I just have one question about the interview, or rather something that wasn't asked in it, and hopefully maybe asked if she is interviewed again.
Why did they take H out of the lab? I mean that is what alot of fans are wondering in season 1 he was always working in the lab, then suddenly he just stopped I am hoping that "Ann" will have an answer for that.
Otherwise I thought it was a good interview, I like the Natalia character, and I am glad for both her and Rexx. H won't be the only one devistated think about Eric he will be to he will be losing a sister and a little neice/nephew. Gee maybe the family will come to the wedding? doubt it.
Makes your wonder alot of shows considered differently what a secondary character is, some think the more re-occuring they are the less secondary they are, but rather more in the limbo of Not the main cast but not secondary. I wonder if Stetler plays into any of this? He has that file on H, there was suppost to be something big that was going to happen between them (unless I blinked and missed it).
As to the M/H Storyline, I think at first M wasn't trying to be selfish thinking of all the things that she would be missing out on (ie having a child), But I can see peoples point that its unfair to the child to be concieved knowing the dangers. Course I also agree that they should have given H/M a little more time for the fans to adjust to them having a relationship and it growing.
The interview was definitly insightful, as to her not knowing how to get on the net, thats not an unusual line they toss it out there and that stops them from being asked further on it, then there are just some who really don't know. But I can understand why she wouldn't, besides what she had said, there is also the not to be influenced.
I mean seriously alot of writers will not look at fan boards because of the fact that say something similar to something mentioned on the board aired, whats to stop the fan from sueing and claiming it as their idea, even if it was shot and done before it was seen on the board?
Anyway I thought it was an overall good interview, except I was hoping to see that one question I asked above to be answered.
ETA: I thought about this in the Miami forum and thought I would put it here to. it was said:
Ann Donahue Said: The tough decision was choosing who the mole is, because that person would definitely have to leave the show.
So then I wonder whose contract is either up, or who is looking to get out of their contract? That just made me Courious.