Anna/Lindsay #5: She Rocks!

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I found a while ago that I live near Belknap St. How bizarre is that? :p

Oh, that's cool. What a nice coincidence!

I have to agree with you, I love looking at her clothes as well....... I think the costume designers are doing a great job. The clothes she wears really fit to her. Oh, I'm close to talk about her hair again. :lol: But seriously, it IS and interesting topic, isn't it? *still prefers her curls*
Brina! Stop bringing up the hair! We get it you prefer her curls :p

Man, I hope we don't get an angsty Lindsay this upcoming season. I don't want to have to see her cry anymore! She needs to get out of the lab and tackle those suspects again. :lol: Plus I really do want to know the answer...What did they feed her in Montana? :lol:
:lol: Great idea, I want to know that, too. ;) Who knows, maybe we'll find out soon.

Actually I like every role Lindsay plays. I think Anna can portray her emotions so well (my all time favourite is still the courtroom scene from SOOH). But we had a lot of angsty Lindsay since season 3. I agree with you, I hope this'll change now. The beginning of season 4 was great. Let me mention my favourite momentes:

- Lindsay's conversation with Adam (4x01)
- the condom spray scene. Especially- Lindsay knew how to use it, the guys didn't? (4x01)
- the starfish scene with Stella (4x02)
- I rock! (4x03)
- the Mach5/Batmobile convo with Danny (4x03)
- her following the old woman into the secret passage (4x06)
- her scenes from 4x07

Anything I forgot?
I to would love to know the answer to that one!

We need less of angsty Lindsay in season 5. Does anyone know how much time will have pasted from the end of season 4 to the start of season 5? If it is carrying straght on she may still be playing the angst. but hopefully Kick ass Monana lindsay will be back with avengence :)
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I sure hope that season 5 is less angsty Lindsay. I didn't like how they had her character in season 4. It's just not Lindsay-like! What were the writer's doing? :confused:

Had to add a pic I found of Anna. She looks great!
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She may have known how to use it. I just think the boys were a tad confused with the whole "Where's the reservoir?" deal :wtf::lol:.

:lol: This was so adorable! :lol: You could clearly see how confused they were. Well, to be honest, I'm not sure I'd use the condom spray either. I don't know how often I watched this scene. It's definitely one of my favourites.

CSI Stokes Girl said:
What were the writer's doing? :confused:

I was wondering about that several times last season. But I agree, I'm sure next season will be less angsty. It just has to be.

Thanks for the picture! I saw it a couple of times before. She looks really pretty.
Ahh zee condom spray scene! So classy and wonderful eh? :lol: The finest technology Germany has to offer us along with their VW and BMW cars.

I don't mind angst for her at all, just don't make it relationship angst for her. Make it connected with her past. She cannot possibly be completely recovered from her tragic past! Lindsay must have some sort of issues with her family and friends back from Montana? It would be interesting to see a case in NY that resembles the crime she witnessed and she was the lead of the case. Oh lord that would be awesome! Watching her struggle with it would be very interesting in my mind.
Ahh zee condom spray scene! So classy and wonderful eh? :lol: The finest technology Germany has to offer us along with their VW and BMW cars.

:lol: Yeah.

eveninstarz14 said:
I don't mind angst for her at all, just don't make it relationship angst for her. Make it connected with her past. She cannot possibly be completely recovered from her tragic past! Lindsay must have some sort of issues with her family and friends back from Montana? It would be interesting to see a case in NY that resembles the crime she witnessed and she was the lead of the case. Oh lord that would be awesome! Watching her struggle with it would be very interesting in my mind.

What a good idea. I agree. To be honest, I liked the Lindsay angst from season 3. Because it was NOT only relationship related like in season 4. Well, unfortunately I already knew what'd happen and why she acted like this when they showed the episodes here. But it was interesting to see her struggle with her past. No surprise! It was horrible what happened to her!

I agree with you, I don't think she recovered from it completely. This would happen too fast. I think, a case like this would be interesting. And it would be a great chance to show her leading a case.
Ahh zee condom spray scene! So classy and wonderful eh? :lol: The finest technology Germany has to offer us along with their VW and BMW cars.

:lol: Yeah.

eveninstarz14 said:
I don't mind angst for her at all, just don't make it relationship angst for her. Make it connected with her past. She cannot possibly be completely recovered from her tragic past! Lindsay must have some sort of issues with her family and friends back from Montana? It would be interesting to see a case in NY that resembles the crime she witnessed and she was the lead of the case. Oh lord that would be awesome! Watching her struggle with it would be very interesting in my mind.

What a good idea. I agree. To be honest, I liked the Lindsay angst from season 3. Because it was NOT only relationship related like in season 4. Well, unfortunately I already knew what'd happen and why she acted like this when they showed the episodes here. But it was interesting to see her struggle with her past. No surprise! It was horrible what happened to her!

I agree with you, I don't think she recovered from it completely. This would happen too fast. I think, a case like this would be interesting. And it would be a great chance to show her leading a case.

I was thinking that maybe as an aid for her to be able to put an end to her demons about the shooting it would for her to face him. I know it is unlikely to happen but perhaps he could escape some how and come after Lindsay and she stops him. she knows she has the team behind her but it is her that stops him - I don't mean kill, I just mean that she is able to take control. If that makes sense.
^^^ that sounds like a great idea. i'd like to know a bit more about Lindsay and her time in Montana and i think bringing back her trama in a way like this would bring some more backround about her.

it seems like all the cast who was on the show from the begining has some good stories and character grow but Lindsay since she came in in season 2 just seems stuck.

i was thinking that maybe Lindsay has been angsty since she got that call from Montana in 3rd season b/c the whole experience made her that way..... of course something like this happening to anyone would make them hurt and mad but maybe there was some more to it. she seems to push people away when she's upset, maybe when the shooting happened the parents of her friends were mad at her for living so she just hides away (*what i said probably doesn't make sense, i just don't know how to word it*)

i wouldn't mind seeing some work-angst-ridden Lindsay b/c then the agnst has some good reason behind it. agnst is good to see sometimes it brings out a different side to the character, but it has to be the right type of angst and the right situation. Lindsay has neither the good reason or right situation (in season 4 at least) for the angst.
i was thinking that maybe Lindsay has been angsty since she got that call from Montana in 3rd season b/c the whole experience made her that way..... of course something like this happening to anyone would make them hurt and mad but maybe there was some more to it. she seems to push people away when she's upset, maybe when the shooting happened the parents of her friends were mad at her for living so she just hides away (*what i said probably doesn't make sense, i just don't know how to word it*)

I think it would be interesting for them to explore her issues with mothers. Although we can draw conclusions from what happened to her in that she must struggle because of the impact her friends' deaths had on their mothers, they didn't actually show exactly why she felt that way. Maybe she felt their mothers blamed her for surviving, maybe she was made to feel guilty for 'hiding' in the bathroom. In fact, that could have been an interesting exploration in terms of the character of Rikki in S4, had tptb ever had Lindsay and Danny talking about it or even had they had Lindsay and Rikki in a scene together.
I have been watching my CSI NY DVDS this weekend. I miss the fun loving Lindsay that arrived in season 2.

I hope that they let her bring closure to the shooting and in a way that enpowers her.
I think it would be interesting for them to explore her issues with mothers. Although we can draw conclusions from what happened to her in that she must struggle because of the impact her friends' deaths had on their mothers, they didn't actually show exactly why she felt that way.

I want to see if maybe her own mother was someone that Lindsay struggled with. I can understand the mothers of her friends being angry towards Lindsay. I do wish they showed a little of Lindsay confronting or dealing with the mothers...The writers have Lindsay say all these things and have no evidence or reasons as to why she says things like this! Are the fans just to assume the reasons behind it all?:confused:
Guilt is a very powerful emotion and I bet that she felt very guilty for living when everyone else did not. I think it would have made a powerful episode for Lindsay to have to deal with the mothers.

But also, it would have been interesting to see the reactions of her other school friends. I wonder if that is why she has the kind of relationship with Danny that she does.
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