Anna/Lindsay thread #3- "Hello, Ms. Monroe"

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I'm thinking Boy too, if that makes you feel any better kissmesweet I think she'd be good with a boy. A girl would be so cute though.... oh I love babies..
she is "glowing" as pregnant women tend to do.. :) Shes always been very pretty, but pregnancy adds a certain 'something' to a woman, I'm so happy for her. I'm glad we got to see more of her in last nights episode. I dont know, I'm going to go with a girl... theres all those old wives tales and myths about you can tell if your having a girl/boy by the foods you eat, the way you carry the baby, etc. I read alot about it during my physiology/anatomy class and a little during one of my 'Science of the body' classes last year...kinda weird, but made for some interesting 'ice breakers' when I meet new people, lol. Congrats to her and her hubby again.
Yeah, I'm thinking a girl too. Wasn't it if the baby sits higher it's a girl? I think. Anyways, I'd go with a girl. Ooohhh!! I was just thinking of her holding the baby in the hospital with her husband there. YEEEEEEE!!! I'm so excited!!
Yeah, I'm thinking a girl too. Wasn't it if the baby sits higher it's a girl?
No that’s for a boy. Are we going to have some betting pool for what she’s going to have, cause my vote goes for a boy :D
Lindsay on last nights episode; she seemed to be stuck in the lab a lot, I found her expression funny when Mac was yelling at Hawkes…poor Hawkes.
Okay, back to Lindsay, not that I didn't like talking about Anna and her pregnancy, but I just miss talking about Linds so much!

She was so cute in Stuck on You when Mac asked her to try to shoot with the bow and arrow even though she didn't have any experience.

^ OOOHHH!!! That's my favorite Lindsay moment! That was so awesome when she shot the arrow and wanted to shoot another one.
So Anna is indeed pregnant. I hope she and her husband will have a cute and healthy baby. :D

After the latest episode, I'm glad we're still seeing a lot of Lindsay in spite of the pregnancy. I love the part when she wanted to leave the room when Mac is lecturing Hawkes but Mac told her something like..No, you stay here." She's like a kid there. :)
imaguestage said:
If they aren't already on Christmas hiatus, they will be soon. I am assuming since Gary was in NYC to film Lettermen and then will be down in Kansas next week, they are already on hiatus.
Most shows don't go on hiatus until the end of November or a few weeks in to December. They only get a few weeks off, usually going back to work the first or second week of January...that is if they do the "usual" thing ;)
Orison's right, they're on epi 11 now, maybe starting 12.

Anyways, CONGRATS to Anna and her husband!! :D
I think CSI's hiatus is early Dec. OK, CSI:NY is a little ahead than the other 2 shows. I'm trying to figure out how this will effect the whole filming/pregnancy/hiatus etc. with Anna and my ability to get weekly Monroe fixes. *sigh* I think I'm thinking too much.
I love the part when she wanted to leave the room when Mac is lecturing Hawkes but Mac told her something like..No, you stay here." She's like a kid there.
He probably wanted her to stay so it could be like a warning for her.
I have to say, from having seen her in person during the filming of this episode, she looked waaaay more pregnant on screen than she did in person. I think the camera is adding weight--I'd guess she's 5 months along now. Winter is December 21st-March 21st, so she could be due anytime in that period. I do wonder how they'll write Lindsay out, and if it will be for the end of the season (if Anna takes her full maternity leave, it probably will be).
Really? For me, winter is November to January. :lol:
I don't think that they will write her out that much.

I think the camera is adding weight
Yeah, especially since she was wearing the white smock in the train scene that showed very obviously that she was pregnant.
D!!!!!!! HEY!!!!!!!! i have missed you so much too huni!!!!**Hugz** i have been so busy at work.. its unbeleivable lol havent had a chance to really come on here n post except for read! lol

awwww i love that stuck on you moment too lol its jus the way she was a lil scared about using it and then BOOM she was lovin it! hehe
about the pregnancy, i think she will have a girl... my friend is havin a boy, and she is a lot higher up than what lindsey's is.. but thats if ya go by the old wives tale :D lol ooohh i cant wait til she becomes a mommy!!!!! :D
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