Anna/Lindsay thread #3- "Hello, Ms. Monroe"

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^^ Yeah. That's true... Oooh! I love your Eddie banner! He's so cute!

I'm glad that she ended up talking to the mother. It showed some sort of vunerability as well when it came to dealing with people. I'm seriously dying of waiting for her secret!! Aren't we all?
I loved Linds in this last episode, thought Anna did a great job. The interogation were priceless, the time out comment and the look on her face made me laugh so much.
She did do awesome in the interrogation scenes. She's totally awesome. I was laughing so hard at the comments she and Danny were making during that scene. I thought Lindsay's "Classy" comment was cute and then Danny's "Is that your natural hair color?" to the girl with the pink hair was just plain funny.

I'm still trying to figure out her past. I mean, being bad with mothers could lead to a million things. Hopefully it isn't something really stupid. I think it would be really crappy if the writers were leading up to something that wasn't that bad.
I would be really upset if it was your "normal" thing ya know? Or if it was something simple and stupid. I have a bit of faith in TPTB, hopefully they don't wreck that for me.
crosses fingers
smiliee said:
I'm still trying to figure out her past. I mean, being bad with mothers could lead to a million things. Hopefully it isn't something really stupid. I think it would be really crappy if the writers were leading up to something that wasn't that bad.
I cannot believe it will turn out to be something we've already seen a hundred times before or just something really lame.

They've been hinting for so long about her having a secret and a reason to come to NY that they must come up with a really surprising/shocking revelation.

*crosses fingers too
I will be so mad if they make it something thats happened a bazillion times before... I trust TPTB though, so far they're doing great!!
Yeah, the interrogation bit was just hilarious! I loved that bit. The bit with Lindsay and Danny in the lab with the heels was great too!! I'm glad that there wasn't too much tension between them.
Hey audacity... where do you get such awesome Lindsay icons?
Thank you. I can't take credit for them...they were made by Macayla...she does an awesome job. You can find her icons in the fan art section on this board under CSINY icons. :)

I also hope the PTB come up with something orginial than just the normal damsel in distress storyline. I'm really hoping that whatever happened, it had to do with someone that Lindsay knew rather than something happening to her.

The shoe experiment was cool...I loved it. She was so cute when she was trying to get out of the way. :)
^^^ ::nods:: yeah. I honestly would rather see something that has happened to a friend/family member than to her, because obviously for alot of people, seeing something terrible happen to someone you love or care about makes it harder to deal with, especially if death occurs. We'll see, I just hope its good, each week that they dont reveal whats going on with her (or with her and Danny) I think I die a little more, lol.
I'd much rather (that sounds lovely) see something that has happened to a family member than to herself. I don't want her to appear weak or anything. IDK, maybe I'm protectingLinds a little too much there but, all I want is her safety! :lol:

RULZ, love your avvie and your sig, great song!
Hi all! Lots of things to love on the last episode. ;) The "Wait let me get out of the way" was really cute and the "Classy" line was awesome as well. Overall, I'm glad we saw more of Lindsay in this episode. And of course they've given us more clues on Lindsay's supposed big secret...whatever it is I agree with most of you here, I'm also hoping it involves someone close to her rather than Lindsay herself. I don't want her to be potrayed as someone helpless. I like the Lindsay more who tackles a suspect without hesitation and had Mac saying, "What do they feed you in Montana?" :lol:
I don't think she's that weak, if she is. She wouldn't be here in New York. She's quite a strong girl and I hope that reflects on what happened back in Montana. Maybe that made her stronger and more tolerant of other people. I sure hope so at least. :)

Oh and I just have to get this off my chest: Lindsay is one of my favorite TV characters... I don't get why people give her such a hard time just because she "replaced" Aiden. And NO-- I don't think she's "dull and boring". She actually resmbles a CSI.
I have to be honest... I'm not leaning either way on her big secret. I think TPTB might be able to find a way to have her be the victim without her being so weak. It might be something in an up-coming case and Lindsay overcomes it. I'm just excited for the secret.
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