Anna/Lindsay thread #3- "Hello, Ms. Monroe"

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If they aren't already on Christmas hiatus, they will be soon. I am assuming since Gary was in NYC to film Lettermen and then will be down in Kansas next week, they are already on hiatus. All the episodes that will be shown up until the Christmas reruns are already in the can. Last night's episode was most likely shot at the end of August, beginning of September since they started filming in early July. There is always a substantial gap between what is being currently being filmed and what is being broadcast.

Most shows return mid-January from holiday hiatus and I expect CSI:NY is no different.
That's sounds like we won't have to miss her at all. Unless the Baby decides to show up late. I thought the scene in the Blue train was cute where she climbed up on the seats to get a better look. That's our Monroe. ;)
kissmesweet said:
I remember seeing a little Behind-the-scenes thing before and Carmine was taking photos of Anna with his oh-so-cool Motorola Razr. It was so cute! Hmmm... I wonder if the cast if all oohing and ahhing over her baby.

Aw, where'd you see that, it sounds so cute.
^^^ I was going to ask the same thing.. where did you see that??

Shes definitley a cutie, Last night was no exception. She was very 'casual' last night, not so up-tight or worried as she has been in the last few episodes. Made me happy.
Poor thing had to keep that lab coat on the whole time in last night's eppy.

When she was in the train with Hawkes it was crazily noticable, my mom and I were like, yea, she's pregnant. I agree about her personality, she was very loose last night- I liked it.

As for that behind the scenes thing... does anyone have a link or info on it?
Watching it last night, I couldn't help but laugh at the notice of her wearing black almost the entire episode to hide the belly. :lol: And then all of a sudden she pops up in that one scene on the train she's wearing white. And man could you tell! But I thought that was cute!

She did awesome last night. And I agree, very relaxed and just doing her job. I also loved the way she tried to uncomfortably tried to sneak out of the conversation between Hawkes and Mac.
You can really tell by the way she stands as well. She has the "pregnant posture" thing going on. I think she's just the cutest little thing.
imaguestage said:
Last night's episode was most likely shot at the end of August, beginning of September since they started filming in early July.

Actually I visited the set on September 21st and they were filming a scene for this episode so I'd say they're still somewhere around number 11...
She does have that pregnant posture! It's so cute! I think that gives it away more than her belly because they hide it decently. But the way she stands looks weird if it was just a regular stance- without the kid inside her... :lol:
Woohoo!!!!! congrats to Anna n Eric awwww i am soo glad it has been confirmed now!! i couldnt stand not being able to talk about it! hehe awww i am soo pleased for them both!! she is gonna make such a great mum!!! yay!!!

she does look sooo cute in that picci tho :D how cute would it be to see the members of the cast holding her baby? esp carmine ;) hehe soo cute!!!

i hope she doesnt have to take a trip to montana too :( that would kinda ruin it for me.. i love lyndsey!! its not the same when she not in it!! :D
OH MY GOD-- Hi, Chelle! I've missed you so much!

Aw, where'd you see that, it sounds so cute.
Oooh. I saw that axn-asia a while ago. It was on commercial and the behind the scenes was definitely from season 2. I'm not sure now, because I only saw it when I stayed in Hong Kong.

In the scene on the train, you could tell she was definitely pregnant. She looked so adorable in the scenes! :lol: They had loads of closeups on her face. She's so gorgeous.
She's sp pretty. My mom told me I look like her a while back and I was like praising my mom. A compliment like that is amazing, I was so happy!

We should make a baby poll: Boy or Girl.. :)
I'm thinking a boy. But then again, I'm most of the time wrong. :lol:

I still can't get over how glowing and beautiful she looks! Congrats again!
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