Anna/Lindsay thread #3- "Hello, Ms. Monroe"

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Maybe he already knew about everything behind. I can't wait to see how that works out.
Then again, it could just be a theory.

That would be my guess too, and the reason why Mac had asked her personally to come to NY. I mean, I'm pretty sure he asked her because of her incredible knowledge of science, but he's gotta know... c'mon, he's daddy Mac! :lol:
I accidentally wandered into an anti-Lindsay forum on the web and after reading a few posts and realizing what it was, I felt traumatized. I ran back to Talk CSI and into this thread for therapy!

kissmesweet said:
I felt all warm inside when Stella told her it was gonna be okay and when Lindsay asked Stella to be her friend. :) I can't tell you how much I love the team and how much support they give each other.
I completely agree! It obvious that Lindsay is nearing her breaking point, the results of her trauma have been building for quite some time. It is great to know that even though Stella's feelings were hurt by Lindsay snapping at her, she was big-hearted enough to realize it wasn't like that and was there to offer her support. And once Lindsay is ready to confront her issues the rest of the team will be there for her.
I wanted to jump into the TV screen and just hug Lindsay so hard. I felt so bad for her. I was honestly like crying with our girl on Wednesday night. It was so depressing. I hated and loved Stella so much this eppy. At first I hated her for yelling at Linds- but she deserved it. Yea she had crap to deal with but she shouldn't have snapped at Stell. I was pleasently suprised when one of my favorite lines by far now "All I need is a friend."
"You got it kiddo." happened. It made me smile from ear to ear. Good ol' Stell..

hugs to Lindsay

Oh and Anna acted her heart out that eppy. Good job Anna! *cheers*
You don't even have to leave talkCSI in order to find anti-Lindsay remarks, mercy. The spoiler thread is a bad place on here, especially in regards to Lindsay. You just have to stick with this forum, and if you like D/L, :cool: the shipper thread. There is no flaming allowed there. Glad you feel safe here.
I wanted to jump into the TV screen and just hug Lindsay so hard. I felt so bad for her.
Me too! :) Anna was absolutely wonderful though. She played her heart out.

You just have to stick with this forum, and if you like D/L, the shipper thread.
:lol: That's what I do most of the time.
thats one of the reasons that i left in the first place before. but im safe in here. im a big anna/lindsay fan. shes a great actress and a great chracter, infact shes my fave on csi ny. ive seen the anna clips from the episode, and i think she played it fantastically, she didnt ham it up like she could have done, she played it perfectly and my heart went out to the character. ann does a great job on the show and i think she doesnt get enough recognition, and shes completely under used.
I have to say, I stopped coming to the TalkCSI threads because I was tired of all the Lindsay bashing. I couldn't even read an episode review without reading something negative about her.

Now I don't care what the reviewers write - I think she's great anyway!

I'm looking forward to seeing how the Lindsay storyline progresses and what TPTB do with the "horrible crime" she survived.
Hmm, I guess I haven't been in here since the latest episode. :p

I'm glad we're finally getting a clue about Lindsay's past, but I wish they would quit putting it off. We've waited more than a year, just spill the beans already! :lol:

"...a story line for the UNDERUSED Anna Belknap."
Hmm, well prior to Anna getting pregnant, she was given a great deal more to work with than some of the other actors, like Hill Harper for example. Lindsay is the newest team member, but she's gotten more development since coming on than Hawkes or Flack. ;) Or I should say, she's had more opportunity for development since she's had more screentime, but I'm not sure how well the writers have utilized that time for character development. ;)

You don't even have to leave talkCSI in order to find anti-Lindsay remarks, mercy.
You don't have to leave TalkCSI to find all sorts of different opinions about the characters. Praise and criticism can exist side-by-side, and they certainly do around here. :lol: I think it makes the discussion more in-depth and makes things more interesting. If everybody liked everything, I'd just nod in agreement so much that I'd eventually nod off to sleep. :lol:
Faylinn said:
Praise and criticism can exist side-by-side, and they certainly do around here. :lol: I think it makes the discussion more in-depth and makes things more interesting. If everybody liked everything, I'd just nod in agreement so much that I'd eventually nod off to sleep. :lol:
Oh yeah, I do agree with that! :) The reason I was traumatized was because I was wandered into the particular forum without realizing what it was, I was unprepared; that particular forum was just mean :eek: **shudders**. It was my own fault for leaping without looking. I like debating different perspectives with people, keeps things interesting! I just have more fun when it is done constructively, with people saying why or what for rather than just flaming. *nods affirmation* ;)

thisyearslove said:
I'm looking forward to seeing how the Lindsay storyline progresses and what TPTB do with the "horrible crime" she survived.
Faylinn said:
I'm glad we're finally getting a clue about Lindsay's past, but I wish they would quit putting it off. We've waited more than a year, just spill the beans already! :lol:

It almost feels like the ep was a tease as far as the secret goes. I want to know more! :( I liked how Anna played some of the more emotional parts, because she didn’t overact, it was much more natural this way. For example, Lindsay started crying in autopsy, but it looked like she was trying to keep it under control at work, it’s just eating away at her. And the snapping at Stella thing, I reluctantly admit I have been guilty of the same thing. When your emotions are stretched thin like Lindsay’s seem to be, you don’t always react the way you should to little things. All in all a good ep, but they need to finish giving us the details! :D
I liked Lindsay in the last episode, when she started to cry I wanna hug her (or even my TV LOL). Anna did an awesome job. Looking forward to the next ep...

Everyone who'll receive the German TV Station Kabel1, Anna will be on Without a Trace, December 29 9.10 pm.
Lindsay_Montana said:
Everyone who'll receive the German TV Station Kabel1, Anna will be on Without a Trace, December 29 9.10 pm.

Do you know the episode or number episode it is?

This whole secret thing is depressing. I'm going to look at some smiling and fun Lindsay pics.
I remember the "Without a Trace" finale with Anna, it was a cool episode and her character was very different from Lindsay.
I saw the second episode of "Without a Trace" she was in--but I missed part of it, so I didn't get the full effect. :lol:

I don't have many pictures of Lindsay (aside from the Little Bunny Foo Foo pic :lol:), but I do have a few Anna pictures of the more happy variety. :p


Lindsay_Montana said:
Everyone who'll receive the German TV Station Kabel1, Anna will be on Without a Trace, December 29 9.10 pm.
Txs for the tip! I believe my satellite picks up that one. But will it be subtitled or doubled (nowing German TV I fear the latter :()?

I've only seen Anna in CSI:NY and not in anything else; so I'm quite curious. But having her speak German would be somewhat distracting ;)

Txs for the smiling Anna pic's Fay.

It would really be nice to have this dark past out of the way soon and see the 'old' Lindsay back.
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