Anna/Lindsay #5: She Rocks!

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LME said:
This season it would be nice to see her with a storyline that explains a bit more about her back story. Maybe someone from Montana should pay her a visit or something.

That's a good idea. Or her family, maybe someone from her family or one of the mother's of the girls who got murdered coming to thank her for her testimony which help put that killer behind bars.

I'd love to see her confronting her past on a more professional level. In S3 we saw how her past affected her but it seemed to be more about her fear of having to face it in terms of the trial. It only affected her job because of her emotional reaction to it. I'd actually like to see her in some sort of action sequence where she has to confront it 'on the job'. Maybe she's in a situation where there's a gunman and she has to make the decision to shoot him/her. I think it would be interesting to see some sort of internal investigation where she's questioned about her past and how that may have affected her decision to shoot. I'd find that really interesting.
it would be really interesting to see her interact with someone from before NY. be it family member or a friend. just like it would be nice if they explored her issue with mothers more.

and they should definitely give her hobbies. I never thought about it but we dont really know what she does outside of work.

Lian, YODO is the I rock episode. I love that scene. it shows her in diferent light and I like it in her. just like her banter with Danny. YODO was a n all around great episode
They need to show her being the strong confident woman she was when she arrived in NY. I think that they should bring someone out from Montana, it would help to understand why she behaves the way she does in certain situations. Whether it someone from her family, one of the other mothers, someone from Bozeman CSI or guy who killed her friends. Any of those kinds of things would be good. But I think that Lindsay needs to confront the guy who shot her friends (which I think I said before), to me she has never real got over what happened so I think it would help bring her closure so she can hopefully move on.

As of hobbies, I am trying to think of what she would do with her time off, the only indications are that she has been to the opera and she has been to some basketball games.

Lian, YODO is the I rock episode. I love that scene. it shows her in diferent light and I like it in her. just like her banter with Danny. YODO was a n all around great episode

As it started last night I remembered it.:lol: It is a great Lindsay and DL episode :), they should give her more like that! It was also a great one for Flack!
she is obviously into sport and from some things she said she might have been quite the tomboy when she was younger.

Im not sure about her confronting the killer but it would be interesting if she was to face a pointless killing of several people. that would be a possibility for her to talk about what she feels and how she is coping. it could be a really interesting scene between her and Sid. he is pretty sensitive and funny si I would like it if it was him

Ive got the feeling that her dealing mechanism is botling everything in and pretend it doesnt exist until it overflows. so its nice when she actually shows the more intimate thoughts and feelings
Im not sure about her confronting the killer but it would be interesting if she was to face a pointless killing of several people. that would be a possibility for her to talk about what she feels and how she is coping. it could be a really interesting scene between her and Sid. he is pretty sensitive and funny si I would like it if it was him

Interesting idea. I agree, Sid would be a nice partner for a conversation. It was so damn cute when she told him about the thing she learnt from her father (with the leather), and when he told her Danny had a crush on her. Sid is just great. :D I agree, I'd like to see her talking to him.
I just want more scenes of her and Sid period. She, as far as I can tell, hasn't been around Sid's creepy yet awesomely funny statements.

I also can see Sid being almost like the uncle that cares for her when she is depressed. I think this because of the scene where Sid comforts Stella after she does CPR on him with her whole AIDs scare. I think Sid would be excellent for Lindsay to come to for when she needs help.

Man with what happened with her and Danny and the conclusion of her friend's murders, I am surprised she hasn't burst yet! :lol:
I just want more scenes of her and Sid period. She, as far as I can tell, hasn't been around Sid's creepy yet awesomely funny statements.

:lol: I'd so like to see that!! This'd be so much fun. And, well, it'd be nice to hear one of his stories again. :lol: I wonder how Lindsay would react.

eveninstarz14 said:
I also can see Sid being almost like the uncle that cares for her when she is depressed.

Aww, yes, I think he really is. You know which scene I liked? The one where Lindsay, Stella and Sid were together and Lindsay remembered the shooting and started to cry. I loved how Stella comforted her.
an outburst in locker room would be interesting. but not on the job. especially if it happened in front of Adam. it would be both strong and amusing. he would be an interesting source of comfort. a little awkward but willing to help

and the more I think about Sid and Lindsay themore I like the idea. we definitely need more scenes with them. especially if he is going to play the crazy uncle Sid role time after time :guffaw:
Seeing her with Adam would indeed be nice. But I'd also like to see her more with Stella. I liked the scenes they shared together. And Stella is a great comforter. Like in the scene I mentioned. It'd be nice to see them working together more often.

I'm really curious if they'll show us more of Lindsay's past, or show some people from her past. They show people related to the other characters, now I'd like to see someone Lindsay knows.
I would also like to see more of Lindsay working with Mac. I mean Mac must of known about her past when he hired her right? Or maybe not...I am not really sure. I just adore his caring ways for her. Plus I love how he always looks befuddled and amused when she is demonstrating something to him. :lol:

Stella and Lindsay definitely need to have more screen time together, I totally agree! More scenes of Lindsay rocking and Stella agreeing! :thumbsup:
I was also wondering if Mac knew or not. Maybe it's again the problem with the German translation, but in Lying Game, it sounded like he knew she was the only survivor. He said he knew she was the only witness when Lindsay and Stella were in his office and she told him she'd go to Montana. Did he say that in the originial version as well?

I agree with you, Meg, Lindsay working with Mac is cute. I always laugh when I see his and Stella's faces when she does those famous demonstrations. I also think that Mac seems to be more...lets say open or relaxed (I don't know how to describe it) when he works with her. You know what I mean? At least in season 2 it looked like that.
I was also wondering if Mac knew or not. Maybe it's again the problem with the German translation, but in Lying Game, it sounded like he knew she was the only survivor. He said he knew she was the only witness when Lindsay and Stella were in his office and she told him she'd go to Montana. Did he say that in the originial version as well?

I agree with you, Meg, Lindsay working with Mac is cute. I always laugh when I see his and Stella's faces when she does those famous demonstrations. I also think that Mac seems to be more...lets say open or relaxed (I don't know how to describe it) when he works with her. You know what I mean? At least in season 2 it looked like that.
I think there is something about Lindsay that calms everyone down. Well maybe except for Danny...but that is for another thread and discussion. :p

At least for me Stella and Mac seem to relax and enjoy themselves more when they are around Lindsay. At the same time, both know how to have really well done serious scenes with her. I like how the tension was resolved quickly with Stella and Lindsay when Lindsay refused Stella's advice in the third season. It took a grand total of one episode for Mac and Lindsay to work out her unprofessional work style in Like Water For Murder. Maybe the writers can take a hint for a certain other story line....Again that is besides the point...:lol:
I agree. She really seems to calm people down. And I love seeing her interact with the other team members. With Mac she always looks so excited, and he looks more amused and relaxed. I think, Stella is a great partner for her as well. And a good friend. I also love her moments with Flack- it's always fun to watch. And Hawkes? They worked together so many times, they're a great team. And Danny? Well, do I have to say more? ;) I think, she just fits perfectly into the team.
I don't think anyone can calm Danny down! :lol: Lindsay seems to have a relaxing effect on people, and when she does her demonstrations or gives her explanations everyone is always smiling. I love when she does that too!

Special request pics for Megan!

Wow.. this place is as crazy as the Mac thread.. hehe.. it's fun in there... Lindsay is awesome. Anna is sweet for an actress, and she has a baby... it is awesome! Loved season 3, when she was having the baby... it was interesting.. I could always tell when she was pregnant, no matter how hard they tried to keep her stomach out of the way... it's like obvious in pregnant woman...

Season 4 for her... it was okay. I've only seen a few episodes from season 4, and Lindsay rocks! (hm... title of this thread!) Loved her loads... she is awesome!

Be around again sometime... <3, Claire
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