Anna/Lindsay #5: She Rocks!

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Yes! I loved how almost concerned she looked that Mac was good with another weapon, and how excited and happy she was when she shot. Mac looked kinda amused. I think he likes this side of her- she is easily excited. Did you also notice how often she smiles during work? She smiles almost all the time.
Yes! I loved how almost concerned she looked that Mac was good with another weapon, and how excited and happy she was when she shot. Mac looked kinda amused. I think he likes this side of her- she is easily excited. Did you also notice how often she smiles during work? She smiles almost all the time.

I wish she would smile more at work, it seems like lately she hasn't! But I think she has every right to be sad at the moment. ;) But it is true, she does get very excited when she makes a new discovery and hopefully we will get to see more of that in the upcoming episode. Also she needs to get outside of the lab! :scream:
Again I agree with you, Meg! But at the beginning of last season, she was in the lab for most of the time as well. Maybe that'll change after a bit.

She really gets easily excited when she discovers something new, and especially when she does a demonstration or when she tells stories (like the one with the flower, in 'What Schemes May Come'? I'm not sure).
Wait a minute Meg, are you suggesting that Mighty Mac didn't know what was going on?! Are you sure he wasn't just keeping it to himself so as not to irritate everyone else by informing them that he does indeed know everything? Haha.

Oh somone mentioned the word timeline, sorry kids but I wouldn't even bother to try and comprehend the schedule we're at. You know my theory with hallowe'en and Christmas happening in the space of two weeks :rolleyes: I'm not even gonna go there. Again. :D

I watched Trapped last night - I swear Lindsay gives Mac's phone a look of disgust when he's talking to (we assume) Cindy. :guffaw: Almost like, you're so gonna need to get outta the picture so I can make a move.

Shirtless, sweating Messer playing with make your own lab kit. Mighty glue! :guffaw:
I just watched the episode of Law & Order: SVU that Anna Belknap is in and she did a really good job even though her part was small. I wish she could have given her a bigger part. One thing I miss about Lindsay is her longer wavy hair, I wish they would bring that back, it makes her look younger and softer.

I would love to see some indication of Lindsay being pregnant before 5x09 too. I remember reading that Danny was going to see her walk out of a clinic, I can't wait to see how that scene plays out and every ones reactions. I have a feeling that at first Danny might not take it that well, I think he'll need time to think about it.
About the time line, I'd have to agree that Lindsay must know by now but we might not see it on screen because Anna Belknap probably didn't tell anyone until she was at least 3 months along so there is probably a lag time. Of course we don't really know when she found out

Shirtless Danny...I'm there! :drool:
I just watched the episode of Law & Order: SVU that Anna Belknap is in and she did a really good job even though her part was small. I wish she could have given her a bigger part. One thing I miss about Lindsay is her longer wavy hair, I wish they would bring that back, it makes her look younger and softer.
! :drool:

I'd like to see that. Was it on tv or did you get it somewhere else? I'd like to see Anna in something other than NY just to see her style.
I just watched the episode of Law & Order: SVU that Anna Belknap is in and she did a really good job even though her part was small. I wish she could have given her a bigger part. One thing I miss about Lindsay is her longer wavy hair, I wish they would bring that back, it makes her look younger and softer.

I'd like to see that. Was it on tv or did you get it somewhere else? I'd like to see Anna in something other than NY just to see her style.

It was on USA last night. I don't think the episode is on iTunes though.
I haven't seen that Law&Order episode yet. I hope they'll repeat it here on day so I can watch it. Same with MI. It aired here a long while ago, but I missed it. I hope they'll repeat the show. They always repeat everything over and over again, so please, repeat MI as well!

Little_Pumpkin said:
I watched Trapped last night - I swear Lindsay gives Mac's phone a look of disgust when he's talking to (we assume) Cindy. :guffaw: Almost like, you're so gonna need to get outta the picture so I can make a move.

I never thought the person on the other end of the phone could be Cindy! Maybe I should rewatch the scene and have a look at the way Lindsay looked at Mac's phone.

The timeline in TV shows is always confusing. :lol: But it's okay to me. I'm getting more and more excited for the baby storyline. :D
I just watched the episode of Law & Order: SVU that Anna Belknap is in and she did a really good job even though her part was small. I wish she could have given her a bigger part. One thing I miss about Lindsay is her longer wavy hair, I wish they would bring that back, it makes her look younger and softer.
I need to find a way to see her in that. I absolutely adore her role in Medical Investigation, she plays such a different character from Lindsay. She should bring some of that role into this current character. As for the hair, I as well miss the long curly hair, but her current style is working for me ;)

Wait a minute Meg, are you suggesting that Mighty Mac didn't know what was going on?! Are you sure he wasn't just keeping it to himself so as not to irritate everyone else by informing them that he does indeed know everything? Haha.

:p True I did not think of that! And its Super Mac ;)

pumpkin aka peaches said:
I watched Trapped last night - I swear Lindsay gives Mac's phone a look of disgust when he's talking to (we assume) Cindy. :guffaw: Almost like, you're so gonna need to get outta the picture so I can make a move.
I need to re watch that episode...Why would Mac be talking to Cindy, the casual fling of Danny? But now I want to see Lindsay look. Thanks for that dude, now I need to find time to watch that episode...:lol:
Anna also has been in some movies, right? I don't remember in which right now, but I hope I can watch them as well soon. Oh, and The Handler I haven't seen yet either. Actually I've only seen her in CSI:NY yet. :lol: But I really want to see the others as well.

Oh, btw, yesterday I watched Cool Hunter again. She was awesome in that episode. And she had a lot of screentime as well. I loved the interrogations scene with Flack, her conversations with Mac about the house being cursed and her demonstration with Danny. She worked together with almost everyone. That was cool. She also was at the crime scene, at the lab and in the interrogation room. Means she did everything. I would be so happy to see that again.
Anna also has been in some movies, right? I don't remember in which right now, but I hope I can watch them as well soon. Oh, and The Handler I haven't seen yet either. Actually I've only seen her in CSI:NY yet. :lol: But I really want to see the others as well.

I've been looking for movies that she is in but she's in very few and doesn't really have any major roles. It's a shame, I would have liked to have seen her in more. You can see clips of her in other shows if you go to youtube but I don't think you can ever watch a full episode.
Yeah, I also heard she was in a few movies. I hope one day she'll play a bigger role in a movie. I would love to see that!! What do you think in what kind of movie she should play a leading role? Comedy? Drama? Romance?

Personally I think she would be great in all of them. I'm sure she'd be good in a romantic movie. She also is good with comedy I think. I loved her funny scenes from CSI:NY, like when Lindsay ate the spider or when she had to search for the shotgun in Bad Beat. And of course drama- my favourite example for how great Anna is with drama is the courtroom scene from SOOH. What intense scenes, and so heartbreaking!

What do you think?
It's so hard to tell because I only know her in a Drama role. We've see some comedy from her but not much. I guess I would like to see her in a leading role of a drama because we know she can do it but I'd also like to see what she'd be like in a comedy...or horror.
That would be nice! A leading role in a dramatic role. Or what about some action? She was cool when she tackled the suspect down in Zoo York. She could also play a cop. There are so many possibilities. I really hope she will do that one day and will play a big role in a movie.

That also leads me to another wish- Lindsay leading a case. How long did she work as a CSI before she came to New York? Three years I think. Then the three years she already worked in New York makes 6 years. This one would be the seventh. It's about time she can lead her own case.
I would love to see her do a major film but I just don't see that happening at this point or in the near future.

Did anyone see her in the Comeback with Lisa Kudrow? It was hilarious! She played the wife of one of Kudrow's character ex-boyfriends. I think Anna does comedy brilliantly and hope to see more of it if not NY, then somewhere!

I would like to see ANYONE outside of Mac and Stella lead a case and Lindsay is first on my list. ;)
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