Anna/Lindsay #5: She Rocks!

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Cows in New York! Honestly, I'd love to see that! :lol: That'd be too funny. I'm not sure how many cows you can find in and around New York. But in Montana I'm sure there are many cows. So Lindsay knows how to work with them, I think. Horses sound good to me, too. Well, I'm afraid of rats, but I'd even accept them. :D We already had dogs more than once, and obviously most of them like them. I'd like to see them with some other animals as well.

carolina said:
although I dont like Angell at all I would like to see a girl power episode. especially if the case was somewhere considered man terithory and they would have to deal with some machos.

Yes! That's exactly what I want.

I remember that in 'Dancing With The Fish', Lindsay had to handle this cop (not sure how his name was). I know that the German translation of the scene was pretty different from the original one, but I liked it.
Why not have a fair theme episode in the suburbs of NY? I can totally see Lindsay going to the farm part of the fair and handling the animals there :lol: It would also be awesome to see Lindsay riding a horse. :D

More of Lindsay putting people in their place please? I loved her telling one of the suspects in Corporate Warriors off about the direction of the tea spot. :p
Why not have a fair theme episode in the suburbs of NY? I can totally see Lindsay going to the farm part of the fair and handling the animals there :lol: It would also be awesome to see Lindsay riding a horse. :D

More of Lindsay putting people in their place please? I loved her telling one of the suspects in Corporate Warriors off about the direction of the tea spot. :p

Oh that was great, loved it! That guy didn't expect that did he? You tell him Linds! Here's a Lindsay pic from Consequences. I like her hair up like this, so pretty!

Thanks Top, it always nice to see her doing interviews, we hardly get enough of that! :)

I seem to be repeating myself but I would really like to see her work more with Stella. I love how Stella always seems so amused by Lindsay. They work off each other so well. It is quite refreshing to see the two leading women on the show getting along rather well. On the other CSIs it seems like there always was tension between the leading women. There seems to be no drama between these two or if there was, it was resolved rather quickly, for example, when Stella found out about Lindsay's past. She made her position clear to Lindsay and Lindsay was able to finally come clean to her. Also showed us the friendship between the two of them which is something I really wanted to see in light of the recent season.

I kind of don't want to see Angell and Lindsay work together. They seem too different in personality and it would clash in my eyes. But give all three of the girls a story together and that might work! Heck, bring in Quinn and Jordan if you want! :lol:
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Thanks Top, it always nice to see her doing interviews, we hardly get enough of that! :)

I feel like all of 'em on CSI NY could do more interviews! And more photo ops!

eveninstarz14 said:
I seem to be repeating myself but I would really like to see her work more with Stella. I love how Stella always seems so amused by Lindsay. They work off each other so well. It is quite refreshing to see the two leading women on the show getting along rather well. On the other CSIs it seems like there always was tension between the leading women. There seems to be no drama between these two or if there was, it was resolved rather quickly, for example, when Stella found out about Lindsay's past. She made her position clear to Lindsay and Lindsay was able to finally come clean to her. Also showed us the friendship between the two of them which is something I really wanted to see in light of the recent season.

I agree. I like Stella and Lindsay working together. They seemed to become quick friends and Stella has a lot of empathy for Lindsay. How about the hug from Mac when she told him? How sweet! Anyways, back on subject....

eveninstarz14 said:
I kind of don't want to see Angell and Lindsay work together. They seem too different in personality and it would clash in my eyes. But give all three of the girls a story together and that might work! Heck, bring in Quinn and Jordan if you want! :lol:

I'll second that. Don't think those two would work too well together. Polar opposites.
I like the relationships between Lindsay & Stella and Lindsay and Mac. To me Mac is very much like a surragate father to her, while Stella seems across between mother and sister.

Also, like mentioned in the thread earlier I would like to see Uncle Freddie or another member of her family, I think it would give us an interesting insight into her life pre NY.
yeah, I would definitely like to know more about her life pre NY. there is still the sibling question and it would be interesting to see her interact with someone from her family. uncle Freddie would be a good choice, especially if they cast him right

I agree that Lindsay probably wouldnt work well with Angell (not on the job but personally) but since she is the only female detective, if we want girl power she will have to do

and I definitely want more scenes with Lindsay and Flack. I think they have some things in common and it would be nice to expore that. and a scene with Lindsay, Hawkes, Adam and Flack would be almost too good to be true :)
Good morning! :) Wow, so many new posts. Lets see...

eveninstarz14 said:
More of Lindsay putting people in their place please? I loved her telling one of the suspects in Corporate Warriors off about the direction of the tea spot. :p

Totally agree with you! That's one of my favourite scenes. She was great. And did you notice the look the guy gave her when she left? :lol:

Top41 said:
Thought you guys would want to see this new interview with Anna--it was published on the 29th of June!

Thanks for posting this! I'm glad to see an interview with her again. I agree with all of you- we definitely need more interviews. :D

carolina said:
and I definitely want more scenes with Lindsay and Flack. I think they have some things in common and it would be nice to expore that. and a scene with Lindsay, Hawkes, Adam and Flack would be almost too good to be true :)

Oh, yes, please! I'm a huge fan of Lindsay and Flack and Lindsay and Hawkes working together. Lindsay and Hawkes worked some cases together in season 4, and as far as I remember also in season 3 (Murder Sings The Blues, Sweet Sixteen, what else? I'm not sure.)

My wish would be if they'd mix the pairing more often. Everyone should work together with everyone during the season. It's interesting to see them interact with each other.
I would LOVE for more Flack and Lindsay cases. I am beyond excited with the prospect of these two working together. Child's Play was a great episode for them because it showed them being light hearted and sorry didn't see the hatred there...:confused:

I would also love to see more interaction with her and Adam. He always seems to be intimidated by her :lol: Maybe Lindsay could give him some advice for Kendall? :lol:
Yeah, I liked them in Child's Play (didn't see any hate either). And do you remember their conversation at the beginning of Charge Of This Post? It was cute and funny. They should definitely have more scenes together. We often had Danny and Lindsay and Hawkes and Lindsay working together. Now I want to see her working with Flack.

And I agree with you. Adam and Lindsay would be funny as well.
And I agree with you. Adam and Lindsay would be funny as well.

I bet that would be something to see!:lol: I was also thinking that I would like to see her and Kendall - not sure the how the dynamic would work, but would be interesting to see her interact with her.
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