Anna/Lindsay thread #3- "Hello, Ms. Monroe"

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Radical618 said:
I really want to hear her sing. I've read she's great at singing. This would basically be the convo:

Random Guy: any last questions for Ms. Belknap?
Me: Yes! Yes! Linds- err, Ann- I mean, Ms. Belknap?
Anna: Yes?
Me: Sing! Can you sing a tune for us?
Anna: A tune?
Me: Yes. a tune. Any tune.
Anna: "Out here in the fields..."
And as for putting bloopers on the dvd sets they should, I think in a interview she said how clumsy Melina is that in one scene Melina was bouncing a ball and she kept drooping it. I would so love to see that.
I wsa reading or watching something where (Gary) I think said Anna was always goofing around on set and stuff. Like, when a joke would be made- she made it... I would love to see that. It would be priceless.
they really need to start thinking about putting like bloopers or behind the scenes stuff on these DVD box sets - its not like our favorite gal is perfect - and neither are her prefectly hot co-stars - so, come'on, theres gotta be some awesome footage out there.

They used to do that with Vegas but stopped after the fourth season I think it was. I don't know why they stopped... those things were SOOOOO funny.

Man, I would LOVE to jam with Anna on the guitar. Show her some Hawaiian songs... that would be freakin' awesome! I bet she's got a good voice too. Seems like it. Drink beers and play guitar... that would be sweet!
So what did everyone think of last night's episode? I'm hoping this episode is going to be a good stepping stone for setting up her past. I was glad that in the end she was able to pull herself together to go and finish things with the mother. ;)
CSI_Watcher_8 said:
So what did everyone think of last night's episode? I'm hoping this episode is going to be a good stepping stone for setting up her past. I was glad that in the end she was able to pull herself together to go and finish things with the mother. ;)

I thought it was alright. I rated it a B+ in the other thread. I'm trying to figure out her reactions though. From watching all 3 CSI's, none of the characters really freak out or get spooked by things. I mean, every-so-often a case will get to them, but when Danny wanted Lindsay to talk to the mom, it really freaked her out. That's the most freaked out I've seen any of them.
I love Linds as a character, she's sparky and funny while still holding onto a little bit of innocence. I'm glad she's on the show now.

I've seen Anna on a couple of other shows so seeing her getting a regular spot on CSI:NY was great.

And I'm a newbie in here. Hello!
I have been thinking about her trouble with mothers. Instead of her mother being bad or her having a problem with her. I was thinking its the opposite she had a close relationship with her. And therefore she sees her mother in other mothers. Just a thought. Anyone have anything thoughts?
She also seems very affected by murdered young women - she was very affected by Omen and also by the mermaid girl from Montana. That, combined with her not wanting to tell that mother, makes me think either a friend or sister died somehow, and Lindsay was the one who had to tell the mom. My two cents!
Okay, I have 3 theories.

1) She had a younger sister who was killed and Lindsay had the case and had to break the news to her mother, so she knows what it's like for a mother to lose a child.

2) Same as above except after Lindsay had broke the news to her mother, her mom commited suicide.

3) Her mother was killed/abused while in a relationship with either Lindsay's father or another man.

Just what I've come up with from what we've been presented with.
Hi Maiel !! Welcome to the Anna/Lindsay Thread.

I think you all are onto to something...breaking bad news...young women...a sister or perhaps a friend. But while I do believe it was a friend or a sister, it also involved many other people.

I'm still going with the school theory or the rough prom party. ;)
^That would be hilarious...but no that's not my theory. Just something with a lot of young people...that's what I thinking.

Daughter's #1 theory is pretty good...I think it's very plausible that something happened to a sister or female relative of Lindsay.
I'm glad I've graduated to daughter..:lol: that made me laugh. I'm leaning towards my #1 and #2 answers though... I still think that there's something about a relationship though. Maybe there's more than one secret? Arrrggg. I dunno... :p

Hey Twinny!
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