Anna/Lindsay thread #3- "Hello, Ms. Monroe"

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So Anna's due in January... I -knew- that "early spring" was too far-fetched.

I have to say the tidbit about Carmine and Anna had me laughing for a moment, and then as some of you have already pointed out I was like "what does that have to do with the characters???"

I don't want to be repetitive since you guys already (and beautifully, I might add) put into words what I'm thinking but someone should let the writers know that Lindsay and Danny are two separate entities that should be left like that.

And maybe, maybe after Lindsay's big secret is revealed, we will see a glimpse of the girl we saw when she was first introduced to the show.
I'm pretty glad she's due in Jan. Cause then she'll be back sooner. Great english there.. my bad guys.. :rolleyes:

You're right again Fay, I would certainly see Lindsay develop more independently than with Danny. It just feel weird to say that... I don't feel as guilty though now that I know I'm not alone.. :)
I don't feel as guilty though now that I know I'm not alone..
Damn you, Radical. *pout* (*sings under her breath* "You are not alooooooone...I am here with yoooooou..." *grumble* Where did that friggin' song come from? :rolleyes:) :p

And maybe, maybe after Lindsay's big secret is revealed, we will see a glimpse of the girl we saw when she was first introduced to the show.
I hope so too. :)

Hehe, I just found this picture in my Photobucket account. :lol:

Little Bunny Foo Foo, hopping through the forest...
Faylinn said:
Hehe, I just found this picture in my Photobucket account. :lol:

Little Bunny Foo Foo, hopping through the forest...

:lol: :lol:

That picture totally just made my day! :D I miss that Lindsay so much! BTW... that other finger better catch up 'cause for a second there she looks like she's flipping off the camera :lol:

I also wish we'd see more of Lindsay referring back to her Montana days... as with "Stealing Home" when Sid couldn't figure out how that girl got those scars on her hands and Lindsay was smiling when she knew they were from rope braiding. I thought that scene was so great... minus the Danny comment from Sid. Sorry, I sail no ship.
I'm glad the picture made you laugh, CSI808. :lol:

BTW... that other finger better catch up 'cause for a second there she looks like she's flipping off the camera
I know, I saw that after I saved the picture. :p One side is bunny-foo-foo fun and games, and the other side is all f***-off business. :lol:

I also wish we'd see more of Lindsay referring back to her Montana days...
Exactly, personally and professionally. A woman who's about 30 (since we don't know the character's age) has done and seen a lot--tell us more about it! ;)

Thanks Fay. I feel better now..
You feel better, but I've still got that damn Michael Jackson song stuck in my head. *headdesk*
Thanks very much. I burst out laughing... thank goodness I'm alone right now... I've been caught WAY too many times laughing to myself on this site...

That's from that phone sex chat scene with Danny, right?
I'm going mad... i haven't seen a single CSI NY episode in about 2 months...

*gestures fingers, bunny foo-foo stlye*
Sigh... :(
kissmesweet said:
^^ I know. She was so fun and laid back, back then. :(

And I hope when Anna gets back they give Lindsay a new haircut or like the one that she had in the first several episodes of Season 2. I kinda miss that straight hair look. :)
^ I kinda miss the straight-hair too. Although now I've grown quite fond of the wavy hair.

My friend gave me a total Lindsay moment last night. We were sitting down at a restaurant and talking about what we want from life and such. She knows I wanna move off this island so bad. So she asked me where I wanna end up living after college. I told her I think I've decided on Colorado. She said... and I quote... "Colorado? Hmmmm, I don't know why, but I think I see you in Montana." And giggled a little bit openly. She knows I'm a total CSI freak, but I didn't really wanna explain the whole Lindsay/Montana thing. So I smiled widely to myself on the inside and that totally made my night! Just thought I'd share!
The straight hair was nice, yeah. :) I liked the look she had early on in S2.

Love the Montana moment, CSI808. :lol: I have to say I'd love to visit the state myself. I've looked at pictures of Bozeman and it's a beautiful place. I definitely recommend that everybody Google it. :p
If I ever go to the US, I'll head for New York first, then probably Montana... hehhee...

Anybody else get a funny feeling whenever you hear or see that Disney series, Hannah Montana? :lol:
Straight hair Lindsay is the newbie Lindsay. I remember all the teasing and getting stuck with the job nobody wants to do. Hehe. :)

CSI808 - :D at your Lindsay moment. It reminded me of my friend who's also a CSI freak.
I kinda miss that straight hair look
Pretty, but I like her hair wavy better. It looks really good. :)

I've looked at pictures of Bozeman
I visited there, in the past summer after visiting Yellowstone. It's a beautiful place. I can most definitely see "Montana" in Montana. :)

I remember all the teasing and getting stuck with the job nobody wants to do. Hehe.
Me too. I remember when she was looking for evidence in the lube pool with the stripper case and she was like "Funny how a little lube speeds up the processing. " and before that she was like "Let me know what you find... I'll go get my boots." The rookie always gets stuck with the jobs no one wants to do. :lol: Even in the first 2 eps of Season 2, when Hawkes first came in-- he was doing all of the dirty jobs! :) It's always nice to see the detectives out there and working.
its honestly been forever and a day since I've posted in here, and even now, its like 'wow, got 500 things to get done' so, anyway, I just thought I'd toss out there a ltitle tid-bit of info on Colleges in Montana and where Lindsay probably went to school. From what I've found and seen in the past 2 weeks that I've been doing research (I'm moving to Montana because I got accepted to a few colleges out there and was offered a scholarship for one... how awesome is that??), anyway, I know everyone was like "oh, Linds went to MSU" (Montana State) which, a part of MSU is in Bozeman, so its asumed thats where she went, BUT! University of Great Falls is the only place that offers a degree in Criminal Justice, which is what she'd probably need in order to become a CSI - Yes, theres training involved obviously, and you need to be a "street cop" for so many years before you're allowed to become anything else, but, just thought I'd toss that in there for all of ya... :)
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