Anna/Lindsay thread #3- "Hello, Ms. Monroe"

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If he gets interviewed tomorrow and says, "I love what the writers are doing with Danny and Lindsay; the romance is great!" I'll stand corrected.
He's said that before during the arrivals of the Emmy's this year. I saw in on E! He had on this really, really nice suit and he said that "Anthony and the writers are doing a great job with the relationship of Lindsay and Danny. I enjoy what they're doing with the romance or them.... " or something like that. He also says all of this stuff about Gary Sinise and what a pleasure it is to work with him... Ughhh. I'm so not used to his voice when it isn't as heavily accented!!


She's so pretty there.
kissmesweet said:
He's said that before during the arrivals of the Emmy's this year. I saw in on E! He had on this really, really nice suit and he said that "Anthony and the writers are doing a great job with the relationship of Lindsay and Danny. I enjoy what they're doing with the romance or them.... " or something like that. He also says all of this stuff about Gary Sinise and what a pleasure it is to work with him... Ughhh. I'm so not used to his voice when it isn't as heavily accented!!

Got a link to the video/article? I don't recall seeing any pics of him at the Emmys, or remember hearing anything about him going, seeing as neither he nor the show was nominated. :confused:
A. J. Buckley was there as well. I saw it on E! this year in August, I think. Sucks that the show wasn't nominated... NY deserves more recognition. Even David Caruso (speaking of, does it really say on the script to put your hands on your hips??!?!?!?) was nominated for Best Actor!! Grrr.
kissmesweet said:
Even David Caruso (speaking of, does it really say on the script to put your hands on your hips??!?!?!?) was nominated for Best Actor!! Grrr.

:lol: I would think that's Caruso's personal touch and honestly, it's one of the things that's always irritated me. *ducks from flying objects*
I think Caruso's a great actor, but his hands-on-the-hips and remove-sunglasses-put-on-sunglasses and his head shifeted to one side thing gets to me sometimes. :lol: I like his character though, and I like how he seems to care so much about the victim's family and everyone around him.

Anyway back to Lindsay. I made a new thing!
I will add my two cents: I also hope that Lindsay's "secret" is more about her. Also, I tend to think her past issue isn't about a boyfriend, but a sister or good girl friend, which would explain her issue with young girls who have been murdered. I think it affected her decision about Danny because, like Fay said, she's just not ready emotionally to be in a relationship.
^Also, I think we assume that every detail we get about her relates to her 'secret' rather than just her past in general. She's seen a lot of blood--that could relate to her secret, or it could be a case she worked on after she became a CSI. Maybe a particularly bloody case had an effect on her because she was new and it really brought home how real and gritty the job was, that it wasn't just as easy as following the evidence and putting the bad guy away--that there were consequences for her as well. I'm not saying the blood thing isn't related to what we're going to find out this season, and I just used it for an example in this case, but my point was that we can't know for sure that every bit of information even relates back to it. Her secret isn't the only thing we don't know about her, and giving us information doesn't necessarily have to just be clues for the secret.

He's said that before during the arrivals of the Emmy's this year. I saw in on E! He had on this really, really nice suit and he said that "Anthony and the writers are doing a great job with the relationship of Lindsay and Danny. I enjoy what they're doing with the romance or them.... " or something like that.
I'm tempted to ask if this was before or after they backed off on it. *shrug* In the end, I don't support the pairing and just don't want to see it on the show. Maybe because I don't think it's well-done or necessary, I don't see how the show would benefit from it beyond appealing to a potentially different viewing audience than the original science-related premise would bring in. And I have issues with that as well. But that's neither here nor there.

Anyway, let's see if I can contribute to a discussion about Lindsay that doesn't rely on Danny/Lindsay for substance (since I said it and haven't managed to do it yet :p).

I want to know more about Lindsay before she came to NY, and I don't just mean the infamous 'deep, dark secret.'

How were things different being a CSI in Montana versus being one in NYC?
The process, the legal issues, etc. There hasn't been any sense that things were different from one place to the other based on her reactions. She never said anything about 'you work with the Detectives the whole time, in Bozeman the lead CSI was the only one who worked with them,' or something like that. We know from just the three CSI shows that we're meant to know that there are differences from place to place, so wouldn't the same logically be true for Montana vs. NYC?

Why did she want to go to NY?
Yes, this one has been discussed before, but I'm still curious about it. If it was just about getting away from her past, why go all the way to NYC? Did she have a love of theater or something like that, which would make her want to end up in NYC (and specifically Manhatten, as she told Mac in "Zoo York") rather than LA, Chicago, etc? For the sake of the story, she couldn't have ended up anywhere else, but did they bother to come up with a reason why she would want NYC and nothing else?

How did she go about leaving?
Did she always plan to make her way to NY? Or maybe something on the job made her want to leave Bozeman? If it was something on the job, I'm inclined to think that it didn't have anything to do with her 'secret' (although I'm sure she saw a lot of things she'd like to forget)--anything she saw that reminded her of the 'secret' would be something that could potentially happen no matter where you live if you're doing that job, so leaving Montana wouldn't help. Even if she was always planning to leave, was there something that really set the move in motion?

I'm curious how long ago she applied to the lab in NYC, if she had only recently become available around the time Aiden was fired or if she had possibly sent her information along much earlier--perhaps Mac had been keeping her in the back of his mind for months or a year or something, and when a spot opened up there was only one choice as far as he was concerned--that could explain her quick addition to the team. Mac would have seen her resume along with anybody else who's application crossed his desk--maybe he was waiting for the right spot in the NYPD to open up before inviting her to join the lab, and Aiden leaving was the first chance to do so? I don't think Mac was wishing for anybody to leave so he could bring in someone else, but it's possible that he always kept people in the back of his mind, knowing how he values the integrity of the lab and that he would always want to have a good candidate in mind just-in-case...

Did her colleagues support the move?
Would the people she worked with in Montana have sneered at her wish to go to New York to be a CSI? Did they think she was being idealistic? Maybe they just generally thought the idea of her going to NYC was amusing. *shrug* Or maybe they supported her decision to make the move, knowing her past or that she was meant for bigger things...

Did she start in the lab and then move to being an actual CSI?
She strikes me as more of a scientist than a cop (and I believe Eddie Cahill said this in an interview a few months ago). Sometimes it seems like she doesn't have the same experience working with people that the others do. The scene with the little girl in "City of the Dolls" is an example of this. She also needed to know why in "Stealing Home," which indicates to me that perhaps she wasn't always asking questions that couldn't be answered--something like labwork would be more safe and predictable--you give me a sample, I test it, and the results tell you what you need to know. You can get DNA from something or you can't. There aren't as many gray areas like the type you get when human interaction is involved. I'd be interested to know if something similar was relevant to Lindsay and would explain some of the way she views the job...I also wonder if perhaps she was already in a science-related field, maybe working in a lab or something, when whatever her 'secret' is occurred and was the catalyst for a change in occupation. Her secret caused her to become a CSI, but that doesn't mean she wasn't already in a related field. (I'd like to know if she has a science degree or anything like that...)

Wow, that was long-winded. :lol:
kissmesweet said:
A. J. Buckley was there as well. I saw it on E! this year in August, I think. Sucks that the show wasn't nominated... NY deserves more recognition. Even David Caruso (speaking of, does it really say on the script to put your hands on your hips??!?!?!?) was nominated for Best Actor!! Grrr.

Caruso wasn't nominated for an Emmy this past year (or ever for Miami that I know of). I think you might want to check your facts.

Getting back to Lindsay, Anna or Zuiker (or both) said that the dark secret is kind of what opened Lindsay up to wanting to be a CSI. To me that suggests a quest for justice of some sort, so I'm curious to see how the secret motivated her to become a CSI.

I agree with Fay that she's more of a scientist than a cop--I think that's true of all of the CSIs on NY, with the possible exceptions of Mac and Stella. She does seem to find the science pretty cool, so I wonder if she ever saw it as the clincher in whatever personally affected her or if she is just naturally scientifically inclined.
but a sister or good girl friend, which would explain her issue with young girls who have been murdered.
I noticed that too... Especially with the Stealing Home case with the girl from Montana and Lindsay said, "Tell daddy I love him." when talking to the victim's father.

I think you might want to check your facts.
I've read that on a 100 Televisions Stars Special that People did. Sorry,
Faylinn said:
I want to know more about Lindsay before she came to NY, and I don't just mean the infamous 'deep, dark secret.'
Not only do I want to know more, but I think it will help the character develop and be more appreciated. She was just there one day and apart from some bits and pieces we indeed know (too) little about the why and how. And maybe shedding some light on her past (with or without ‘the secret’) will give enough insight into her character to have those who don’t like her that much to at least accept her being around.
How were things different being a CSI in Montana versus being one in NYC?
Did she start in the lab and then move to being an actual CSI?
Top41 said:
...Anna or Zuiker (or both) said that the dark secret is kind of what opened Lindsay up to wanting to be a CSI. To me that suggests a quest for justice of some sort, so I'm curious to see how the secret motivated her to become a CSI.
Judging by how she handles dealing with suspects and witnesses we can at least assume that she is not used to that. And that’s what I like in her interrogation scenes ;) She is clearly not feeling quite at ease while interrogating people, but she does do it with an adorable innocence.

And that can mean two things. Either she started in a lab and just a little while before her move to NY she became a CSI, so she hasn’t had a lot of time to get a grasp of what that career switch meant. Or she has been working as a CSI, but the line between CSI’s and detectives in Montana is much more defined.

As to why she became a CSI it can very well be that in a case very important to her a suspect was set free because the evidence was not conclusive.
Faylinn said:
Why did she want to go to NY?
How did she go about leaving?
Did her colleagues support the move?
I’m guessing (what else, we have no facts :D) that her move to NY has everything to do with ‘the secret’. It cannot be the cases, because there is crime everywhere and if she was afraid to be confronted by shocking crimes moving to NY would not be the way to avoid those.

Perhaps something happened in Montana that made her want to leave there as quickly as possible. And just when she started looking for a job somewhere else, Mac happened to fire Aiden. She applied and got the job that just happened to be in NY. Maybe even supported by some nice letter of recommendation because her old boss really appreciated her work and fully understood why she had to leave.

Or it could be as simple as the appeal NY has on a lot of people :)
I agree with Fay that she's more of a scientist than a cop--I think that's true of all of the CSIs on NY, with the possible exceptions of Mac and Stella. She does seem to find the science pretty cool, so I wonder if she ever saw it as the clincher in whatever personally affected her or if she is just naturally scientifically inclined.
I agree about Mac and Stella, although we know that Danny was also a cop, so he's somewhere in between. ;)

As for Lindsay, it does make you wonder why she chose a science-related field. If she was just looking for justice, she could have become a detective or a lawyer, but for some reason she became a CSI instead. Something that could be really interesting is if she never liked science and did poorly in those types of classes at school--then it would be possible that whatever motivated her to become a CSI was specifically related to not being able to prove what happened (with the 'secret' I mean) scientifically, so she pushed herself to understand the science and, in her own way, right what she saw to be a terrible injustice. I wonder if she thought she might someday be able to get justice for herself/her loved ones if she became a CSI. Maybe she thought that she could find the truth herself. If that's the case, then maybe when she got into it, and realized that even working as hard as she could that she'd never make it right, she felt that she had to leave Montana...

And that can mean two things. Either she started in a lab and just a little while before her move to NY she became a CSI, so she hasn’t had a lot of time to get a grasp of what that career switch meant. Or she has been working as a CSI, but the line between CSI’s and detectives in Montana is much more defined.
I'm inclined to think it's probably more the latter than the former. She's supposedly been a CSI for three years before coming to NY, and if the job was exactly the same, I don't think she'd be so awkward doing the same job in a different city.

This could also explain the way she sometimes grabs a suspect and won't let go--maybe she collected and processed evidence, but the actual whodunnit was left up to other people (maybe detectives, maybe other CSIs). It could also explain why she didn't have a gun last season--her job didn't require it in Montana, so she didn't immediately get a firearm when she joined the NY lab. Maybe over the hiatus she got the license to carry one (or whatever it takes, I sure as hell don't know :lol:), because doesn't she carry a gun now?

And maybe shedding some light on her past (with or without ‘the secret’) will give enough insight into her character...
That's what I'm thinking. The way they're portraying her now, it's as if she is totally defined by this 'secret,' when realistically there has to be so much more to the character than that. It might have a large effect on who she is and why she chose this particular career, and even why she's in NYC in the first place, but it's not the only event that shaped her life.

She applied and got the job that just happened to be in NY...Or it could be as simple as the appeal NY has on a lot of people
True. Perhaps she thought of where to go and NY just seemed like the farthest she could get from Montana both physically and mentally, to distance herself from whatever it was she wanted to escape.

See, this type of thing is much more interesting to me than what we've seen for Lindsay so far. If the writers could give us glimpses into who she is and why she is the way she is, then it would make the character so much more believable and likeable. (And if we can do it on a message board, I know the writers can do it on the show. ;))
Whether or not Lindsay applied right before Aiden got fired or if it was 6 months to a year before that. You have Stella in 'Zoo York' say that the blood work on a big case (forget the name she mentioned) was what Mac was intereted in her for the job in NY for. Hope that helps. ;)
Yeah, Stella said that her attention to detail is what put her on Mac's radar (or something similar). I wonder if perhaps Mac heard of the case and might have even specifically requested her to consider a job in NYC? That would be an interesting take on it. "Hi, I'm Mac Taylor, we have an opening, want to move to the other side of the country and join our lab?" :lol:

Or maybe he saw her application amongst the others that he was considering and remembered the case, so it made her catch his eye as a potential replacement.

But at the same time, I keep thinking of the way she was treated like a rookie initially, as if she'd never done the job before, despite being a CSI for three years. Maybe if they'd specify how her previous job differed from the one she has now, it wouldn't be so confusing. :lol:
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