Anna/Lindsay #5: She Rocks!

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Aww, pictures!!!!!! Thank you! :D I agree, she looks really cute in the photos.

I know Anna has played in several other shows before she started working for CSI:NY. Unfortunately I never watched any of her other shows yet. :( Some time ago they showed 'Medical Investigation' here in Germany, but I didn't watch it then and I'm not sure they'll repeat it. I really hope so, I'd like to see this show.
Ive seen some episodes of MI and she was reaally cute there. I watched it on Pro7

I like the pictures. she looks really good on the first one. I like the curls. they make her look more carefree and a little younger too
Oh, you watched it on Pro7? Yeah, I heard it was shown there, but I missed it. :( I hope they'll repeat it some time, and please not in the middle of the night, like they do it with some other shows. :lol: I'd really like to she Anna in something else than CSI:NY. From what I heard she was really good in this show.

I agree, she looks really younger with her curls. And cute.
I know Anna has played in several other shows before she started working for CSI:NY. Unfortunately I never watched any of her other shows yet. :( Some time ago they showed 'Medical Investigation' here in Germany, but I didn't watch it then and I'm not sure they'll repeat it. I really hope so, I'd like to see this show.

I saw her in MI. She was really amazing! Character is so different than Lindsay in CSI: NY. Her performance was so stunning that after few minutes I got that it's our Lindsay;) I'm sure you'll like it, Brin.
I saw her in MI. She was really amazing! Character is so different than Lindsay in CSI: NY. Her performance was so stunning that after few minutes I got that it's our Lindsay;) I'm sure you'll like it, Brin.

:lol: Really? That's cute. I saw some pics of her in this show, and also one or two clips at youtube. She really seemed to be different. I agree, I'm sure I'd like it. I love Lindsay, and it'd be interesting to see Anna in a role that's so different from her.

Btw, nice you posted here! :thumbsup: Welcome!
just looked up Anna on You Tube abn saw watch some bit of her in MI. She looks so young!.

I would love to see the writers give her back her spunk and some meatier storylines next season.
First off, Happy 4th of July to everyone :D:D
I saw her in MI. She was really amazing! Character is so different than Lindsay in CSI: NY. Her performance was so stunning that after few minutes I got that it's our Lindsay;) I'm sure you'll like it, Brin.

Hi Deirdre! *waves hello* I have only seen bits and pieces of the show but from what I saw, she was amazing! :thumbsup: She was also stunning in her role in the WAT episodes she was in. :D I think since MI was canceled in America, its hard to find it on television. Resort to youtube you know? :lol:

CSI Stokes Girl, what would I do without your amazing pictures?? Is it so wrong that I have a girl crush on Anna? :lol::devil:
I should definitely go and search for a few clips at youtube. I want to see it. And maybe I'll also see her in some other shows she acted in. Anything you can recommened? :D

eveninstarz14 said:
CSI Stokes Girl, what would I do without your amazing pictures?? Is it so wrong that I have a girl crush on Anna? :lol::devil:

No, it's not!! :lol: Of course not, I have one, too. ;) Thanks for posting the pics, CSI Stokes Girl!
Well I know she was in an episode of Law & Order SVU but I haven't seen that. She also did a really short cameo on The Comeback with Lisa Kudrow. It is beyond hilarious let me tell ya. :lol:

Yay! I am not the only one who loves Anna! :p :lol:
eveninstarz14 said:
Yay! I am not the only one who loves Anna! :p :lol:

:lol: You didn't really think that, did you? ;) Of course you're not! I love her since I started watching the show. Funny is, my very first CSI:NY scene I can remember of is the one at the harbour with Danny in Stealing Home, and later the one when Danny, Lindsay and Flack were in the park. You see? The first thing I remember is her. :lol:
I love the twinkle in eye she gets when she in a comedy scene (I mean Condom Spray, bug eating etc).

She delivers the lines so dead pan its cracks me up every time. :lol:
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I saw her on youtube in MI too. Different but good! I love that first pic of Anna, love the sweater and jeans combo. Infact, I want that shirt! :cool:
I saw her on youtube in MI too. Different but good! I love that first pic of Anna, love the sweater and jeans combo. Infact, I want that shirt! :cool:

Me, too. :D I love her clothes, especially the ones she had in season 2. My favourite is the blue shirt from Corporate Warriors.

:guffaw:Well, her clothes ARE great, aren't they? Like her hair.

So, everyone saw her in other shows. Now I have to rewatch the scenes as well. And hope we'll get MI here again, so I can watch it.
she gets to wear so great clothes. I like the outfit she had on (and half off:lol:) in the pool scene of SD.:lol:
I must admit and as shallow as this sounds, I love looking at the clothes that she wears. The costume designer for her and the show knows what they are doing that's for sure! :lol:

I found a while ago that I live near Belknap St. How bizarre is that? :p
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