Anna/Lindsay #2- Montana Girl in the Big City

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Radical618 said:
I don't think her secret is something that happened to her, just something she had to deal with from someone she was close too. (if that makes sense :rolleyes: )

I agree, I think she might've witness something happening to one of her friends/family...Maybe even a childhood thing?
audrina said:
Amen, sister. :D No more victims. They started out showing Lindsay as strong - checking the guy on Zoo York, the cross boy thing - they need to stick with that. I hope her dark secret is either A. Someone she knows was killed. B. A case that wasn't solved that haunts her. or C. Soem other secret that doesn't include her getting the crap beat out of her/raped.

Agreed completely! As others have said, I'll be pretty damn upset if her dark secret is that she was raped or abused previously. Why does every woman on this show have to be a victim? I wouldn't mind if it was a bloodbath case or something like that--something that doesn't turn her directly into a victim. A little creativity with the dark secret would be nice.

Thank you. Also, if the relationship does become "canon" - see? I'm using my new word lol - it will likely be in the background. That's how it's been done in other CSIs.

Kudos on the 'canon'! ;) I guess what makes me skeptical is that it's been so in the foreground thus far. With other CSI pairings, there's something once every 7 episodes or so, but with these two it was overdone to the point that it was something in every episode. Even if I liked the pairing, I think I'd still be bothered that so much of Lindsay's development has been defined by her relation to and impact on Danny.
I agree top41 about character development depending on Danny but they might have wanted all that interaction to make up for the fact that she wasn't in season 1 so maybe they rushed it a bit.
I think that it would be great to see Lindsay strong and in control no matter what her backstory is. I don't think her backstory will be about rape. Somehow she doesn't seem to act that way---if there is a way to act. I don't think anything happened to her directly. I really feel it was maybe some of her family members or perhaps a group of friends that had a terrible experience.

I hope that we all can get along whether we are for or against Lindsay being on the show. That works for Lindsay fans (me included) as well. We all love the same show. I left a message about this under the forum. Here's hoping for a great season and some more development for Lindsay. :)
I think we may have discussed this before, but I'm too lazy to go look.

Do you think Lindsay carries a gun? We've seen that she doesn't hesitate to use force when necessary (Zoo York, Risk), but a gun would still be slightly different.
I think that she carries a gun when she is working. I dont think that she would carry one off the job.

I hope she still carries her knife from Zoo York. That was so awesome.
There have been variations of this discussion, but I thought I'd tackle some of these issues with the new season coming up in eight weeks. I looked at a few discussions elsewhere and thought it might be good to look at this: :cool:

During the first part of last season, Lindsay seemed a little more tough. Willing to use a knife, tackle suspects, dig into tiger dung, she was eager to fit in (sometimes a little too eager---which is understandable...been there, done that). But as the season went on and she seemed more comfortable, Lindsay relaxed and seemed a little more delicate and vulnerable.

Lindsay has proven she can be tough when need be, but also a little less in control of her emotions at times. Which side of Lindsay do you all think the writers will focus on this season? Will Lindsay be a little stronger or a little more vulnerable?? Or maybe a little of both? :) :confused:
I think (and hope) that the writers will focus on both sides of Lindsay. Now that she's been in NYC for a while, she's more comfortable and she's probably let her guard down a little. She's more comfortable around the other CSIs and less eager to prove herself, so she probably feels safer in letting some emotions show through, but not enough to seem like a breakdown waiting to happen.

At the same time, she's not exactly an old pro at living in a big city. (I live in the suburbs of a medium-sized city, and I'd be dead meat in NYC!!) Lindsay is also still the new girl. She hasn't been in the city long enough to know the same things that all of us know about the other characters. She still has things to learn, and it may be that the only way to learn these things is to do something tough (like dig through tiger dung, or bungee jump, or whatever).

I think that's the longest post I've ever made. Looking back on it, a lot of that seems pretty random and pointless... :rolleyes::lol:
I think (and hope) that the writers will focus on both sides of Lindsay. Now that she's been in NYC for a while, she's more comfortable and she's probably let her guard down a little. She's more comfortable around the other CSIs and less eager to prove herself, so she probably feels safer in letting some emotions show through, but not enough to seem like a breakdown waiting to happen.

At the same time, she's not exactly an old pro at living in a big city. (I live in the suburbs of a medium-sized city, and I'd be dead meat in NYC!!) Lindsay is also still the new girl. She hasn't been in the city long enough to know the same things that all of us know about the other characters. She still has things to learn, and it may be that the only way to learn these things is to do something tough (like dig through tiger dung, or bungee jump, or whatever).

I think that's the longest post I've ever made. Looking back on it, a lot of that seems pretty random and pointless... :rolleyes: :D :lol:
AlyssaluvsDanny said:
I think that she carries a gun when she is working. I dont think that she would carry one off the job.

I hope she still carries her knife from Zoo York. That was so awesome.

Lindsay with Knife= Best CSI ever... :lol:
Radical618 said:
AlyssaluvsDanny said:
I think that she carries a gun when she is working. I dont think that she would carry one off the job.

I hope she still carries her knife from Zoo York. That was so awesome.

Lindsay with Knife= Best CSI ever... :lol:

I would have to agree with that! I thought it was really cool when she pulled a knife out of her pocket! I don't think I saw that coming.

I think she would have to carry a gun when she was working, but I don't think I've ever seen a picture with her carrying a gun. But then again, I could be wrong.
I don't think I've ever seen Lindsay with a gun on the show either! Maybe my memory is bad, but I can't remember!

Anyways, my site finally has a MB for Anna fans! I wold love for all of you to join! (can't let audacity do all the pimping! ;) )

An Anna Message Board
I remember a few episodes where she fired a gun, but I don't think she carries one. And yeah, I hope she still has that knife. It could be her trademark if they let us see her use it often. :D
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