Anna/Lindsay thread #3- "Hello, Ms. Monroe"

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So I got my 12/4-12/10 issue of TV Guide with Melina and Gary on the cover.

Little tid bits that had to do with Anna/Lindsay that were in the article were:
"Street smart investigator Danny Messer (Carmine Giovinazzo) has developed an unrequited crush this season on his ranch-bred colleague, Lindsay (Anna Belknap). "It's one of these flirting-despite-yourself relationships," says Belknap, who explains that the story line actually developed behind the scenes last season when she and Giovinazzo mistakenly bumped into each other in the drug-processing lab. "We awkardly turned around and said, 'Oh, oh, sorry, sorry,' and everyone said, 'Ooo, that's so great! Let's play up that chemistry.'"
In real life, Belknap is married to actor Eric Siegel and pregnant with her first child, due in January. Initially, the writers talked about incorporating the pregnancy into the show, but as Belknap points out, "People who do this job for real cant work around so many chemicals when they're pregnant." The actress says she intends to return to the show after a brief maternity leave.

and under things you dont know about CSI:NY they had: Before she became an actor, Anna Belknap worked at clambakes in her native Maine. The key to flavor? "Cooking it all in seaweed," she says.

They had like 2 sentences on whats upcoming for lindsay character, i would post but I dont know how to incorporate the spoiler box so its invisible to others who dont want to see. I am slowly uploading the whole article to post in the spoiler thread but i have dial up, its taking me a while.

The only pic of Carmine and Anna in the article , its small
Calleygirl said:
...The actress says she intends to return to the show after a brief maternity leave...
They had like 2 sentences on whats upcoming for lindsay character
Ah, thanks for posting this!! It sounds awesome. I'm so curious about what they've said about the upcoming events. Hope it's up in the spoiler thread soon!!
Um, I fail to see how two people bumping into each other indicates that the characters they play have chemistry...maybe that's part of the problem, that leap of logic they made. :rolleyes: I can't help but wonder how much better Lindsay's character would be, how much more development she would have, if they'd never done that...

Anyway, as for Lindsay herself, since this isn't a ship thread and I'm slipping again, I'll be interested to read what they had in there for her when you get it uploaded Calleygirl. :)

My birthday is in January--wonder what the odds are that her baby will share my birthday? :lol:
I think their reaction to bumping into each other is the indication of their chemistry, not the actual bumping into each other...

I'm just guessing!
^My Birthday's in January too. I wonder what chance there is that the baby will be born on January 20. That would be awesome to share a b-day with Anna's baby. Does anyone know if the baby is a boy or a girl?
Ok i finally got the TV guide article up at the spoiler thread!

Dont get too excited about the Lindsay news, cause its not anything too much or specific, but hey better then nothing right!

Hey pretty in pink my birthday is January 20 too!
I think their reaction to bumping into each other is the indication of their chemistry, not the actual bumping into each other...
My point was that it happened between Anna and Carmine, so how does that say something about Danny and Lindsay? The actors aren't the characters, that's the whole point, the character is a completely different person. And is that meant to imply that they thought Carmine and Anna had romantic chemistry? That's strange. I can see friendship chemistry sure, these actors all get along amazingly well together, but for a single (IMO unimpressive) reaction to shape so much of what's done during a season is just...haphazard...

Of course, if I bump into someone and apologize, do we have chemistry too? That's fun! ;)

Dont get too excited about the Lindsay news, cause its not anything too much or specific, but hey better then nothing right!
I suppose they thought the 'romance' was more interesting. Oh well, let's just hope that the show itself explores Lindsay more and her character doesn't keep getting short-changed the way she has with the storylines she's been given so far.
My point was that it happened between Anna and Carmine, so how does that say something about Danny and Lindsay? The actors aren't the characters, that's the whole point, the character is a completely different person.

That's true, you're totally right in that point.

My point was that they were probably trying to incorporate some of the offscreen stuff to the onscreen moments.

Although, to me their first encounter had some good chemistry where Danny told her to call Mac "sir."

I liked the scene later when Danny winked and called Lindsay "Montana."
Of course, if I bump into someone and apologize, do we have chemistry too? That's fun!

I'm gonna have to try that now.. :lol:

But back to the actual bumping together of Anna and Carmine. Maybe they realized that actors had chemistry together, therefore it would be easier for the two characters to have chemistry together. I don't think that it meant Anna and Carmine had romantic chemistry, just friendship chemistry, which TPTB thought they could play off of. That's my feeling.

In all honesty, I hope Lindsay's character goes both ways- We get more backstory on her, but, I hope she has a relationship too. If you read the small tidbit of article from the TV guide dedicated to our show, it'll explain why I think that. That's all I'll say.
I can see friendship chemistry between any of the actors and characters on this show. Romantic chemistry, on the other hand, is a different story. To think that friendship chemistry between two people would translate to romantic chemistry between two characters is a leap that professional show-runners should know better than to make. Putting two people who could have a very strong (and interesting, dynamic, unique, etc) friendship into scenes with 'flirty' dialogue isn't always going to work. There's a difference.

My point was that they were probably trying to incorporate some of the offscreen stuff to the onscreen moments.
I agree, I just don't personally think it worked out the way they planned. :rolleyes:

Although, to me their first encounter had some good chemistry where Danny told her to call Mac "sir."

I liked the scene later when Danny winked and called Lindsay "Montana."
I think there was a great opportunity for a little rivalry between these two, a determination on Danny's part to dislike Lindsay because he and Aiden were good friends, but then finding that he could be friends with her too, etc. Why does 'chemistry' always have to be exploited for potential romance? Two people can't care for each other without wanting to date? It really just baffles me.

In all honesty, I hope Lindsay's character goes both ways- We get more backstory on her, but, I hope she has a relationship too.
And I still wish that the writers would consider Lindsay all on her own, and give her character the attention she deserves to become a well-fleshed-out person with nuances and a dynamic (and settled) personality. The small amount of personal development each character gets each season doesn't add up to very much in total, and Lindsay needs a lot more development than a few episodes will allow for--and she needs that development before a relationship should even be considered, much less one that could potentially become a train-wreck involving two main characters.

*headdesk* I'm beginning to think that it is, indeed, impossible to have a discussion about Lindsay. Just Lindsay. Without Danny. Because we can't seem to manage it. And that speaks volumes, IMHO.
I would agree with you there Fay and I do wish I could do that as well. I just don't think we have a lot to talk about necessarily. A lot of good Lindsay moments happen to be around Danny, whether they're to be taken Danny-ish or not. As much as I like talking about the two, a good convo about Lindsay would certainly be entertaining.

Your also right about how we as fans shouldn't take the word "chemistry" as a romance term. I think a friendship term should come first. Let me clear up that I don't think all of us make that assumption, I'm sure we all have though for other ships in other places. I think it is (IMO) indisputable that Linds and Danny have a very good chemistry together as friends. I think it's when a romance chemistry comes in do people start to form disagreements. Unless they don't like Lindsay as a character, but that's not important for this convo.

...and she needs that development before a relationship should even be considered, much less one that could potentially become a train-wreck involving two main characters.

This is a huge thing with shipping with me. I like these two characters together apart, whatever. If they get involved romantically together, it's either going to end or stay. Either way the dynamic of the two characters will be altered, which could be bad for the show in general. I do see where you are coming from on this one too, Fay.

In the end, (I'll say this again as I have many times before) I'd rather see Lindsay progress alone before anything else. Right now it's hard to picture that because we know so little about her character. All we really have to go on is the way she acts, and a majority of the time it's the way she acts around Danny, which is clotted by flirtiness.

OT: I feel like a horrible shipper right now.. :eek:
I'm looking forward to the rest of the season, to see more Lindsay on her own - without Danny as a romantic interest. I have to say, I'm glad they had a little discussion to state for sure they were going to hold off on gettng involved.

I think it would have been great to develop those two as friends first and develop Lindsay as her own character. Then, maybe, in the next season or two, see a romance develop.

But a lot of times (and this just happened at my workplace) a new person gets caught up with someone who has been there for a while and is only associated at all in conversation unless the longer employed person is mentioned.

(If that last part didn't make sense I'm sorry!! :confused: )
I like these two characters together apart, whatever. If they get involved romantically together, it's either going to end or stay. Either way the dynamic of the two characters will be altered, which could be bad for the show in general.
Exactly. Something is going to change. Sometimes it will be good, but there are always negative consequences as well. Liking the dynamic between two people is great, but if that dynamic changes, they can't assume that it will be in a way that works for everyone...

OT: I feel like a horrible shipper right now..
:confused: Why on earth would you feel like a bad shipper? I'm a Danny/Flack shipper, as everybody knows by now I'm sure, and if they ever were to make the ship canon I'd know two things: 1.) Hell had frozen over :p, and 2.) It wouldn't be the same. There's no way that writers for popular television would do the relationship justice, I just don't have that kind of faith in them at this point. And let me tell you something: I ship those two because I love them. First and foremost I love Danny and Flack as separate characters, with their talents and flaws and personalities, and I wouldn't ship them if I didn't. So the most important thing for me isn't having it on the show, it's having those two characters stay true to themselves and be developed on the show. The rest I can do in my imagination. If they had a canon relationship, and it screwed with one or both of their characters, you can bet that I'd be one of the first people protesting it. Shipping is something I love to do, but I don't want it to make me accept anything less than the best from the characters, who are the reason I ship in the first place.

Wanting Lindsay to be developed, especially if that means outside of a relationship with Danny, is just a sign that the character is important to you. If her only importance were as half of a ship, then she'd be nothing more than a glorified Mary-Sue and we'd all be wasting our time, including Anna. *shrug*

If that last part didn't make sense I'm sorry!!
I'll admit, I didn't really get it. Could you explain it in a different way? Are you saying that a new person can come into a workplace (etc) and by getting involved with someone in the new place, everyone else only thinks of them with relation to that person? I can see what you mean, but the writers should have known to avoid that with Lindsay. She was a great character in the beginning, consider how strong the character could be in the team if they'd stuck with that girl we saw in "Zoo York" and ran with the way she interacted with them all then? Banter with Danny (which is similar to what he had with Aiden, but not identical or repetitive, since Lindsay and Aiden are very different and would have different reactions), perhaps a big-sister relationship with Stella, working hard to please Mac and proving that she deserved the job...was the 'chemistry' in that uh-oh moment really worth sacrificing all of that possibility?
Hi everyone! I miss Season 2 Lindsay too. :( We see so little of her in the past several episodes. I'm excited to see the old Lindsay back after Anna gets back from her maternity leave. :)

kissmesweet nice picture! One of the best Lindsay moment, I'd say. :D
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