I want to see if maybe her own mother was someone that Lindsay struggled with. I can understand the mothers of her friends being angry towards Lindsay. I do wish they showed a little of Lindsay confronting or dealing with the mothers...The writers have Lindsay say all these things and have no evidence or reasons as to why she says things like this! Are the fans just to assume the reasons behind it all?
That's a very interesting question. She said she had problems with mothers, but they never really said what exactly happened (or did I miss it? please tell me. ). Did she have problems with her friends mothers, who, like you said, were maybe mad (what would be really sad for her), or did she have problems with her own mother? And maybe- could she talk to her mother about what happened? Were they close or not?
I still wonder why her family hadn't been there when she had to testify. Why? There are so many possibilities. They could let her work a case that has to deal with mothers, and she says something about her own relationship to hers. Or about her family. That'd be interesting.