Anna/Lindsay thread #3- "Hello, Ms. Monroe"

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I think there are alot of very subtle little hints that have been given to us throughout Season 2, and now, Season 3, things that, until we get the inside as to what her secret is, they wont seem like much, or they'll be things that will make more sense once we know her secret. I'm excited, I cant wait!!!
[quoteI was upset to find Walmart had absolutely NO CSI dvd's in stock.

And I wanna hear Anna jam that guitar and hear her sing! :D


I was upset too. They have LV and Miami....but no NY. Oh, well I could go to Boarders and order it for like $79.00 but I am like....don't think so. That to me is WAY too much. Perhaps I can get dear hubby to do the ebay thing. ;)
I got mine through amazon. $45... but the used ones are only about 25 or 26. Have you tried amazon yet?

And I think that her secret will be perhaps... maybe something to do with her family, that way it's not hard as it is for her to recover from. She's pretty strong; moving to the city. Perhaps, escaping from her secret and the pain she's been through.
^^It would be cool to hear Anna sing and jam on the guitar.

To answer the question about why Lindsay came to NY--I think there are several reasons. Perhaps she thought she could forget her past by moving away. But I really think that moving to NY was a longtime goal of hers. When I was younger, growing up in the sticks, I always dreamed of moving to either NY or LA. So many people move to New York from many parts of the country and the world. It just represents a lot of different things to people. It's a place or challenge...a place that never gets old. I think that's what New York represents to Lindsay.
Tackles Mom Hey Mom!

I think that hearing Anna jam out and sing would be crazy cool. I would pay anything to see that. Even a hum would do it. We should write a letter to TPTB telling them to make her hum in a eppy. :lol: that would be pretty good.

I think that Linds did go to NY for a new challenge as well. There's a suprise at every corner- nothing gets stale in NY.
^ Haha yes we should write a letter! That would be totally cute- Lindsay working on a case, examening a dead body or something and humming some cheery song.
SMACkedMM said:
^ Haha yes we should write a letter! That would be totally cute- Lindsay working on a case, examening a dead body or something and humming some cheery song.
I don't think she's the type to be humming over some poor guy's or girl's dead body. :(

But maybe while she's looking into some evidence in the lab. Or when in a elevator she can be singing/humming a long with one of those (awful) songs you often hear in there. :eek:
dutch_treat said:
SMACkedMM said:
^ Haha yes we should write a letter! That would be totally cute- Lindsay working on a case, examening a dead body or something and humming some cheery song.
I don't think she's the type to be humming over some poor guy's or girl's dead body. :(

But maybe while she's looking into some evidence in the lab. Or when in a elevator she can be singing/humming a long with one of those (awful) songs you often hear in there. :eek:

You're right, that was too much :rolleyes: Got carried away a bit :D
feenx said:
Do you guys think Lindsay still keeps in touch with her family in Montana?
I don't think so. We never hear her talk about anybody of her family. And at the end of "Stealing Home" she was looking at some personal pictures on her PC and she just looked so sad. :( If she still had contact with anybody at home why not just pick up the phone and call somebody if you miss them so much.

And by now I think it's almost certain that the past that still seems to bother her so much has something to do with her parents or family.
dutch_treat said:
I don't think so. We never hear her talk about anybody of her family. And at the end of "Stealing Home" she was looking at some personal pictures on her PC and she just looked so sad. :( If she still had contact with anybody at home why not just pick up the phone and call somebody if you miss them so much.

And by now I think it's almost certain that the past that still seems to bother her so much has something to do with her parents or family.

I'm willing to bet that when she moved to New York, her dad was totally against it. You're right dutch_treat she looked sad looking at those pics. And it reminded me of the part when the dad of the mermaid is talking to Lindsay and he said, "At the end of every call, my wife would say 'I will', I knew she was saying..." and then Lindsays finishes right up and says, "Tell daddy I love him." Makes me think that's exactly what she used to say.
^^ I was just about to point out about her Dad and when she says "Tell daddy I love him", she looked so sad and as if she could relate to the family.

And no. I don't think that she talks to her family anymore. First of all, the dad thing and then the fact that she can't talk to mothers... (I'm just guessing-- but maybe it's that she can't talk to her mother either. I'm still dying to see what her dark secret is!!
Yea, I doubt she talks to them. That part in Stealing Home I was like whoah, she knew that all too well. And with this "mothers" issue, something tells me she's not on the same page with her mom.
That was so sad; she was a little angry that she didn't get all of the answers of why the guy had chose to kill Sara Butler. I distinctly remember Mac telling her that "Sometimes bad things happen to good people and you don't get to know why." I felt her emotion in that episode. Anna was acting her heart out (as usual). She wasn't over the top, just enough emotion into it.
She was amazing in that eppy- it's probably the best I've seen her on that show. She was great in "All Access" too. There was so much emotion with her case and with Stella's case. Anna always gives it her all no matter what TPTB throw at her- good or bad.
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