Anna/Lindsay #2- Montana Girl in the Big City

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Does anyone know if MI is available on DVD or something? I like reading all those comments on Anna's performance. I think Mac knows her secret. And I do hope they tell us something about her background in season 3 even if its not her dark secret. Anything would be good. A lindsay-centered episode would be good. ;)
MI isn't out on DVD. I wish it were- I'd like to see all of the eps. Didn't see many.

I would say Mac knows about her secret. It seems to be something that would come up in a psych eval, or at least be something she'd need to disclose before being hired. And Lindsay seems to be to honest to even think about hiding something like that.
pizzapie said:
However, Eva was the character the critics most COMPLAINED about.
And a lot of people think Lindsay is convincing and fits in well with the team.

Other than the first episode (with Eva flirting with the news reporter as a decoy), I've seen nothing to complain about, and a far better performance from Anna than I've seen on CSI: NY.

I just saw the 5th episode of MI, where the team goes to a small town to deal with an infection that spreads among the children in the town. There's a really interesting twist in the episode that I won't give away, but there's a nice bit at the end with Eva that made me really sympathetic to her and showed a very compassionate side to her. Gregory Itzin, who played the president on 24 this season (5th) was in the episode and he was great. So was Andrea Thompson, who was in Babylon 5. This latest one might be my favorite ep so far!

MI isn't on DVD as far as I know, but I heard it was rerunning on some cable channel maybe?
I remember seeing a MI DVD in some "hard to find DVD" site. I'll try to look for it. :)

And yeah, there are a lot of Lindsay lovers over at I usually go there to check their boards.

//edit: I found it. Click here.
Have you guy's talked about her in the upcoming first episode in season 3. Like do you think she would bungee jump? (doing it as an experiment or just for fun) Hope this isn't a repeat question. ;)
sorry with 2 linsday thread I get confused sometimes. So what do you want to discuss about our girl? ;) What would you like to happen to Lindsay (character wise, emotionaly, or phyiscally) ?
-I want to learn about her secret.
-I'd like to see her get into trouble with Mac over something.
-More Lindsay/Hawkes, Lindsay/Flack interaction

I'm sure more, but that's all I can think of right now.
:lol: Me too Rad!!!

But anyway, I would like to:

-Learn more about her secret and her family
-See more Lindsay/Hawkes and Lindsay/Flack
-Lindsay/Danny! (Sorry, I can't help my little shippy heart!)
-I would really like to see her hit someone like she did in the first episode
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