Anna/Lindsay thread #3- "Hello, Ms. Monroe"

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8. A case that didn't provide many answers--perhaps it remains unsolved.
Yeah, that really stuck out and the part where she says she won't be with Danny for.

It has to be one big problem, if she blew him off. :lol:

My theory: I think that maybe her father had abused her and her siblings(?) and then he had killed Lindsay's sister or something like that and Lindsay was put onto that case. (Her boss was an idiot...) and she found out that it was her father and had to tell her own mother that and maybe that's why she doesn't really trust men...

We need to let up on the sadness, and get the Lindsay laughs back.
Hands down! I'm all for that. I miss the lighter and funner Lindsay. The Lindsay who'd often give Mac and Stella little science demonstrations. The Lindsay who would banter with her co-workers and would smile a little. :) She's gorgeous when she smiles.


From Oedipus Hex. :)
I love when she smiles. She's so pretty. Was Oedipus Hex the last time we saw her smile? is so that's sad, really sad. She brightens up the screen.. :(
Radical618 said:
I love when she smiles. She's so pretty. Was Oedipus Hex the last time we saw her smile? is so that's sad, really sad. She brightens up the screen.. :(
I think it was. She has hardly had any substantial screentime after that. And if she was there, it was all work and no fun :(

I hope the 'sparkling' Lindsay will return asap. We need her back!!! :D :D
Hi there,
All these theories, there is another one that might have occured. I don't remember the episode, (maybe someone does) but Lindsay was looking at a picture of a man on her computer, and when someone came near her, she quickly turned it off. Maybe she had either a boyfriend or a husband or a brother, and her work as a CSI somehow got him killed, and the mother of the man would not forgive Lindsay, after she told them the news of why he was killed. That's my theory anyway.
(This isn't in reponse to a specific person or post, just what I'm thinking ;))

Am I the only one who hopes that the resolution of her 'secret' isn't all about the Danny hook-up? Maybe she doesn't want to get into a relationship right now, whatever, but I really think discovering more about her character should be all about LINDSAY, not anything to do with Danny...Lindsay has basically gotten jack-shit so far on her own, so maybe she's due to get some Lindsay-time, not just get over her secret so she can hook up with Danny. If they're going to get them together, they'll eventually get them together, but at this point I think giving Lindsay a well-rounded character is a hell of a lot more important than doing the cutesy lovey-dovey crap. The show is only in its third season, what's the rush? Is it worth short-changing her character again just to up the romance factor when they already have an established relationship? Unless the writers don't think fans can enjoy the character on her own. *shrug* I might be in the minority, but I'd rather they give me things to like about the character on her own rather than try to sell a romance to me...

If we simply must consider her turning Danny down--maybe it didn't have anything to do with her 'deep dark secret'--maybe she just didn't feel like she was mentally in a place where she could be in a relationship, or maybe she just doesn't want to deal with that in addition to work and other personal stuff. A person can be complete without being in a romantic relationship, and maybe she just doesn't want to deal with that right now. *shrug*

I agree that we need to get the more humourous scenes from Lindsay soon. I know she's barely been around lately, but she doesn't have to be ho-hum while she's in the background. A character like Adam proves that a little bit of screentime can go a long way when the scenes are memorable. ;)

Oh, and maybe I missed this scene or something, but how is a shotgun possibly significant to her secret? :confused:
ITA, Fay :cool:

In the first few episodes you can see her true character [from what little we knew about her at that point] she was sharp, outgoing, and confident but then when TPTB started the flirting and the looks and such with Danny, her character did a 180' and changed into someone different. She became less confident and more dependent on other people. They should've waited a while, and developed her character on its own before making her a "love interest". (copied this from a post I made before about Lindsay)

While I'm not opposed to the idea of them having a relationship on the show (I think they're cute), they need to develop her more and reveal more of who she is before they add another layer to her.

It's great to have little mystery to a character, look at Mac or Grissom, etc. but TPTB are totally dropping the ball with Lindsay's story. They're very much all over the place. For example, in "Manhattan Manhunt" she stated she's seen some extremely graphic and gory crime scenes in Montana, but in "Hung Out To Dry", she seems shocked and almost rookie-like when she sees the crimes scenes. Where's the continuity fairy, she seems to be MIA.

I just hope, when the writers do bring Lindsay's past into the open that they don't have it one episode and ship her off to Montana and she comes back all smiles and sunshine. It's just be a cop-out, IMO.

Unless the writers don't think fans can enjoy the character on her own.

Maybe the writers thought that pairing her up with the most popular character (Danny) would give her more of an audience and create a larger fanbase for the character. I think they went a little too far in some parts because most of the negative-Lindsay comments came after all the D/L stuff came to a head.


But I always saw that as a way to highlight differences between someone very "New Yorker" and someone from another place.

Gotta agree with that. A lot of people (Carmine included ;) ) mention that they like the City Boy vs. Country Girl dynamic, as do I. It's only natural (and definitely fun to watch!) for someone to tease the newbies. I get teased all the time by my new friends because I just moved into a new neighbourhood and I have no idea what's going on sometimes :lol:
Am I the only one who hopes that the resolution of her 'secret' isn't all about the Danny hook-up? Maybe she doesn't want to get into a relationship right now, whatever, but I really think discovering more about her character should be all about LINDSAY, not anything to do with Danny...Lindsay has basically gotten jack-shit so far on her own, so maybe she's due to get some Lindsay-time, not just get over her secret so she can hook up with Danny. If they're going to get them together, they'll eventually get them together, but at this point I think giving Lindsay a well-rounded character is a hell of a lot more important than doing the cutesy lovey-dovey crap.

I think sometimes as shippers we get a little 'shipper focused' that sometimes we want characters together so much we focus on the relationship. I don't just think that Lindsay should be defined by Danny. I think she has a lot of great qualities and traits, and I'd like to see those come into focus. I think the writers enjoy focusing on the D/L relationship because (IMO only) I think the writers see something special there.

I don't think that the writers feel she is solely defined by Danny nor do I think that Lindsay's fans only like her when she's around Danny. Yes, it's true a lot of Lindsay's experiences and development has been around Danny. But I always saw that as a way to highlight differences between someone very "New Yorker" and someone from another place. And of course, I would have liked to have seen her around other characters last season, but now the writers are trying to remedy that. I don't think they just stuck her together with a popular character to make her popular. If she wasn't working out on the show they would have just let her go. It's not like Hollywood is full of sympathetic people not wanting to tell a nice actress to hit the road. They wouldn't have hestistated to get rid of her.

I think the writers are kind of in limbo about what to do right until Anna goes on maternity leave. That's why I'm hoping that they will resolve this 'past' issue and let her move on...not only just for shipper issues but for Lindsay the character. I don't think that they will just focus on the D/L relationship (although I'm a hardcore shipper). But then again, I'm optimistic.

As far as the shotgun issue---when I made the list I was strickly going by what people had talked about and mentioned about her past. I put a question mark next to it because I still am not sure about the shotgun myself. :)

While development for a character is good, I have to agree with Allstar that a little mystery with a character is also a good thing. But I understand how people want to know more about someone and often that can get frustrating. ;)
I think the only thing her secret has to do with Danny and their 'relationship' (which I like btw ;)) is that for some reason (which we unfortunately still don't know :() she cannot handle her emotions right now.

She's all worked up about something that is keeping her from being happy and taking her life to a next level and seems kinda unhappy with everything at the moment.

And a possible explanation as to why the character has changed since the first episodes (although to me the change is not as dramatic as others seem to think) is that she, perhaps, just came to NY to start over, find happiness (and possibly a -new- partner) but her past keeps interfering.

And she did say she has seen some horrific scenes, but since the killings in HotD shocked everyone (and I can imagine they've all seen some horror), I don't think that's a good example of how their juggling her character :D
Am I the only one who hopes that the resolution of her 'secret' isn't all about the Danny hook-up?

I agree with you Fay, as much as I want DL to hook up, I want Linds to flourish as a character as well, possiblt more than Dl hooking up, shocking I know. :p She needs this epiphany or whatever, it'll o her good.
I think I'm just in a really sour mood tonight, so I hope I'm not coming across as a total bitch. :lol:

I'm still hearing a lot about Danny and Lindsay hooking up, as if Lindsay should be developed but that the only possible future use of this is so she can be in a relationship with Danny. But I think know what you guys are trying to say. Maybe it's because I don't support whatever that clusterfuck was, but I'm not even the slightest bit excited about the writers going back to that after Anna's maternity leave. I know it's popular with fans, but I cannot, for the life of me, grasp the appeal. Maybe it's because the 'chemistry' alludes me, regardless of what dialogue the writers put into Danny's mouth. It's not the words that tell me when two people should be together, it's the interaction between the characters, and the writers need to do more than just insert dialogue to really make this believable for me. But then, I just don't know that I'll ever see it, because I don't get that feeling with these two characters. Maybe it's the acting, I don't know. That's not to say Anna and Carmine don't have good non-romantic chemistry or aren't great friends, I've heard nothing but wonderful things about Anna, but when it comes to what happens between them onscreen, I'm just not buying into it.

When Lindsay's secret is revealed, and she is able to move on from the events in her past that are limiting her now, whatever they are, I don't want that to be the go-ahead for Danny/Lindsay. That's not the point, for me. Once she's moved on from her past, I'd like to see her friendship develop with Stella, I want her to become a seamless part of the team (which I don't think she is, even after a year), I'd like to see her really take charge of some aspect of being a CSI that she'll excell at, I want her to prove herself as an investigator, I'd like to see her show how being from outside the big city gives her an edge and a different perspective--none of that has to do with a romantic relationship, and they could spend several seasons just developing her character in the ways that I've said. I think it's strange to assume that she has to be in a romantic relationship, or that she even feels that she needs to be. Maybe she's come to a point in her life where she feels that she needs to concentrate on number-one rather than putting so much of herself into a relationship with someone else--particularly if she put so much of her time and energy into other people in the past (romantic or otherwise). I know that relationships on these shows are often heavy-handed and poorly handled, but while they need to show functional romances, they also need to show that romance isn't the only way to feel complete.

Every ship on this show is followed and loved and discussed without any kind of canon proof that it definitely will happen or even that there's any chance in hell that the writers would ever consider such a thing--I'm a slash fan, I know this all too well. Just because the writers toyed with the D/L thing last season doesn't mean that it needs to be on the show to be worthwhile. It is one of many possibilities that the writers could choose, but maybe it's because I follow a ship that isn't going to happen, but I think it's kind of sad that so many people seem to need their ship to be canon in order to truly enjoy it. *shrug*

Anyway, away from the shipping...

They've handled Lindsay's character horribly since Anna got pregnant, which shouldn't have been that difficult for them. Haven't they ever written a character's part around the specific challenges inherent when an actress gets pregnant?

As I mentioned before, a character like Adam (or Hammerback) gets scenes that are just gems in the episodes. A good Adam scene can make the episode for me, seeing Hammerback deliver some lines flawlessly can increase my enjoyment of an episode ten-fold. Decreasing Anna's screentime shouldn't have meant that her scenes were lacking the same quality. Anna has proven that she's great in light-hearted scenes, they should have used that. Yes, Lindsay is dealing with personal stuff, but even when life isn't going your way, sometimes you still laugh. Or maybe give us the sense that she's burying herself in work to avoid dealing with her demons or something--anything to give more depth to the character. When you're watching a scene and you're able to concentrate on the camera angles and how they're covering up a pregnant stomach, that's a sign--they should put extra effort into those scenes to give them more bang, so that I only think about them covering up her stomach later on, not when I'm watching the scene. :rolleyes: It just takes you out of the story, and that's never a good thing.
I agree with Fay. I don't honestly think that her secret is to DO with her boyfriend or husband or whatever. I think it could be something ELSE, something very tragic which she wants to figure out before... anything was to happen, like her entering into a relationship.
Fay, a big WORD to your post. I sail no ship, and have always loved Lindsay as a character on her own. The Montana CSI who chased down bad guys and gave them a run for their money.

Speaking of chasing... when Anna is done being pregnant, I think I'd like to see Lindsay chase down a perp with Flack instead of him running with Mac or Danny. And having Lindsay catch the perp instead of Flack. I think that would make for some witty banter and snarkiness. But that's just me. :)

Anyways, reveal secret, move on, and give me back the happy Lindsay!

.... or at least the one with the bow-and-arrow :D
Anyways, reveal secret, move on, and give me back the happy Lindsay!

.... or at least the one with the bow-and-arrow
That was so cute! She looked like she was having the time of her life while shooting. I miss her up-and-ready attitute... Even in the beginning of season 3, we were missing that a little! I want to see the funner and determined side again.
I sail no ship, and have always loved Lindsay as a character on her own.
Thanks, that's what I was getting at. So much of the discussion of Lindsay seems to be about how she can move on not for her own sake, but so she can be in a relationship. :) I want Lindsay to get development for herself. ;)

And having Lindsay catch the perp instead of Flack.
Hehe, Flack falls down maybe and Lindsay just takes down the guy like 'thanks Flack, but I got it.' :lol: ('Cause Flack is a bit clutzy lately.)
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