Anna/Lindsay thread #3- "Hello, Ms. Monroe"

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I was wondering that too, about her secret and if the writers have had it planned all along. I was listening to the commentaries done on some episodes on the Season 2 DVD, and during 'Bad Beat' while Lindsay is listening to the 911 callers, one of the guys who was doing the commentary said something like 'oh this is an interesting bit, you see how Lindsay kinda loses herself in this moment, we wanted to show a bit that hearing those 911 calls brought Lindsay back to something... something thats happened' or something to that affect, and then I think Anthony Zuiker said in one of the commentaries during 'Manhattan Manhunt' in the scene where she says to Danny 'I've seen worse, bloodier' (etc, you guys get the point) they were like 'oh yeah, shes got this dark secret, that will be revealed in Season 3'

so, it makes me think that maybe they've had some sort of idea as to what they wanted to do, who knows? It'd be interesting to know for sure if they've had it planned out the whole time... :)
Faylinn said:
I'm not sure what I think Lindsay's 'dark secret' will be. In some ways I think that maybe she has more than one issue that she's dealing with. One thing might have made her not want to pursue a relationship with Danny, but this might not be the same thing that makes her react so strongly to seeing young female victims...I'm not sure if that made sense, but it seems to me that the clues we're getting about her past might not be limited to a single issue. I wouldn't put it past the writers to throw us off like that. :lol:

I completely forgot about her rejecting Danny and how that would tie into her past. I never really thought about it being several dark secrets. Good point.
I see your angle Fay I guess if the secret is anything but the opinion I've formed, I'll be dissapointed. Damn curiosity! :p
It could also just be a complex secret that involves a series of events or something. That might have an effect on her ability to come to terms with it and cope--maybe it's the kind of situation that isn't cut and dry or easy to understand. Maybe she blames herself on some level even if she wasn't directly responsible for whatever happened, or she feels like she played a role in the events...I'm not sure I'm making sense here. :lol: Basically, all I mean is that maybe the situation is complicated and that's why she has trouble dealing with it--something small led to something bigger, which eventually turned bloody and she's spent a long time trying to figure out why and how she could have changed things (even if she couldn't)...

Yeah, I still don't make sense. :lol: At this point I've considered a lot of possibilities, but I really hope the writers surprise me. ;)

CSINYRULZ, that's interesting about the commentaries. (Must_get_the_DVDs! :p) I've been wondering if they sort of did the 'she's got a dark secret, but we'll worry about that later' thing, or if they had an idea all along (a vague idea at least) that they expanded on. I just hope it's not something that makes us look back and go 'then why didn't she react to this case?' or something.
The bashing isn't THAT bad actually. But the Bring Back Burn thread are filled with quite a few Lindsay-hates. Well, screw them. I love her anyway. :) But I hate how everyone thinks that Lindsay "replaced" Aidan. Aidan was already gone; before Lindsay came! And Lindsay gave the show a nicer, a more calmer and sweeter feel. I'm liking it. The chemistry that she has with the cast is great.

Oh Faylinn, I'm pretty sure that they had the idea all along. On commentry, I remember hearing something about it in the early episode. And they hinted a little of her past when she replies to Danny, "I've seen blood and a lot worse" or something like that... That was pretty early in the season.
Just watched Fair Game from Series Two - yes sorry, we're really behind the times here in the UK. But the last scene was so sweet when Lindsay was enthusiatically eating all the creepy crawlies. I just loved the way Danny joined her at the cute :)
CSINYRULZ - Thanks for answering my question. :)

Yep Lindsay is a breath of fresh air for the show. I guess that's one of main reasons why people like her. And I also find it funny especially during Season 2 that she gets to do all the yucky work since she's the new kid and all that. ;)

Very interesting insights from the DVD commentaries. Too bad though, I can't afford to buy it. ;)
I was listening to the commentaries done on some episodes on the Season 2 DVD, and during 'Bad Beat' while Lindsay is listening to the 911 callers, one of the guys who was doing the commentary said something like 'oh this is an interesting bit, you see how Lindsay kinda loses herself in this moment, we wanted to show a bit that hearing those 911 calls brought Lindsay back to something... something thats happened' or something to that affect
hmmm I haven't seen Bad Beat with the commentary yet, but I think im gonna watch it now and really pay attetion to it.
Twinkletoes...welcome! :)

I certainly hope Lindsay's past isn't a tangled web...but that might make for a more interesting story than just a clear cut case of murder or rape...As far as the PTB knowing about Lindsay's past...I'm not sure how much they knew last season. I think that Zuiker gave Anna some indication (or that's what I infer from her CSI Files interview) but I can't say that they had definite details about her past last season. But I'm sure they've figured it out by now. By the looks of things it could very well be something very complex...lots of blood, mothers, "Tell Daddy I love him," young women, women being attacked by lovers, also could involve madmen rednecks, strippers, or anarchists---who the hell knows?? I would just like them to get it over with so Lindsay can move past it, come out strong in the end!

Whatever her past is about, Lindsay is a prime example of what happens when you don't resolve the past. I guess people think that they are strong enough to move on or strong enough just to forget the past...when they are actually just running away from the past or the pain. Then they throw themselves into their work---focus totally on the job, and then "Bam" the past is back.

It's funny that last season a Lindsay-centric episode was entitled "Stealing Home." Now from what I know about the movie, Lindsay is not like the main female character of that movie...the situations are different as well. But one that that is interesting is the fact that both Lindsay and the woman from "Stealing Home" were seen as a solid rock---someone that could hold their own...not vulnerable. But this is exactly what is happening to Lindsay...she is vulnerable. More than we know. ;)

Maria, I love your banner! :) :lol:
From what I’ve seen in episodes she tends to get a bit emotionally when the case involves young girls. We saw how she just stared at the dead Suicide Girl, then of course in Stealing Home and in Necrophilia American. I don’t im tired of guessing I just wish they would tell us already, this is really messing up with our brains. :lol: Like Auda's :lol: The striper story :lol: :eek:
Maria, I love your banner! :) :lol:
:lol: Thanks :lol:
The bashing isn't THAT bad actually. But the Bring Back Burn thread are filled with quite a few Lindsay-hates. Well, screw them. I love her anyway. But I hate how everyone thinks that Lindsay "replaced" Aidan. Aidan was already gone; before Lindsay came! And Lindsay gave the show a nicer, a more calmer and sweeter feel. I'm liking it. The chemistry that she has with the cast is great.
Well, I don't go in that thread, so that could be why I'm baffled to see people use the 'people don't like her because she replaced Aiden' thing. I don't see that in the threads I visit, so I didn't think it was common. But in either case, both characters have their fans, as well as people who don't like them, so what can you do? *shrug*

For some reason that scene with the lube-wrestling ring is stuck in my head right now, when Mac just sort of looks at her and she's like "I'll get my boots." :lol: That's the kind of stuff that I love for Lindsay, because the writers did it well, but there's something off with some of the more serious scenes they've written and the inconsistency hasn't done her any favors.

I think the writers might have had a general idea of what they wanted her secret to be, but I'm inclined to think that they didn't really flesh it out until the end of last season or when they were writing the first few episodes for this season. Not sure why, but that's what I'm thinking...
For some reason that scene with the lube-wrestling ring is stuck in my head right now, when Mac just sort of looks at her and she's like "I'll get my boots." That's the kind of stuff that I love for Lindsay, because the writers did it well, but there's something off with some of the more serious scenes they've written and the inconsistency hasn't done her any favors.

I love those little one liners that she has sometimes- mostly in the first eppy's. In bad beat.

Linds: This new girl stuff has got to stop.
Mac: It's better than sifting through tiger dung.
Linds: Funny.

Great one liners... I love them. Good point Fay, good point.
^^^ I love her little one-liners too.

Lindsay: Well, let me know what you find.
Mac: *looks at her*
Lindsay: I'll get my boots.

Also loved:

Lindsay: Funny how a little lube can speed up the process. (or something like that) he he

I really just wish they'd get her secret over with, I'm so done with her being a big bustle of anxiety and 'nervousness' I miss her snarkiness, and little one-liners.

Dear TPTB,
Please hurry and get Lindsays secret out... oh yeah, and hook her up with Danny already.

*slaps hand over mouth* sorry... my little ship just pulled into the harbor.. 'scuse that for all you non- D/L shippers.. sorry..

Maria - Your banner is awesome!!!
^^ I don't mind. I'm a DL shipper, so-- YAY. Lindsay does have pretty good lines. They're usually witty and funny. I loved it when she said, "Classy." to the Suicide Girl last week. The scene was great. I've never laughed so much.
I felt bad for her last night. She was only trying to help and it seemed Stella was set in her ways. Then yelling at her for being right about needing to look at it like it wasn't a self-defense case.
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