Anna/Lindsay thread #3- "Hello, Ms. Monroe"

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^^^ I so hear ya hun... I am in that boat too.. ugh! But, I love my new job so yay!!!

About Lindsay being affected by everything thats supposed to happen... hmmm.. I think on some level, its going to affect her, if what is said to happen, really does happen (can you tell I'm too lazy to put this under a cut? then that'll make it two things she's had to go through, stuff like that is traumatic to even the thickest skinned people. But, it may make her a better CSI. I'm really interested to see how they play all this out, her undercover, dealing with the whole situation,.. this'll make for a GREAT episode. I feel it in my toes...:)
^I agree with you. I think on some level it will affect her--good or bad. But obviously these situations tend to bring out the best in people. They tend to realize how important their job really is...we shall see what happens. :)
^^^ yeap-er doodle... we sure will. I dont think she would ever go to the extent of quiting or anything, but it may vary well cause her to re-think her job decisions, and choices shes made, we all do that, we're human, its naturally to doubt yourself and choices you've made. We will see how it all goes down... :) SQUEE!!! I loved Linds tonight!!
I did like how Lindsay stepped up tonight. It seemed like she realized it needed to be done and she was going to go in--I liked that she made the decision to do it and stuck with it.

I would have much preferred to have her take down Mosi or free Dana in the end. The hug with Danny wasn't necessary, and I thought it took away from her heroic moment a bit.
^^^ I will admit that I Squeed when they hugged, but, thats a really good point, it did kinda take away from her 'moment'. but, all in all, I really really really liked Lindsay in this episode, she took initiative, the jokes were fun- as always, and it just, all in all was a well rounded episode.
I also agree with Top in that I like that she didn't appear overeager to step in. Her reaction to me said, "It needs to be done, I'm the only one who can do it. Let's go." No frills, just determined in brave. Anna was wonderful.

I still liked the hug. Even stepping back from my DL tendancies, I think any of her coworkers would have hugged her - Flack or Stella I think would have if they had gotten to her first. She was a coworker who almost got herself killed trying to save someone. I would hug her!

And really, look at it this way: She did take Mosi down - she set that bomb thing off with a gun pointed in her face. Once that thing went off, her focus was on saving the girl - where it should be.
I'm on the fence about the hug. I'm glad someone hugged her and showed her that they were happy she was ok. But after awhile it seemed too much. It even looked like she was trying to push him away a bit. But I'm happy when faced with tasks only she could do, she had no problem stepping up. ;) And I liked her answers to why she was doing them as well.
I got so nervous for her when that guy looked at the picture of the 3 girls i was like oh snap.
I'm on the fence about the hug. I'm glad someone hugged her and showed her that they were happy she was ok. But after awhile it seemed too much. It even looked like she was trying to push him away a bit.
same here, nice someone hugged her, but they made it so dramatic.
I thought Anna did a fantastic job last night. The last scene was incredible. I was like "Wow."

As for the hug: Loved it. But then again, I'm a D/L shipper (big time), so you may just want to ignore my opinion on that.

The part where she had to crawl through the little ventilation shaft was kinda funny. When Stella basically told her she was going to go in there her face lit up. I thought that was cute.
Best solution? Group hug. :p

But yeah, I know what you mean CSI W. I really wanted to see something more...I dunno, I just thought they didn't show enough concern from Stella or Flack. They both went right for the perp and Danny was the only one looking for Lindsay. They could have had a short hug and then Stella and Flack seeing how she was while the SWAT team carried off the perp. Hell, I was hoping that Mac and Angell (or at least Mac ;)) would show up there at the last minute so it would be a real group thing...and I just realized Hawkes was MIA...:confused:

Anyway, great Lindsay episode. Now I'm curious about some of the Lindsay-related spoilers that should be coming up in the near future on the show. ;) Maybe we'll actually learn some more about her now so that she's more than just the new girl from Montana. (And it's about damn time after a year! :lol:)
It's funny...Lindsay has ( very slowly ) grown on me, and the irony of it is, it's taken me THIS LONG to get used to the idea of D/L -- it used to make me cringe, and it made watching the second half of Season 2 almost unbearable. So I find it a little funny that now, when I'm finally okay with it on a "as long as I don't have to see it on screen" thing, they're finally going somewhere with the tension between these two.

Still, Lindsay's really grown on me and I'm hoping they'll flesh out her backstory more. She's got a lot of potential if the writers handle her right, and we still have no idea what this 'big secret' is...
Apparently in an upcoming episode, Linday's background is finally revealed. She tells Mac but he already knows, or something along those lines.

Keep watching.
I loved Lindsay in 'Not What It Looks Like'.
She was awesome, you could really see that she wanted to get the guy. Anna played the hostage scene superb, she did a great job. And I wanted to hug Lindsay as well in the last scene... :p
She is really great and I think that she should ask danny out then dump him and break his little heart hehehe
Anna was amazing in the last weeeks episode. I love how calm she was when the man held the gun at her, and when she dropped the bag she went after the other girl. Yet when Danny held her (Squee! :lol:) you could see she was really scared yet held it together.
I think Lindsay would be the first person to break Danny;s heart! lol.
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