Anna/Lindsay #2- Montana Girl in the Big City

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CSI_Watcher_8 said:
What would you like to happen to Lindsay (character wise, emotionaly, or phyiscally) ?

Great question, CSI Watcher 8! ;)

1. I would like to see Lindsay get really involved in a case that makes her question justice, the law, victim's rights and something that makes us see what really makes her tick.

2. I like the idea of her challenging Mac on an occasion. I don't think she'd ever dismiss his authority, but I think she might question him and come to her own conclusions. She challenged some of his ideas in "CH" and wasn't very satisfied with his pep talk in "SH." I could see the writers building on that idea a little bit. At first she set out to prove to Mac that she could make it in the big city. As the season went on she was not as insecure as she was in the beginning and more comfortable with asking questions when needed and questioning certain ideas when necessary.

3. A little more physical toughness---hey, we all know she's tough when need be. And for those that don't think a small person can knock the hell out of someone---well, dynamite comes in small packages. :D It's best not to make a petite person like Lindsay all that mad---but I would love to this happen with her. Perhaps, she could help save a victim from a bad situation or help a battered woman in need(or a fellow CSI).

4. Hawkes, Flack, and Lindsay on a case together. Need I say more? :cool:
2. I like the idea of her challenging Mac on an occasion. I don't think she'd ever dismiss his authority, but I think she might question him and come to her own conclusions. She challenged some of his ideas in "CH" and wasn't very satisfied with his pep talk in "SH." I could see the writers building on that idea a little bit. At first she set out to prove to Mac that she could make it in the big city. As the season went on she was not as insecure as she was in the beginning and more comfortable with asking questions when needed and questioning certain ideas when necessary.
id love to see her challenge mac, i dont see her as just the kind of person to just take in stuff without challenging it, i think it would be great for her to disagree and challenge mac over something, and then to be right about it.
As much as I like when she works with Danny, I, too, want to see her in a storyline with others, particularly Hawkes, since the actors know each other well and probably have great chemistry.
Whatever happens--and I am curious about the dark secret--I don't want to see her be a victim or in danger. We saw them traumatize enough women at the end of last season. I'd rather see Lindsay prove herself and save the day. And get away from being Danny's love interest for a while. This show was so good for women in its first season, and then became the opposite in the second season. I'd like to see it get back to the first season standards in that regard.
I agree, I'd rather see Linds save the day instead of be the case, or be scared or something. It would put a hiuge damper on the women in this show. (as Top said) And The "woman" factor was a little less this year, I'd like the girls to be a little more tough, they're pretty tough now, but a little bit more wouldn't hurt..
I would also like to see some toughness. I think it's okay to show some nice feminine qualities---but as CSI's, it is great to slam someone down or charge down a hallway with their guns cocked.

I enjoy the D/L relationship, but (I think this is a misconception :)) I don't want it to be the focus of the show. I don't want Lindsay's character to solely work or interact with one character. It is still a forensics show and that should be the focus. While I like character driven stories and relationship developments, I prefer that they stay secondary to crime investigation.

Shipping is great---it's great to have fun in ship threads and with fan fics, but that is another world entirely. I am positive that they will delve into different aspects of Lindsay's character and reveal sides of her that we haven't seen. I'm certain we will find out about her past and why she chose to move to New York. :)
I think that if D/L do become canon, it wont be the main focus, it'll obviously be a story line, but not the main focus. If it was, it wouldn't be the show it's supposed to be, so in that sense i think TPTB wouldn't let D/L always be all over eachother each eppy. maybe every few eppys, or a little reminder every eppy, but not anything huge eveyweek.
Top41 said:
Whatever happens--and I am curious about the dark secret--I don't want to see her be a victim or in danger. We saw them traumatize enough women at the end of last season. I'd rather see Lindsay prove herself and save the day. And get away from being Danny's love interest for a while. This show was so good for women in its first season, and then became the opposite in the second season. I'd like to see it get back to the first season standards in that regard.

Amen, sister. :D No more victims. They started out showing Lindsay as strong - checking the guy on Zoo York, the cross boy thing - they need to stick with that. I hope her dark secret is either A. Someone she knows was killed. B. A case that wasn't solved that haunts her. or C. Soem other secret that doesn't include her getting the crap beat out of her/raped.

Thank you. Also, if the relationship does become "canon" - see? I'm using my new word lol - it will likely be in the background. That's how it's been done in other CSIs.
audacity said:
I would also like to see some toughness. I think it's okay to show some nice feminine qualities---but as CSI's, it is great to slam someone down or charge down a hallway with their guns cocked.

*is in agreement with you* I want to see her tough side. I want to see her take charge and kickass.

I enjoy the D/L relationship, but (I think this is a misconception :)) I don't want it to be the focus of the show. I don't want Lindsay's character to solely work or interact with one character. It is still a forensics show and that should be the focus. While I like character driven stories and relationship developments, I prefer that they stay secondary to crime investigation.

I actually agree with you, as much as I love D/l and want D/L to happen, I don't want it to take away the focus of the show.

Shipping is great---it's great to have fun in ship threads and with fan fics, but that is another world entirely. I am positive that they will delve into different aspects of Lindsay's character and reveal sides of her that we haven't seen. I'm certain we will find out about her past and why she chose to move to New York. :)

I want to find out all of that too, and I hope they do give us that.
Hey guys, just a quick reminder to check your local listings--the Law and Order: SVU episode with Anna in it is apparently coming on the USA network tonight. I don't know if it's just in certain areas, but I thought I'd mention it just in case. ;)
audacity said:

2. I like the idea of her challenging Mac on an occasion. I don't think she'd ever dismiss his authority, but I think she might question him and come to her own conclusions. She challenged some of his ideas in "CH" and wasn't very satisfied with his pep talk in "SH." I could see the writers building on that idea a little bit. At first she set out to prove to Mac that she could make it in the big city. As the season went on she was not as insecure as she was in the beginning and more comfortable with asking questions when needed and questioning certain ideas when necessary.

That's why I mentioned wanting her to get into a bit of trouble with Mac over something.
It looks like this might happen this season in one of the early eps- at least maybe some arguing

ETA: I also want to see some more D/L, but wherever TPTB go with it, I want it not to become the focus of the show.
yeah Keich I agree I don't want it to a rape of any kind. I don't even want it to be someone she knew. I think that's a easy way out. So I'm hoping its something different.
I don't think her secret is something that happened to her, just something she had to deal with from someone she was close too. (if that makes sense :rolleyes: )
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