Anna/Lindsay #2- Montana Girl in the Big City

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Message boards are fun, Alyssa :D

Hey Twin, theres actually a rule, Never go anywhere without a knife :D So I'm sure she keeps hers around ;)
Funny Twin, funny :p ....

Alright back on topic, Lindsay does shoot a gun in Supermen at the end, she's comparing bullets, bullistics I think it's called... probably spelled wrong though..
^She shoots one in Wasted as well, but it's also for testing the ballistics. But we've never seen her with a gun outside of the lab (except for the one time in Bad Beat, but even then it was because she was searching for it).

The tough v vulnerable- I tend to think that we'll see some of both sides. And I hope we see both. I don't want to only see her vulnerable, but I don't always want the tough side- it's not realistic. She's not going to feel that she has as much to prove now.
Lindsay would have to be able to carry a gun like the others, right? I'm sure she has one.

One thing that just crossed my mind--what if Lindsay's dark secret is that there's a murderer in her family? Someone she desperately doesn't want to be like, and that's why she got into law inforcement. That also might explain the fixation/obsession at the end of "Stealing Home." Maybe she has no idea why the person in her family (mother, father, sister, brother) killed, and she feels the need to know why.

It also might explain
why she pushes Danny away. Maybe she's afraid she'd hurt him/has those dark or dangerous tendancies?

That would be so much more interesting than finding out she was the victim of a crime or lost her family or something.
^I think we may have talked about that being her secret before, but maybe I'm just confused.

It could still jive with other clues we have, maybe she witnessed the family member (or maybe it was a close friend/family friend) commit the crime- that's why she's seen so much blood. Or maybe she's just been to a really crime scene before.

That would have some similarities to Danny's story though.
Radical618 said:
Nice point Top didn't think of that being her secret... I like that plot actually

I agree. But this whole talk is driving me nuts. I just wish they'd reveal what her secret was already!
^Me too! I think they wanted to bluid her up her first season, then reveal her secert the next season. I mean they did the same thing with Danny. They revealed parts of his past life in the first season, and didn't truly tell us until the second season.
They gave us parts of what her secert might be in different eppy's. we just have to wait until S3.
I love how they build her character, I really do. and I know we've gotten snips and pieces, but can we just have it already?
I agree. But, It does make for good drama and anticipation. I would love to know what her secret is, but I don't want a big rush of it.

I think I would like for something big to be revealed about her. Like, her Mom died. Or she has had a bad relationship with her father since moving to NY.
It kind of seemed that way in Cool Hunter.

But in Stealing Home, she seemed kind of astonished that the father didn't talk to Sara when she moved away. So maybe she kept a good relationship.. who knows..
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