was a little freaked out. I've watched TV shows where a new person starts and you think "Huh? Where'd this person come from?" and you're asking for the audience to accept them so quickly. I think that's always a difficult thing. But the cast and crew were both great, and I realized that I had put all of that pressure on myself really.

TVG: But I guess it's good to come on board a show that's doing well, and is popular. You've been on other series that didn't last, like The Handler and Medical Investigation...
AB: It does make things easier. On a new show, you're doing it, and everything is hunky-dory, and then the first episode airs, and things get tense. Then the second episode airs, and everyone starts getting a little crazy, because if the ratings aren't steadily improving...

TVG: There may not be an Episode 3!
AB: Yeah, so everything on CSI: NY is very calm.
Thanks for posting that. It's too bad we don't see too many interviews with Anna.

I'm glad they didn't write her pregnancy into the show - it wouldn't have suited her character at all. The only reason I think that Lindsay would've gotten pregnant might be if she had been raped and then that would've opened up a whole new can of worms .......

On the downside: no Anna/Lindsay for awhile. :(
thanks for the interview, you really don't see many with her. see she even seems sweet in her interview. i feel sorry for her having to spend xmas away from home, id hate that.
awesome interveiw... I want to meet this lady so bad. She seems totally laid back.

No Lindsay/Anna... Not looking forard to this AT ALL!
Don't know if anybody knows this yet, but the next new episode airs on January 10, instead of the originally scheduled January 17. So we get to wait a whole week less for a new episode. This is posted on Tv and Futon Critic.
^^Thx, cheers me up a bit! I've heard about potential Lindsay scenes in ep 14, but Jan 10 is ep 13 Obsession. Have you heard if Anna is getting any screen time?
'm glad they didn't write her pregnancy into the show - it wouldn't have suited her character at all.
Agreed! It wouldn't have gone well. Since if it was Danny's baby, it would have been weird. :lol: (Even though I'm a D/L fan!) If it was Mac's, or Flack's or Hawkes-- it would have still been weird and-- ugh, if it was rape or something, it would have been hard for a newish character to work with.

So I'm glad that they're not putting that in, although... it's pretty obvious that they're trying to "hide something". :lol: :rolleyes:
Yeah it's so funny with their 'let's try and hide the fact that Anna is pregnant techniques'. I mean she either has a folder or a bag surgically attached to her stomach or someone just happens to be standing in front of her .......

The thing is though even if they didn't occasionally slip up and give us a full body shot, it's so obvious that she's pregnant just from her face now.

Bless her. I can only imagine what it must be like having to act whilst getting kicked in the stomach. Lol.
Muzzy_Olorea said:
Yeah it's so funny with their 'let's try and hide the fact that Anna is pregnant techniques'. I mean she either has a folder or a bag surgically attached to her stomach or someone just happens to be standing in front of her .......

The thing is though even if they didn't occasionally slip up and give us a full body shot, it's so obvious that she's pregnant just from her face now.

Bless her. I can only imagine what it must be like having to act whilst getting kicked in the stomach. Lol.

lol if they have writen it and ever time she would go to kiss danny the baby would kick :D
I can only imagine what it must be like having to act whilst getting kicked in the stomach.
Oh, poor Anna! My deepest sympathies to her. She's still acted her heart out in Silent Night though! Whoohoo!
Muzzy_Olorea said:
Bless her. I can only imagine what it must be like having to act whilst getting kicked in the stomach. Lol.

As long as the water doesn't break while filming an episode. :eek:
I dont think they're filming that long for that to happen, unless the baby were to come early. Which I'm pretty sure it didn't because I don't think they've been filming for a bit.

If that did happen though... holy cow, that wouldn't be good. I'd send her a card.
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