Anna/Lindsay #5: She Rocks!

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I loved her old hairstyle, the curls, but I think her new shorter style suits her. I'm curious as to what style she will have in Season 5.

Another random question, how old is Lindsay?

That is a good question. I thought she was in her late 20's as I am sure they said that the shooting happened about 10 years ago when she was 16/17ish before she went back to Boseman. But I also thought I heard in another episode that she was 30ish. :confused::confused::confused:
It's really difficult to say. We know how old Anna is, and that she looks much younger. So I think Lindsay will be younger as well. Like LME said, it was mentioned that the shooting had happened 10 years ago, and she looked pretty young in the flashbacks in SOOH. So I think she's maybe around 26 or 27. But I'm not sure. I think Danny has to be old than 30, because of what Lindsay said in 'Bad Beat'. But I'm not sure how old she is.
I much prefer it when TPTB give us a clear idea about a character's age, I don't like ambiguity. :lol: When Lindsay first arrived I figured she was supposed to be 25 or 26, although she could easily have been late 20's. I'm pretty bad at guessing ages in general though, but 'young Lindsay' looked no older than 16 to me.
I'd like to see Lindsay celebrating her birthday next season and finally revealing her age but I think that the writers themselves got lost in it :/
did they really say that she was 16-17 when the shooting happened? to me, she was no more than 14 in the flashbacks but now looks around 30 :confused:
I'd like to see Lindsay celebrating her birthday next season and finally revealing her age but I think that the writers themselves got lost in it :/
did they really say that she was 16-17 when the shooting happened? to me, she was no more than 14 in the flashbacks but now looks around 30 :confused:

Yeah, she could have been 14 as well. But then Lindsay would have been 24 in season 3. :confused: And that's really young. I didn't really understand why they said it was around ten years ago and then chose a girl that looked so young. I think she looks like she's at the end of 20 or around 30. I hope we'll finally learn her age. It's interesting how old the characters are in the show, compared with the actor's age.
I was thinking that perhaps they used a young looking actress becuase Anna looks young for her age in real life.
i believe that the characters are the same age as the actors unless specified. i believe Lindsay is the same age that Anna is- 35.

does anyone find it odd that the characters on the CSI shows are all single at their ages if we go by the actors' ages? i find it kinda odd but at the same time i don't. my friend and my grandma brought this up a few days ago and it made me think about it.
Lindsay/Anna looks young!

Anyways, here's some pics of Lindsay with long hair:


does anyone find it odd that the characters on the CSI shows are all single at their ages if we go by the actors' ages? i find it kinda odd but at the same time i don't. my friend and my grandma brought this up a few days ago and it made me think about it.

What do you mean by this? :confused: I am a little confused by this but I could be dumb!

I don't think her new (well it isn't so new anymore :lol:) haircut does her justice. It doesn't make her look any more professional. But Anna might of got her hair cut like that for reasons outside of the show though, with her baby. I know plenty of women who cut their hair after having a child.

Thanks for the pictures CSI Stokes Girl, I knew I could count on you ;)
eveninstarz14 said:
I don't think her new (well it isn't so new anymore :lol:) haircut does her justice. It doesn't make her look any more professional. But Anna might of got her hair cut like that for reasons outside of the show though, with her baby. I know plenty of women who cut their hair after having a child.

Thanks for the pictures CSI Stokes Girl, I knew I could count on you ;)

;) No problem! I wasn't aware that Anna had a baby. I guess I don't know much about her! But when I was pregnant with my first child I cut my long hair real short. It's a common thing I guess but I regretted it. Grew it back out and never cut it that short again!
Aww, thanks for posting the pics, CSI Stokes Girl! From which epi are they? Are they from 'People With Money'? I'm not sure. But it could be, somewhere from the beginning when they were on the bridge.
I don't know why, but for me the curly hair is just Lindsay style. If this makes any sense. :lol: What I want to say is, when I think about Lindsay I see her with curly hair. It just fits best in my eyes.
Aww, thanks for posting the pics, CSI Stokes Girl! From which epi are they? Are they from 'People With Money'? I'm not sure. But it could be, somewhere from the beginning when they were on the bridge.
I don't know why, but for me the curly hair is just Lindsay style. If this makes any sense. :lol: What I want to say is, when I think about Lindsay I see her with curly hair. It just fits best in my eyes.

Yep, that's exactly where the pics are from!
Aww, 'People With Money'! Wasn't this the epi where Lindsay did one of her demonstrations again? I'm thinking about the one with the tie, because of the dynamite. As far as I remember, it was in this episode. And I so loved Mac's and Stella's faces. :lol: Lindsay is just cute while doing their demonstrations.
Aww, 'People With Money'! Wasn't this the epi where Lindsay did one of her demonstrations again? I'm thinking about the one with the tie, because of the dynamite. As far as I remember, it was in this episode. And I so loved Mac's and Stella's faces. :lol: Lindsay is just cute while doing their demonstrations.

Yep! I love her demonstrations too. Loved when she brought that smelly stuff into Mac's office. She told him what it was and that it smelled like rotten eggs and he said he knew what it was but why was it in his office and she nonchalantly says for the sake of science! :lol:
That smelly stuff season was funny! But the condom Spray moment was a classic.

I am soo glad that this tread is here! When I saw the one about getting Anna Out I was shocked :wtf:
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