Anna/Lindsay #5: She Rocks!

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that would be great :guffaw:

Stella and Angell: 'Oh, so you know the murderer's name? Yeah, we know it too, Lindsay's interrogating him and in fact, he's just confessed. Wanna see him?' :lol:

That would be sooo funny :guffaw:

Does anyone know when they start filming again?
Aww, pictures again! :D But how different she looked with her longer hair. You really notice it when you look at both pictures. She looks so much younger with her curly, longer hair. To me, with the curls she looks more like a countrygirl, and with the short, straight hair more like a city girl. :lol:

I agree, I want to see the girls working together. We have Stella and Lindsay and now Angell as well. Three women. So what about some women power?
I saw "not what it looks like" on repeat and thought it was a great Lindsay epo..............:thumbsup:

I agree with you! I think it was brave that she did the undercover job. It was a dangerous situation. I liked to see her in a scene like this. It's so different from what we see usually. She wasn't just standing in the lab, she was out in the field, and played an important part. She is brave, definitely. And it was funny when she had to climb into the tunnel. :lol:
Does anyone know when they start filming again?

I think they've already filmed like 5 episodes because we were getting some spoiler reports but I'm not sure if they continue filming or are waiting for September. I also heard that season 5 may be longer to make up for the episodes missing from the 4th but I think it depends whether there will be actors' strike :(
I seriously hope to God that there is no strike! Less chance to once again develop the character of Lindsay. Each season besides the second, she is hardly in it because of strikes or her pregnancy...*sigh*

You know with all this discussion of her hair, she looks gorgeous either way! :D
:lol: Isn't it funny? No matter where I look, everyone discusses her hair. :lol: But to be honest, it's a nice topic, isn't it? ;) Most of the time I agreed with you, Meg, but I think now I prefer her curls. It's just the Lindsay style. ;)

I think I have to rewatch my all time favourite Lindsay episode ever. Stealing Home. My very first CSI:NY episode. I started to watch the show regulary a couple of episodes later, when they did a rerun again, but she was the first I remembered and loved.
Well I am not saying that I prefer the short hair...I am just saying she is gorgeous either way but honestly I miss her long curly hair too!

Actually I think with her longer hair she looks more classically beautiful and with her short hair she looks more child like, almost like a pixie :lol:

I actually don't have a favorite Lindsay episode, every episode she is in makes me happy EXCEPT for Right Next Door. She went OOC in my mind and it stayed like that in the next episode too. :(
So I haven't made it too far into season three yet but saw the episode where Lindsay stands up Danny. Felt bad for Danny. That part where she told him she liked him a lot, how sweet was that?! I'm guessing it's the murders she witnessed that's why she can't date Danny right now or something? I don't know but date him already. LOL! What a sweet moment! Anna is a great actress!
Yes Anna is a great actress! :D She is able to hide her pain so well in that part of the season! Which is why I am so confused as to why she started crying and complaining how Danny is affecting her work in the fourth season :confused:

I think to make Lindsay less angsty we should take her out in the field or at least show her doing something outside of her work...but I doubt the writers will do that *sigh*

Slightly off topic, but CSI Stokes Girl, Flack has invaded this thread with our icons! :lol:
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Yes Anna is a great actress! :D She is able to hide her pain so well in that part of the season! Which is why I am so confused as to why she started crying and complaining how Danny is affecting her work in the fourth season :confused:

I agree, that seems totally out of character. Like she just changed personalities or something. Weird!

evenstarz14 said:
Slightly off topic, but CSI Stokes Girl, Flack has invaded this thread with our icons! :lol:

LOL! Yea we were but now you got a Lindsay one which is pretty cool!
She did seem completely different in particular the second half of Season 4.

Just thinking out loud perhaps she (Lindsay not Anna) has a little secret - like maybe she is pregant !!!!!!! It is just an thought coz don't your hormones go all over the place in the early stages. Plus we don't really have a time scale between end of Season 3 and start of Season 4. I know that the trip to london was for 3 weeks but there is no way that dannys injurys could have fixed that quick!

It would be very interesting to see Anna play a preggers CSI:). I have not doubts that she could pull it off and I bet she would still be ass kicking the bad guys:lol::lol::lol:
Just thinking out loud perhaps she (Lindsay not Anna) has a little secret - like maybe she is pregant !!!!!!! It is just an thought coz don't your hormones go all over the place in the early stages. Plus we don't really have a time scale between end of Season 3 and start of Season 4. I know that the trip to london was for 3 weeks but there is no way that dannys injurys could have fixed that quick!

I don't think that is the case, at least I really hope not! I just think it was bad writing of the writers to make her all weepy like that. :p The lack of knowledge about the time schedule makes everything just that more confusing. Plus that would make for some really bad drama for the upcoming season... I don't think neither Danny or Lindsay should have to go through the damage that would do.
Just thinking out loud perhaps she (Lindsay not Anna) has a little secret - like maybe she is pregant !!!!!!! It is just an thought coz don't your hormones go all over the place in the early stages. Plus we don't really have a time scale between end of Season 3 and start of Season 4. I know that the trip to london was for 3 weeks but there is no way that dannys injurys could have fixed that quick!

I don't think that is the case, at least I really hope not! I just think it was bad writing of the writers to make her all weepy like that. :p The lack of knowledge about the time schedule makes everything just that more confusing. Plus that would make for some really bad drama for the upcoming season... I don't think neither Danny or Lindsay should have to go through the damage that would do.

I really hope so too. but the writers really seem to have it in for DL and for Lindsay.

Both Anna and Lindsay (and DL) deserve a happy story line
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