Anna/Lindsay thread #3- "Hello, Ms. Monroe"

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Radical618 said:
Laugh's at my banner.. perfect example of the folder right there.. :lol:

You dork... but it works. We all know Anna's pregnant, but they can't let us see it cause then they'd have to figure out a way to either write her being pregnant or something wrong with her.
in announcer voice
Breaking news from the break room. It seems Detective Lindsay Monroe has been enjoying a little too much break time in her current weight gain. Or is it something more? More on his story after "smelling substances" with Adam.
iheartnickcath said:
they'd have to figure out a way to either write her being pregnant or something wrong with her.

I couldn't even begin to imagine what they would write in as "something wrong with her". :eek:
Fave Linds moment.. Bad Beat when she's in the Dumpster and she says:
"Ya see now, that's a shame."
"What's a shame?"
"Somebody went and threw away a perfectly good shotgun."

And of course:
"Funny how a little lube speeds up the procesing."

"Footage from you 30th birthday Messer?"
"Walrus documenatry."
"One of the is Tara Stansfield."
"Who's the other walrus?" (tilts head)

A lot more, but, I'm done... for now! :p
I just watched Bad Beat last night, and she was so cute. I like how she was kinda snarky to Mac while she was in the dumpster and when she told him what GHB was :lol:
That was so good- I love that eppy (I watched it too :D) The GHB part makes me laugh... the way he answers her is funny too.
ILuvJonathanTogo we don't mind if you join in. Just throw yourself into it's not hard. Bad beat just gives you a great sense of what her humor is. Love it.
Ah I can't wait to go back to great Lindsay moments like that. TPTB better make it up to us by giving us a whole lot of it!
^She's right, there's always room for more! :)

And I agree with you all--she was great in 'Bad Beat.' I loved the snarky dumpster scene. Zachary Reiter wrote that episode. He did a great job with the going back and forth scenes between Flack in the apartment complex and Lindsay in the dumpster. They are great at snarkiness. She was also quite funny in the 'walrus' scene. ;)

Okay, here's what we know about Lindsay's past (at least so far). Whoever can piece the correct scenario (that actually turns out to be true) wins a big, hot batch of brownies. Yes, we give out food here. :D

Lindsay's Past:
1. Very bloody
2. More than likely involves more than one victim.
3. Young woman/en
4. Mothers
5. 911 call
6. a shotgun?
7. Possible jealous ex-lover (I'm taking that from "Love Run Cold")
8. A case that didn't provide many answers--perhaps it remains unsolved.
9. Something that Lindsay can't let go of or that haunts her.
10. A situation that interferes with relationships--romantic or friendship.

Anything else? :confused:

Have fun! :cool: :cool:
Alright audacity, thanks for posting that list because it's a lot easier to take a guess when you see the clues right in front of you. So here's my new theory...

Lindsay had an ex-boyfriend who she broke up with. He then went on a rampage and probably killed a young girl. When he had to confront the mother about what happened and why, the mother went and killed herself, blaming Lindsay in the process and Lindsay has not been able to forgive herself since.

How's that sound?
They owe us Lindsay Laughs.. (ha ha that's good) Those are some of the funniest moments in the whole show. I miss them soo much.. protest anyone?
Maybe the scenario involves a forgiving father, one who didn't take things so bad, so Lindsay isn't uncomfortable talking to fathers. As stated, it's mothers she has trouble telling things to.
Aah Aud thanks for that list!! It's great and I think it includes all that we at least know upsets her for some reason.

I started combining a few things and here's my guess:

What if she had a younger sister, who oppose to Lindsay had a great relationship with a wonderful guy. And while Lindsay is determined to have a career as a cop/CSI the whole family is pushing her to be more like her sister and find a husband and start a family too. But Lindsay insists she wants to be a cop/CSI to help people :)

Then one day she and her colleagues go to a scene cause some woman made a 911 call claiming that her husband has abused her before, but this time she's really scared he's gonna kill her. He has followed her to the mall and is threatening her and other people there. When they arrive at the scene Lindsay finds out that her brother in law has shot her sister in rage because he suspected her of cheating and he took down some other people too :(

She then has to be the one to tell her parents. And they get angry at her, because she wanted to be a cop to help people, but she could not even save her own sister :( :(

I know, it's a sad story and I hope it's not true, but if it is I win my brownies :D and at least Lindsay had a very good reason to act the way she did :(

And after all that sadness I too vote for more Lindsay Laughs (good one :lol: Rad)
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