Anna/Lindsay #5: She Rocks!

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Oh, I saw a clip of this episode! Well, actually it was just one scene. But she looked really adorable in it. And funny. I agree, she is good with comedy.

And I agree with you- when someone is going to lead a case, I want it to be Lindsay. She'd be great, that is for sure.
Oh I agree with you Brina, I think it's time that Lindsay got the chance to lead a case. Has she ever done that before? *I don't recall it if she did... :confused:* I've seen a random version of the promo, but the sound was really bad, does anyone have a link they'd be willing to share? I'm hoping that she gets some cute scenes, I hear she'll be working with Flack. :adore:
OK this is slightly off topic but I was looking at pictures from the fourth season and in the third episode Lindsay was wearing this shirt in the second episode (The Deep):

And then here is Turbulence from this season:

Wardrobe cheap on Lindsay or something? :lol:
OK this is slightly off topic but I was looking at pictures from the fourth season and in the third episode Lindsay was wearing this shirt in the second episode (The Deep):

And then here is Turbulence from this season:

Wardrobe cheap on Lindsay or something? :lol:

She wore a green one just like that one in I believe the 2nd episode this season. I know some may think it's cheap that she wears the same clothes :)drool:Danny wears his green shirt all the time!!!:p) but it makes her seam like a real person. Although doesn't wear her same clothes week after week like us civilians do!!!:guffaw:
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:lol: So true! But I guess I was thinking with Stella never wearing the same thing, the wardrobe people could do the same with Lindsay. ;) Plus you would think with television they would work a little harder with variety...

Just for the record I love that shirt!
:lol: That's funny! I didn't even notice that, but it's really the same shirt. Oh, there is also the blue one from All Access. Didn't she wear that in another episode later as well? Well, whatever, I love her clothes. And I will definitely pay more attention to them from now on, so I notice when she wears the same shirt again. :D

scarystarz said:
Just for the record I love that shirt!

I agree with you. It looks really nice.
I do know that she wears the same jacket which I totally love ;)

Oh Steph, Lindsay has lead a case in the very beginning of season two. She was working solo in Dancing with the Fishes. But I do think we should get more of that in the upcoming season but I wonder if that is going to happen with Anna's pregnancy? :confused:
Oh, I remember that case from Dancing With The Fishes. There was also this funny conversation with this cop, which I don't remember, because the German dubbing of that episode was horrible. But it's true, at the beginning she worked the case alone. Later they found out that Stella's and Mac's case was related to hers. I wonder why they didn't let her do that again.
Oh Steph, Lindsay has lead a case in the very beginning of season two. She was working solo in Dancing with the Fishes. But I do think we should get more of that in the upcoming season but I wonder if that is going to happen with Anna's pregnancy? :confused:
Thanks for the info dear, well as you know I haven't seen very much of season 2, so I haven't seen that ep, but I'm planning on buying it soon in order to complete my collection... I bet she was awesome, I'd also love to see her doing a case of her own soon, but with Anna being pregnant, she'll probably have less screentime making it unlikely... Aww well, we'll always have next season. :D Although I really hope we do get one this season, that would be awesome. :D
Maybe when Anna comes back from her maternity leave she will be able to do one on her own. And the case doesn't necessarily have to be something that affects her, I just want to see her shine on the job. I mean what are the odds that there is a crazy guy shooting in a diner?

As bad as this sounds, I would like to see her being held hostage and see the team working together to save her. Enough of Mac and Danny being held hostage! :p
Oh, to be honest I don't want to see her being held hostage, but only because such scenes scare me. :lol:

But I agree with you that I want to see her leading a case. After the maternity leave would be a good time I think. Lindsay will be so great! I would be happy to see her leading a case.
I'd love to see a scene with her being held hostage, but only if it was certain that nothing bad was going to happen to her during it... If she was to be held hostage, I wouldn't want it to be something really scary like whe Nick (LV) was taken hostage, that was so scary... Much more like when Mac was... He wasn't really hurt that much... Ok, I'm rambling... I want a dramatic storyline for Lindsay, but nothing too scary... :lol: After Anna's maternity leave would be a great time.
I think having Lindsay in a serious situation will be good for us. I mean like Danny in Trapped from second season, we can see her deal with something be it her family or something else? I think it would provide character development for her. I would like to know what would lead her to be held hostage. Would it be a return from a case in the past? Maybe show us a little more of what she did in Montana?

The only problem with this wish is that with Lindsay being pregnant I just don't see how they could do this. Although maybe she gets kidnapped after the kid is born and the issue I was talking about could be her trying to get back to her kid (and maybe Danny)
Oh I agree, it would definitely bring some character development, maybe we'd get to meet some of her family from Montana, when Nick was taken hostage, we met his parents, maybe that could happen with Lindsay too... If it were to happen I think it's likely that it would be something to do with an old case, or maybe something to do with her friends murder, that would be an interesting storyline, although I can imagine it would be very hard... Both for her to act and to watch...
Perhaps she could have popped to the shop to get something and people come into rob it or something and end up taking everyone there hostage. You end up with the team out side and Lindsay inside and she manages to talk the robbers round.

Now if she was still pregnant i bet the team (and Danny) would be going nuts if she was in there.

If they did do something like that I think they would either do it when she was still pregnant or if she had the baby with her as it woul create more drama
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