Anna/Lindsay thread #3- "Hello, Ms. Monroe"

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kissmesweet said:
I don't think she's that weak, if she is. She wouldn't be here in New York. She's quite a strong girl and I hope that reflects on what happened back in Montana. Maybe that made her stronger and more tolerant of other people. I sure hope so at least. :)

Oh and I just have to get this off my chest: Lindsay is one of my favorite TV characters... I don't get why people give her such a hard time just because she "replaced" Aiden. And NO-- I don't think she's "dull and boring". She actually resmbles a CSI.
Well said! It pisses me of when I read people bashing over her no matter in what thread I am. I love that girl, and she certainly isn't dull and boring.

I'm also very excited about her secret, It must have something to do with her mother, considering she didn't want to talk to the mother of the suicide girl.
kissmesweet said:
I don't think she's that weak, if she is. She wouldn't be here in New York. She's quite a strong girl and I hope that reflects on what happened back in Montana. Maybe that made her stronger and more tolerant of other people. I sure hope so at least. :)

Oh and I just have to get this off my chest: Lindsay is one of my favorite TV characters... I don't get why people give her such a hard time just because she "replaced" Aiden. And NO-- I don't think she's "dull and boring". She actually resmbles a CSI.

Yeah there seems to be quite a number of people on this board who doesn't like Lindsay for all sorts of reasons but I guess you can't please everyone. Oh well. But as long as a lot of us here likes having Lindsay on the show then all is fine in CSI:NY for me. ;) You know this is actually one of the reasons why I rarely visit the other threads for fear of reading about the bashing. :( I just hope it's not as bad as I imagined.

BTW, I have a question especially to the US viewers, did CSI:NY's ratings improved during Season 2?
::sneaks in from work... 'shhhhhhh', sits down on swivel chair::

^^^ as for the ratings, I'm pretty sure they did. Like a lot of New Shows, the first season is always like testing out the waters, seeing how things go, how the night works for them, etc. It gives the cast time to develop their characters too, so Second Seasons are usually when ratings begin to fluctuate and make a change from the first season.

I love Lindsay, and always have. I loved Aiden too, but she left, no big deal. I never saw that Lindsay 'replaced' Aiden, which I know is why a lot of people strongly dislike her. I've heard a lot of reasons why and they all are really stupid and dont need to be repeated. I enjoy Lindsay/Anna, and obviously I'm not the only one, so... we can just continue on our happy way with liking Lindsay/Anna, keep supporting her, etc.

I'm kinda up in the air about her secret, I want it to be a DARK secret, something that could help explain the little tid-bits of info we've been given, we'll see. IT WILL HAPPEN. They said so on one of the commentaries on the DVD's .. :)

Rad Thankies, I love my avvie, I'm actually thinking of changing it to the one I have on the Fragile Fighter boards, we'll see, I have one of her holding the camera from 'Stealing Home' that I love, so maybe I'll change it when I get a chance. But yes, the song in my siggy is great.. :)
ya know i watched "Zoo York" last night, and i remember thinkin to myself " wow, she is such a breath of fresh air" from when she first started talkin to mac hehe she was kinda "posh" spoken if ya like :lol: i did like Aiden, but i kinda felt that she lost her 'spark' and i was sad to see her go... but Lindsey is a whole new thing! lol

i dont see why people have a problem with Linds to behonest, she cute, and sweet, and i love some of the little one liners she comes out with!!! !:lol:
thought id bring along one of my fave Lindsey piccis :D
Montanasurprised :lol:
chelliyah said:
i dont see why people have a problem with Linds to behonest, she cute, and sweet, and i love some of the little one liners she comes out with!!!

I don't get it either. I can't tell whether people take issue with the character or the actress. Both seem pretty good to me. And I was looking at some Aiden stuff a few days ago, and while I think she's a fine actress, she was so severe. I just think Lindsay lightens the whole thing up which is good considering how intense and graphic the show can be (in a good way). Plus, she can totally handle the drama when she needs to, but at least the writers can go to that character for humor and levity when they need to.
chelliyah said...

" wow, she is such a breath of fresh air"

that she is, especially when they showed danny shooing the flies off of him and the camera pans out to show how fresh and clean she is...

it's sad that she seems "frumpy" in her scenes now! i mean before she use to wear sleek fit tops--now they're all cotton and unflattering.

i think anna's pregnant and that "dark secret" will be a pivotal plot to have her exit the series for her to have her baby without having lindsay being pregnant on the show. in the "opedipus hex" where lindsay was walking with hawkes her midsection was a bit wide...

i bet it's probably something like she was working a case of a friend/relative who got killed and she wasn't able to solve it or the killer got off because of a technicality of the evidence and she had to tell the mom about the screw up...

i hope it isn't a battered past for her--coz that story line had run the mills and it would be a big let down if they put that in.

yup, i'm going for the past catching up with her and lindsay having a breakdown so mac would give her a vacation...of course danny would be her link to the lab and there would be scenes that the team would ask danny how she's doing--ya know subtle hints that he's visiting her...oops my ship's showing :lol:
Before I was going with her secret having to do with a guy, but know heading towards something that happened to those kids in Manhattan Manhunt maybe she witness it. Remember how Mac sent her to the lab; he didn’t want near the crime scene. My brain is going crazy trying to figure it out :lol:.
As for Anna being pregnant, I cant help but feel like agreeing with that, its a rumor thats been going around for a little over 2 months now, theres been discussion on if she is, how they will be able to work with that in the show, its easy enough to hide her behind a desk or a labcoat (classics with movies/television), but, we'll have to wait and see. I'm not jumping to conclusions on that until Anna or her pubicist confirms/denies it, its her life, shes allowed to keep things private.

I've heard so many great theories about her dark secret, I'm sure it'll be good, I'm putting all my trust in TPTB... and I swear, theres going to be some major booty whoopin' if this secret turns out to be a trademark thing thats happened a million trillion times.

Anna really is such an amazing addition to CSI:NY, Lindsay and Aiden are tow very different characters, Gary Sinise even said in one of the interviews on the S2 DVD that Anna brings a certain lightness/ new energy to the show, and I can totally see that. The banter between Danny and Aiden was always fun to listen to because it was like watching a brother/sister fight, or two best friends fighting. But, Anna/Lindsay has that playful, fun banter with Danny - obviously its 'different' from the kind Danny and Aiden had. I really like the lightness and dare I say it - fluffyness, that she brings... shes definitley a 'breath of fresh air'
i have got to go out and buy S2 DVD...mumbles to self


Gary Sinise even said in one of the interviews on the S2 DVD that Anna brings a certain lightness/ new energy to the show, and I can totally see that.

yup--lindsay is like color to the dark background of CSI:NY while aiden was a different shade of gray. aiden fans will be bopping me for this!

I mean aiden was from NY and she represented it well along with flack and danny--but lindsay's character added a twist to the team, they became less shady--anna should be commended with how she handled the charater too.

hmm--can't wait for that episode showing the "dark secret"!!! I agree with the booty whoopin' deal! TPTB should have a damn good story to back up all the anxiety of the people waiting for it...
dare I say it - fluffyness, that she brings... shes definitley a 'breath of fresh air'

I dare you! :D I really wasn't a fan of NY in it's season one darker days. But when Anna stepped in and brought out "Lindsay" to the show, I was excited. It's awesome to see the adjustments... and more entertaining, the slang, that Lindsay has had to adjust to.
I think she's brought so much light to the show. She is a very fluffy character. She has great one-liners, she has great convosations with the rest of the team, and she's got a great personality. The character in itself is good since she's "new" and is still learning about NY, that makes it funny too. :)
Guys, I'm not going to bring negativity into this thread, but you can't assume that people who don't like Lindsay don't read this thread. I don't hate her, far from it, but I'm one of the people who expresses negative opinions in other threads, and I don't appreciate all of the 'bashing' comments when I know that I do no such thing. When you come into this thread, which is meant to be devoted to discussing Anna/Lindsay, and bring up what people say in other threads, it invites those people to come here and share their opinions, which you've already said you don't want to see. Nobody has to love what you love, but that doesn't mean you aren't allowed to enjoy it. It also doesn't mean that everyone else has to or they are somehow wrong.

I've heard a lot of reasons why and they all are really stupid and dont need to be repeated.
That's exactly what I'm talking about. I've never implied that to like Lindsay or to think she is a so-called 'breath of fresh air' is stupid, and I know people who dislike her don't like their opinions being called stupid either.

This is a place to discuss Lindsay, not to discuss how wrong people who dislike her are. Time spent talking about 'bashing' is time taken away from the subject at hand.

I'm not sure what I think Lindsay's 'dark secret' will be. In some ways I think that maybe she has more than one issue that she's dealing with. One thing might have made her not want to pursue a relationship with Danny, but this might not be the same thing that makes her react so strongly to seeing young female victims...I'm not sure if that made sense, but it seems to me that the clues we're getting about her past might not be limited to a single issue. I wouldn't put it past the writers to throw us off like that. :lol:
Sorry Fay... yeah I mean, I know people who dislike Lindsay come in here and read the stuff we right, and I'll be first to admit that I've ventured into other threads to read what people have said about Lindsay (or whatever other character). Everyones entitled to their own opinion I guess... thats what makes us human. :)

Her secret? I'm just kinda up in the air about everything, so... ya know... whatever.
I'll apologize too Fay I've probably done that before. I understand what you're saying... Our bad. :)

I con not wait for this secret much longer, and I know I'm gonna have too.. :rolleyes: I have my opinions formed but at the same time, I'm still kind of up in the air...
:) There's no harm done, I'd just hate for any arguments to get started in this thread. ;)

In some ways, I think it's best not to form an opinion one way or the other about her secret considering that it might lead to us being disappointed. :lol:

But you know, I'm curious if the writers have known all along what her secret is or if they came up with it more recently? :p
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