Anna/Lindsay thread #3- "Hello, Ms. Monroe"

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Congrats to her and the hubby :D
Well, I'm definitely no doctor, but my best guess would be she's maybe around 4-5 months along.
Looks like it.
I don’t think they will write it in, I don’t see that happening.
Aaah I'm so happy for her and her husband.

And from the fact that she is still working and making public appearances -and looking sweeter than ever- we can at least assume that she is feeling rather well.

I do hope they don't write the pregnancy in but just hide her belly. And when Anna is on maternity leave (please Anna don't quit) I think they will use scenes of Lindsay they've already shot (so she can still appear in every ep) or indeed send her to the hospital or back to Montana for a while. I hope the former.
^^I'm not a doctor either, but if she's due sometime this winter, I'd say she's at least six months or so. Some women don't get that big. But I could be wrong. I don't think they will write it into the show. :)

Anyway, congrats to Anna. I know she'll make a great mommy. ;)
yes yes yes! Finally sime conformation! I'm so happy for her! I'm squeeing like crazy!

*does a happy for Anna dance*

So far they've done a pretty goos job hiding it, and if she's due in the winter, chances are she'll be "normal" again by the middle of the season. (that sounds really mean, but it's not supposed to be...)

I don't think she's going to take a incredibly long maternity leave... and if she does, I don't think she'll quit the show for good, just maybe a few eppy's

Just out of curiosity, do they take a winter and spring hiatus, or just winter, or just spring? Summers a givin, but didn't know about the other seasons... Because depending on the hiatus's that could be the maternity leave...


p.s.- any news if she got the Scrapbook?
CSI: NY star Anna Belknap, 34, is expecting her first child with husband Eric Siegel this winter.
Gah, we were right. Congrats to Anna and her husband! She looks pretty far already, like perhaps 5 or more months like someone had just said.

Just out of curiosity, do they take a winter and spring hiatus, or just winter, or just spring? Summers a givin, but didn't know about the other seasons... Because depending on the hiatus's that could be the maternity leave...
I'm not sure but I think they just take a few weeks off, despite the seasons. :lol: Not very sure.
*does a Happy Dance for Anna with Rad *
Yay, I'm so happy for her. Congrats to her and her hubby... babies are such an amazing thing... yay!!!

As for their hiatus/breaks. I know they for sure take one over the winter time, as for a spring one, I dont think so. I know that from what I've heard, they film the episodes that will air during sweeps and the end-of season eps, during Feb/March, so I'm sure they probably just start their summer break sometime in May and go until July/Aug, then start up again. But, dont hold me to it... :) I could be wrong.
I guess this means that something bad is going to happen to Lindsay on the show so that she can have time off for the Baby CSI...
Hmmmmm now that I think about it, I'm thinking she won't be gone any episodes. I know they film scenes in advance, not too far in advance I've heard, but farther ahead more or less. I'm sure Anna told TPTB that she was pregnant as soon as she found out herself, so they probably filmed all of her scenes much farther in advance. I mean, look at her on the show compared to that picture. That's a major difference despite how well you hide it.

Anyways... my point, back to it... I'm thinking Anna might not disappear at all. If they filmed far enough ahead, she won't even be gone a week. :D I feel better :)

It was weird, I was driving home and thinking about her being pregnant and got all excited for her. I was thinking about how excited she must have been when she found out and told her husband. I was also wondering if she's been having morning sickness and wondering what food she's been craving. :lol:
Anyways... my point, back to it... I'm thinking Anna might not disappear at all. If they filmed far enough ahead, she won't even be gone a week. I feel better.

I think you're right. YAY! I'm so happy. I'm wishing for more Monroe scenes. Lindsay is sucha fun character!
Radical618 said:
Just out of curiosity, do they take a winter and spring hiatus, or just winter, or just spring? Summers a givin, but didn't know about the other seasons... Because depending on the hiatus's that could be the maternity leave...

If CSI:NY does what other TV shows do then they take a break during the holidays (three weeks or so) and then film the rest of the season. Usually there's no spring break as they wrap the whole thing around April. :)
You know I am thinking that they may have her go back to Montana for a breif time to deal with her "demons". There is suppose to be an eppy where she has to deal with them on a case, so perhaps she may have to go home for a bit. I would think that they would have she and Mac; and she and Danny to communicate by phone. This way she is still in the show, just not very visible for everyone to see her fully pregnant.

Poor thing had to keep that lab coat on the whole time in last night's eppy. I am really happy for her and her hubby. I know the baby will just be precious.
Poor thing had to keep that lab coat on the whole time in last night's eppy.

LOL. Yep, I wonder what they're doing behind the scenes. I remember seeing a little Behind-the-scenes thing before and Carmine was taking photos of Anna with his oh-so-cool Motorola Razr. It was so cute! Hmmm... I wonder if the cast if all oohing and ahhing over her baby.

People tend to do that. My mom's friend is pregnant and in her baby shower, we were all touching her stomach and going, "Wow. The baby kicked!"
I've just saw some pictures of her and I was suprised!!Congratulations to her and her family!! :D :DI hope she is really happy about it!! :)

Sorry, but I don't know if you have discussed that already but,as Lindsay do we know what they'll do for her?
We have discussed and come to conclusion that probably, they've filmed aload of scenes already. They're pretty far ahead in the filming and taking this into consideration, they probably finished alot of her scenes already.

That's just us.
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