Anna/Lindsay #5: She Rocks!

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I want to see if maybe her own mother was someone that Lindsay struggled with. I can understand the mothers of her friends being angry towards Lindsay. I do wish they showed a little of Lindsay confronting or dealing with the mothers...The writers have Lindsay say all these things and have no evidence or reasons as to why she says things like this! Are the fans just to assume the reasons behind it all?:confused:

That's a very interesting question. She said she had problems with mothers, but they never really said what exactly happened (or did I miss it? please tell me. :) ). Did she have problems with her friends mothers, who, like you said, were maybe mad (what would be really sad for her), or did she have problems with her own mother? And maybe- could she talk to her mother about what happened? Were they close or not?

I still wonder why her family hadn't been there when she had to testify. Why? There are so many possibilities. They could let her work a case that has to deal with mothers, and she says something about her own relationship to hers. Or about her family. That'd be interesting.
I got this nice pic of Flack and Lindsay from Snow Day so I thought I'd share. She's having a great hair day!

Are the fans just to assume the reasons behind it all?:confused:

maybe TPTB figure the die hard fans like us would understand and they really don't have to explain everything :confused:. it would nice for everyone's sake if TPTB gave Lindsay a story and they kept with it and followed through to some kind of ending.

i'd like to TPTB finish what they start sometimes. it always seems to be either Stella, Mac, or Danny that gets a story and their stories get finished.

with all these questions raised about Lindsay the writers have a lot to writer for her. i wish they could see that.
Just thought I'd post this here. Lindsay getting a mention in the press again re. the condom spray. The article's actually pretty funny and good she's making a name for herself. :lol:

LOL! Love it! Thanks for sharing. That episode hasn't aired in the UK yet? How far behind are they? That sucks!

Yeah, the episode has aired. :lol: It aired months ago, in fact I think it's probably aired twice by now...

I still wonder why her family hadn't been there when she had to testify. Why? There are so many possibilities. They could let her work a case that has to deal with mothers, and she says something about her own relationship to hers. Or about her family. That'd be interesting.

You know, I never really thought about Lindsay's family not being at the trial... Much has been mentioned about Flack's family not being at the hospital when he was injured, but similarly it is strange that Lindsay's family weren't there for her at the trial either. It doesn't really surprise me of course, but it does make us wonder what their relationships with their families are like, and it leads to interesting speculation. :)
Just thought I'd post this here. Lindsay getting a mention in the press again re. the condom spray. The article's actually pretty funny and good she's making a name for herself. :lol:

LOL! Love it! Thanks for sharing. That episode hasn't aired in the UK yet? How far behind are they? That sucks!

It says it hasn't aired on terrestrial tv which is always behind digital. Anyway, it's actually a mistake because it aired on terrestrial a couple of weeks ago and we had it on digital only a few weeks behind the US. In fact, because of the writer's strike we caught up so that by the time the finale aired we were only about a week and a half behind. :)
I thought that the condom spray scene was in the first episode of season 4 and was repeated on Five here in the UK a few weeks ago. Season 4 is on Channel 5 tonight at 10pm it is episodes 3 tonight - You Only Die Once. For the life of me I can't think what happens in it - so should be interesting.

It is soooo not fair that we have to wait for next year to see season 5. I really hope that they give her some good storylines and fill in some of the blanks we have been talking about i.e. What is her issue with mothers? Does she have any family other than uncle Freddie? Will she ever have that talk with Danny? What does her apartment look like?
Elsie said:
You know, I never really thought about Lindsay's family not being at the trial... Much has been mentioned about Flack's family not being at the hospital when he was injured, but similarly it is strange that Lindsay's family weren't there for her at the trial either. It doesn't really surprise me of course, but it does make us wonder what their relationships with their families are like, and it leads to interesting speculation. :)

Exactly. It's interesting.

When I watched the courtroom scene for the first time, I already wondered where they were. I mean, as far as I know nobody of her family was there. I wonder why. It'd be interesting to find this out.

After watching Stealing Home, I thought she might have a similar relationship to her parents like the victim Sarah. Maybe her father wasn't happy about her moving to New York. There are so many questions coming in my mind right now. :lol:

JellyBelly said:
Just thought I'd post this here. Lindsay getting a mention in the press again re. the condom spray. The article's actually pretty funny and good she's making a name for herself. :lol:

Thanks for posting this!

The condom spray episode hasn't aired here yet. :( I'd so like to see it. Although- I'm a bit afraid about the translation. :lol: I think they'll air it in fall or so.
^ Lol, well Lindsay actually compliments 'German Engineering' so perhaps the translation will be quite accurate ;)

Txs for posting that article JB!

It would be interesting to find out about Lindsay's relationship with her family and why they weren't there during the trial. And with all the times that she mentions Montana it is actually quite weird that she keeps referring to the state that often, but never to her parents, family and friends; you would think that 'home' is more related to people than to a place :wtf:

I would also love to see Lindsay in private with other people besides her co-workers. She has lived in NYC long enough to have made some friends or get acquintated with some of her neighbours or people at the gym or whatever. We've seen some of the social life of the others (Stella and her boyfriends, Flack and his girlfriends and his social work, Mac and his stepson, Danny and his neighbours, etc.) so why haven't we seen any of that from Lindsay?
It would be interesting to find out about Lindsay's relationship with her family and why they weren't there during the trial. And with all the times that she mentions Montana it is actually quite weird that she keeps referring to the state that often, but never to her parents, family and friends; you would think that 'home' is more related to people than to a place :wtf:
I think we might have once instance where she mentions her family. Lindsay happened to drive her mother's old Pinto when she first got her license. As for that nada, zip, nothing! But that doesn't tell us whether she got along with her mother at all...:confused:
I would also love to see Lindsay in private with other people besides her co-workers. She has lived in NYC long enough to have made some friends or get acquintated with some of her neighbours or people at the gym or whatever.
I would love to see that too! It seems to me that she lives in a world revolved around Danny which is kind of weird. Do we know what any of her outside hobbies are? Stella likes to shop, Flack likes to volunteer, even Adam we know likes video games! I want to see more of her social life.

Brina, I was intrigued as well from "Stealing Home" and wanted to see more of her relationship with her father. My best guess is that he is over protective of her and didn't want Lindsay to go to the big bad city. Mr. Monroe probably doesn't want to see her go and get hurt even more. Who knows??? :rolleyes:
eveninstarz14 said:
I would love to see that too! It seems to me that she lives in a world revolved around Danny which is kind of weird. Do we know what any of her outside hobbies are? Stella likes to shop, Flack likes to volunteer, even Adam we know likes video games! I want to see more of her social life.

Yea, I agree about the Danny thing. It seems almost pathetic in the way they make her life revolve around him. Surely she has other friends? Other interests?
eveninstarz14 said:
I would love to see that too! It seems to me that she lives in a world revolved around Danny which is kind of weird. Do we know what any of her outside hobbies are? Stella likes to shop, Flack likes to volunteer, even Adam we know likes video games! I want to see more of her social life.

Yea, I agree about the Danny thing. It seems almost pathetic in the way they make her life revolve around him. Surely she has other friends? Other interests?

You are right! I hadn't thought about it before but now I have, you're right. They don't seem to have taken the time to develop her like they have with the others.

This season it would be nice to see her with a storyline that explains a bit more about her back story. Maybe someone from Montana should pay her a visit or something.
LME said:
This season it would be nice to see her with a storyline that explains a bit more about her back story. Maybe someone from Montana should pay her a visit or something.

That's a good idea. Or her family, maybe someone from her family or one of the mother's of the girls who got murdered coming to thank her for her testimony which help put that killer behind bars.
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