Anna/Lindsay #5: She Rocks!

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Oh I hope they don't make her pregnant! Poor Lindsay, like there's not enough drama going on with here! LOL! I want her and Danny together but I don't know how that storyline should work since he cheated on her.
I agree with you about that. As much as I love reading fanfics about Danny and Lindsay having children, I don't actually want to see that in the show. It'd be too much, and possibly would cause even more drama. It'd be nice to see them being together again, but kids would be too much.
But apart from D and L getting back together again, I'd also love to see more of her as an individual person. Even after 3 seasons we still don't know much about her, except her being from Montana and her friends being killed. And like I said some time ago, I'd like to see her lead a case or something. Or at least play a major role in it. Like in 'A Daze Of Wine And Roaches' or 'Stealing Home'. She had a lot of screentime in those episodes, and she was good!
I always thought they might go the whole pregnancy route if Anna herself were to actually get pregnant again. I read somewhere (although I'm not sure it was a reliable source) that tptb had intended her Lindsay to be pregnant in S3 when Anna was (following what had at that point been a one night stand with Danny after the S2 finale). I recall it being stated that Anna was the one who said no. At the time of reading it I recall thinking I'd never seen anything to confirm that so put it down to fan speculation.

Anyway, if it were true then it would say tptb aren't above having her pregnant and I always thought it must have been pretty tough to have Anna pregnant on a show of this ilk so it would make sense if she did get pregnant again to write it into the show.

However, that's just the practicalities. I really don't want Lindsay to be pregnant, at least not yet. I agree that should be left to fanfiction. I really don't think they'd be doing her any favours having her pregnant at this point. Whatever happens between D/L they need to develop her as a stand alone character (and no, I don't mean she can't be with Danny at the same time). She needs to be given better storylines along with some of the other characters. Here's my list of storylines I'd like to see for Lindsay;

- Working a case on her own
- Something that highlights her country roots, maybe a case where animals are involved and we get to see her dealing with that while all the 'city boys' are too scaredy to go near
- Working with the girls (I'm all for girl power)
- I'd also like to see them exploring her past but within the context of her work. I can see a court case with her evidence being brought into question because of a supposed lack of objectivity if a case closely resembles that of her own experience. I'd like to see her kick ass in terms of justifying her actions and supporting her evidence.
- We know she has an Uncle Freddy in New York, maybe he could be involved in something or in some sort of trouble.

Any more?:)
Here's my list of storylines I'd like to see for Lindsay;

- Working a case on her own
- Something that highlights her country roots, maybe a case where animals are involved and we get to see her dealing with that while all the 'city boys' are too scaredy to go near
- Working with the girls (I'm all for girl power)
- I'd also like to see them exploring her past but within the context of her work. I can see a court case with her evidence being brought into question because of a supposed lack of objectivity if a case closely resembles that of her own experience. I'd like to see her kick ass in terms of justifying her actions and supporting her evidence.
- We know she has an Uncle Freddy in New York, maybe he could be involved in something or in some sort of trouble.

Any more?:)
Oh, if you have more! That would be awesome :D

I would love to see her delve more into her roots. Interesting to see how they do an animal case in NYC :lol: But, I really would like to meet Uncle Freddy, then at least we get to meet someone in her family. I also wonder if he is someone that Lindsay confided to when she got called back to Montana. I actually just want to know more about him period! He might not even be a blood relative. :p
I always thought they might go the whole pregnancy route if Anna herself were to actually get pregnant again. I read somewhere (although I'm not sure it was a reliable source) that tptb had intended her Lindsay to be pregnant in S3 when Anna was (following what had at that point been a one night stand with Danny after the S2 finale). I recall it being stated that Anna was the one who said no. At the time of reading it I recall thinking I'd never seen anything to confirm that so put it down to fan speculation.

I'm glad they didn't do that and if Anna is the one who said no that's even better! Not a great storyline there. There's enough of that crap on tv!

JellyBelly said:
Here's my list of storylines I'd like to see for Lindsay;

- Working a case on her own
- Something that highlights her country roots, maybe a case where animals are involved and we get to see her dealing with that while all the 'city boys' are too scaredy to go near
- Working with the girls (I'm all for girl power)
- I'd also like to see them exploring her past but within the context of her work. I can see a court case with her evidence being brought into question because of a supposed lack of objectivity if a case closely resembles that of her own experience. I'd like to see her kick ass in terms of justifying her actions and supporting her evidence.
- We know she has an Uncle Freddy in New York, maybe he could be involved in something or in some sort of trouble.

I would love for Lindsay to work her own case, that would be great and with some of that kickass Season 2 Lindsay stuff too! Bringing something up about her roots in relevance to a case would be good too. Great ideas JellyBelly!
I always thought they might go the whole pregnancy route if Anna herself were to actually get pregnant again. I read somewhere (although I'm not sure it was a reliable source) that tptb had intended her Lindsay to be pregnant in S3 when Anna was (following what had at that point been a one night stand with Danny after the S2 finale). I recall it being stated that Anna was the one who said no. At the time of reading it I recall thinking I'd never seen anything to confirm that so put it down to fan speculation.

That's from a TV Guide article; apparently when Anna got pregnant there was brief talk about it, but Anna said in the article (and I assume she got this from one of the producers/tech advisors) that pregnant women can't work around chemicals in the lab. So it wouldn't have been practical for the character.
It would be great to see the old Lindsay back. But I think TPTB need to help us to understand what the hell was going on last season. It was as if it was only a half season with so many different issues fully defined.

Next season along with Kick Ass Lindsay working more in the field and taking down the bad guys I would like to see some kind of resolution to DL and to find out why she seemed to change during season 4.

The general feeling is that she is not pregnant so what do we think maybe going on in her head? I have been thinking and can't come up with much. Maybe there is some family issue going on that she didn't want to bring up as Danny was having a problem dealing with Rubens death or maybe the guy who killed her friends excaped. Any ideas anyone?
JellyBelly said:
- Working a case on her own
- Something that highlights her country roots, maybe a case where animals are involved and we get to see her dealing with that while all the 'city boys' are too scaredy to go near
- Working with the girls (I'm all for girl power)
- I'd also like to see them exploring her past but within the context of her work. I can see a court case with her evidence being brought into question because of a supposed lack of objectivity if a case closely resembles that of her own experience. I'd like to see her kick ass in terms of justifying her actions and supporting her evidence.
- We know she has an Uncle Freddy in New York, maybe he could be involved in something or in some sort of trouble.

Any more?:)

I think you said everything I want to see as well. Especially her working a big case. And working with animals sounds like fun to me. :lol: We had that a couple of times, like in s1 with the horse, and in s2 with the tiger. There are so many possibilities.
And you're right, I totally forgot about her Uncle! Obviously he lives in New York. So it'd be nice to see him.
And please, more girlpower, this also counts for Stella and Angell.
Interesting to see how they do an animal case in NYC :lol:

What? There're no animals in NYC? Darnit!! :) I admit the options are limited if you're looking in Manhatten, in fact very likely limited to those little fluffy poodle things with pink diamante collars (no offence intended to any pooches or owners!).

I'm glad they didn't do that and if Anna is the one who said no that's even better! Not a great storyline there. There's enough of that crap on tv!

Indeed! Me too!

That's from a TV Guide article; apparently when Anna got pregnant there was brief talk about it, but Anna said in the article (and I assume she got this from one of the producers/tech advisors) that pregnant women can't work around chemicals in the lab. So it wouldn't have been practical for the character.

Aha! Thank you, that makes sense although I'm pretty sure that there are only certain chemicals that you can't work with if you're pregnant so I'm not sure that would be the only reason. I'd like to think they at least partly dismissed it because it would have been a rotten storyline :)

Next season along with Kick Ass Lindsay working more in the field and taking down the bad guys I would like to see some kind of resolution to DL and to find out why she seemed to change during season 4.

The general feeling is that she is not pregnant so what do we think maybe going on in her head? I have been thinking and can't come up with much. Maybe there is some family issue going on that she didn't want to bring up as Danny was having a problem dealing with Rubens death or maybe the guy who killed her friends excaped. Any ideas anyone?

I don't think there is (or should be) another reason for it. I'm not even sure that she changed all that much other than in response to what was going on with Danny. I honestly think that she doesn't know how to handle the Ruben/Danny situation and that's possibly it. I suspect after her own traumas she might have been trying a little too hard to put it behind her and be 'normal', hence why she wasn't able to help Danny. I think she's a little clueless in the face of his grief/guilt. It's obvious that Danny didn't feel able to turn to her but what we don't yet know is whether that was purely his issue or a joint one. I'd like to see it explored as a joint one where it's not just a case of him not wanting to burden her (or whatever) but that it's something to do with her behaviour also. I suspect that it could be that she expected him to come to her after he walked away from her in the morgue and when he didn't she decided to give him his space because that's how she's always handled her issues. Danny on the other hand could have taken that as her not being there for him and not caring about it, hence his shock when she revealed how she felt about him. I really don't think they should introduce anything new into the mix in terms of external reasons, they have enough potential material to go on, they just need to explore it a little on screen.

And please, more girlpower, this also counts for Stella and Angell.

Absolutely! Charlie eat your heart out, Mac's Angels rule!! That would be so cool. :)
Absolutely! Charlie eat your heart out, Mac's Angels rule!! That would be so cool. :)

:guffaw: I'm just seeing the three of them as Charlie's Angels. :lol: But seriously, now awesome would it be if we had an episode where the three are working a big case. Lindsay, Stella and Angell. And girlpower. The guys always get some action, now it's the girl's turn! We know they can do that, so give them some action!
Hardy har har JellyBelly! You know what I mean! :p Maybe we can have more of those kinkapoodle episodes then...Plus NY has forgotten that there is more to NYC than just Manhatten. :D We did already get to see the unofficial mascot with the cockroaches :lol: Bring on the rats baby!
Hardy har har JellyBelly! You know what I mean! :p Maybe we can have more of those kinkapoodle episodes then...Plus NY has forgotten that there is more to NYC than just Manhatten. :D We did already get to see the unofficial mascot with the cockroaches :lol: Bring on the rats baby!

Didn't we have rats in S1? Don't want it to get too repetitive now do we? :D
I was thinking more along the lines of something big but not too scary like a cow! And yes, I know there aren't too many of those in Manhatten but like you say there's more to New York than that. Plus, I wouldn't put it past the show to have a cow turn up in central park anyway. I like the idea of having a harmless animal but one that the likes of Flack and Danny don't wanna go near because it's big and they just haven't come across that many cows. Am I rambling yet? Anyway, a cute and funny scene could come out of that with Lindsay showing them up for being the city boys they are. :rolleyes: Could be fun.
Hardy har har JellyBelly! You know what I mean! :p Maybe we can have more of those kinkapoodle episodes then...Plus NY has forgotten that there is more to NYC than just Manhatten. :D We did already get to see the unofficial mascot with the cockroaches :lol: Bring on the rats baby!

Didn't we have rats in S1? Don't want it to get too repetitive now do we? :D
I was thinking more along the lines of something big but not too scary like a cow! And yes, I know there aren't too many of those in Manhatten but like you say there's more to New York than that. Plus, I wouldn't put it past the show to have a cow turn up in central park anyway. I like the idea of having a harmless animal but one that the likes of Flack and Danny don't wanna go near because it's big and they just haven't come across that many cows. Am I rambling yet? Anyway, a cute and funny scene could come out of that with Lindsay showing them up for being the city boys they are. :rolleyes: Could be fun.

Yea, that episode was funny with the rats with Mac and Aiden! I'd love to see a cow tie in! LOL! I think that would be a great scene, cause some city folk won't go near farm animals! I can see Flack and Danny not wanting to and Lindsay taking complete control over the situation. Hilarious!
Hardy har har JellyBelly! You know what I mean! :p Maybe we can have more of those kinkapoodle episodes then...Plus NY has forgotten that there is more to NYC than just Manhatten. :D We did already get to see the unofficial mascot with the cockroaches :lol: Bring on the rats baby!

Didn't we have rats in S1? Don't want it to get too repetitive now do we? :D
I was thinking more along the lines of something big but not too scary like a cow! And yes, I know there aren't too many of those in Manhatten but like you say there's more to New York than that. Plus, I wouldn't put it past the show to have a cow turn up in central park anyway. I like the idea of having a harmless animal but one that the likes of Flack and Danny don't wanna go near because it's big and they just haven't come across that many cows. Am I rambling yet? Anyway, a cute and funny scene could come out of that with Lindsay showing them up for being the city boys they are. :rolleyes: Could be fun.

Yea, that episode was funny with the rats with Mac and Aiden! I'd love to see a cow tie in! LOL! I think that would be a great scene, cause some city folk won't go near farm animals! I can see Flack and Danny not wanting to and Lindsay taking complete control over the situation. Hilarious!

We know she can make ropes so I bet she she coud handle a cow, but I was thinking more like a bull :) I can just see the guys diving for cover if a bull started towards them :guffaw: and Lindsay there cool as a cucumber :lol::lol:
I was thinking horses. I would like to see a case when they would have to handle horses and she would be the only one comfortable enough to process the horse. it would show her country girl side again and it wouldnt be too into-your-face. some remark from Flack later teasing from Danny - and we have a close to perfect episode :)

although I dont like Angell at all I would like to see a girl power episode. especially if the case was somewhere considered man terithory and they would have to deal with some machos.

I think Lindsay and Stella play out each other fairly well so more scenes with the 2 of them are only welcomed in my book
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