Anna/Lindsay thread #3- "Hello, Ms. Monroe"

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Kelleigh said:
I think she is pregnant. Look at her face. It seems fuller. She looks tired and they are definately trying to hide her stomach :eek: with clip boards, bags etc. If you read the side for Not what it Looks Like she was supposed to be in her bra. Notice in the epi. she was in a gray tank.

See I agree there. I realize we really should not speculate. However, after having 2 of my own, I can look at her and see things about her body. She is getting fuller in the obvious areas in her body. In last nights eppy you definately could tell. Even my dear hubby saw her and said, is she... and all I could say was well we will see. If you go and look at still pics of the Oed Hex where she is taking pics of the girl, you can clearly see it. And then last night, there were times where it pooched out of her shirt.

I think, either they will have her take a "leave" to clear herself of the bad, after the 12th eppy, or perhaps she will go back to Montana to fix the wrongs in her life. However, I think they will still have her and Danny talking and keeping in touch, but I think it will be in a way that we don't see her full head on. Perhaps phone calls,etc.

Wasn't she suppose to get hurt in one episode, and yet be ok by the end. They will figure something out.

I feel that they should have had Stella come and apologize to Lindsay b/c of her actions. I think that Mac should have verbally repremanded (fussed) at Stella for chewing Lindsay out. I realize where the writers were going, however, HUMBLE Stella at times. She is great and all, but she is human.
yeah. Last night really made me mad, it made me hate Stella... and I dont hate, I'm not a hateful person, but I was like 'WTF?' when she went off on Lindsay. I think she owed her an apology. BUTTTTT, it was an okay episode. Lindsay was great, she was working hard, and I did like the line about 'doing what you taught me - asking the hard questions' that she said to Stella, she was trying to solve the case, and I understand where Stella is coming from, and honestly, if I was Mac, I wouldnt have let her work the case - when you work a case where you can get emotionally involved, it clouds your vision, and your oblivious to, like Mac said 'the evidence'. I couldnt get into the episode, it was kinda boring, sorry to say it, Lindsay didnt have enough screen time.... :(

So, I watched 'Stealing Home' last night and I realized just how much I love that episode, shes so great in it, and her clothing is awesome!!! *puts episode on list of 'top 5 fav Lindsay eps'*
Hello Lindsay fans. I sure was glad to come across of such a group. I thought I was the lone Lindsay lover out there. I feel there isn't much love in this forum for Lindsay but at the end of the day, I doesn't weigh that much since our ship is sailing and Lindsay is a regular character in the show which I don't think would go away anytime soon.

Keep on rocking guys!
nemosene said:
Hello Lindsay fans. I sure was glad to come across of such a group. I thought I was the lone Lindsay lover out there. I feel there isn't much love in this forum for Lindsay but at the end of the day, I doesn't weigh that much since our ship is sailing and Lindsay is a regular character in the show which I don't think would go away anytime soon.

Keep on rocking guys!

Let's keep this thread on topic and not veering off into complaining about people on the forum who dislike Lindsay. That's not what this thread or this forum is for. Thanks!
My intake on the pregnancy issue- Yea, I think she is. Done now before I get hurt.

Okay, I felt so bad for her last night. She was doing exactly what Stella does, and then Stella like shoots her apart. Holy cow. I was mad at Stella. and like CSI808 said, I thought the last scene was going to be Stella apologizing. She didn't and that made me even more mad. If I was Lindsay I would've been scared out of my mind. and she seemed a bit nervous to talk to Stell when they were siulating the crime.

That's my take on the eppy. Basically, it wasn't one of my favorites. :mad:
Well, who knows what happens in the next episode? I still do like Stella. We might see something, we might not. Maybe Lindsay will apologize, maybe not. I really don't care who apologizes actually, I just would like to see one, and the situation resolved. I know it's only a show, but I like to see things resolved 'cause that's what I would do in real life.
The writers expect us to make a lot of assumptions, sometimes, and that's what I suspect will happen here. We can easily assume that Stella apologized, or at least said something that indicated that she shouldn't have overreacted, but I seriously doubt that the writers will put it on the show itself. *shrug*

By the way, I wonder if Lindsay saying that she was doing what she was 'taught' is meant to specifically relate back to the case in "People With Money" where she assumed that the girlfriend was the murderer when the evidence proved otherwise...

I don't have a problem with that, necessarily, except that it kind of makes it look like Lindsay didn't learn enough being a CSI for three years in Montana. I'm pretty sure the CSIs out there aren't inept. :rolleyes: But besides that, there's the fact that Lindsay has followed her gut on cases before (sometimes being right and sometimes being wrong), hasn't she, but that makes it seem like she only 'learned' not to get ahead of the evidence after the "People With Money" story...

Just thought I'd mention that. :)
Faylinn said:
The writers expect us to make a lot of assumptions, sometimes, and that's what I suspect will happen here. We can easily assume that Stella apologized, or at least said something that indicated that she shouldn't have overreacted, but I seriously doubt that the writers will put it on the show itself. *shrug*

Really good point. After reading the rest of your post, it makes a lot of sense. One could only assume that what she learned in Montana is completely different from what she has learned in NY so far. Case-in-point about not getting ahead of the evidence. I assumed that she just let her judgement get the better of her in "People With Money", and forgot to follow the evidence first. However, if in last night's episode she was taught that in only the first episode... well, the writers aren't giving her character much, or much credit. And it sucks for Anna becuase I can see why people would not like "Lindsay", but I don't think the writers are trying to make her a dislikable character. Does that make any sense?? :confused:
You have a good point Fay, in "PWM" she bugged me a little cause of that, but that is how Stella thinks sometimes, I was watching some s2 eppy and ahe did that. So it goes both ways, a bad for Linds and a bad for Stell.
Top41 said:
nemosene said:
Hello Lindsay fans. I sure was glad to come across of such a group. I thought I was the lone Lindsay lover out there. I feel there isn't much love in this forum for Lindsay but at the end of the day, I doesn't weigh that much since our ship is sailing and Lindsay is a regular character in the show which I don't think would go away anytime soon.

Keep on rocking guys!

Let's keep this thread on topic and not veering off into complaining about people on the forum who dislike Lindsay. That's not what this thread or this forum is for. Thanks!

I'm not complaining. I'm just stating it as it is like all of you here. I'm not allowed to do that? I thought free speech and one's opinion is respected here? Coz I respect everyone else's opinion.
nemosene said:
I'm not complaining. I'm just stating it as it is like all of you here. I'm not allowed to do that? I thought free speech and one's opinion is respected here? Coz I respect everyone else's opinion.

I think I put too many "quotes" in here... anyways...

I'm not backing anyone or any side, but I think what Top41 is trying to say is that we're in this specific forum to discuss Anna/Lindsay, not the people who dislike her or her character. She's not trying to say you can't have an opinion about people not liking Anna/Lindsay, but that's not what this topic is about.

And getting back on track... I was upset to find Walmart had absolutely NO CSI dvd's in stock.

And I wanna hear Anna jam that guitar and hear her sing! :D
So, I was re-watching "Manhunt" and was thinking... I wonder if we'll find out why Mac kept her in the lab when we find out her secret. I thought when she had that annoyed "sigh" and snapped at Danny that she did a really good job. Shakah'z to Anna!
Oh yeah, when he asks "Never seen that much blood before..." or something like that and she says, "yes and a lot worse than that". That hinted a little of her past and secret. I'm guessing alot of blood was invovled. God; it scares me a little thinking about it.
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