~'Always Fresh at Misc Hortons!'~ Canadian Thread #4

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Re: Canadian Thread #4

i worked for my dad in his office for a year, but other than that i didnt have a job til i was 18 :lol: i could not work retail hell, i would die in a mall job. i was at a wholesale place that was great, til the manager had a mental breakdown or something. about a dozen of us quit last year. then i worked for a doctor doing a database and i hope to do more research stuff this summer too.
i have a job interview on tuesday to work for a professor at school. im nervous because all semester i didnt want him to know who i was, because i acted like a smart ass on our class discussion board :D but was funny, he likes funny...i think...
Re: Canadian Thread #4

I don't have a job D:
But I have an excuse. College. It demands your blood. And your eyes. Well, okay, your body. But mostly your eyes so they know your awake. Yeah. I fall asleep a lot D:
Kicky, you should TOTALLY work at a mine. Like, as a secretarty. It pays swell AND you get candy :D

Oh, in other News, another Train Derailment in BC. It was one car, the front one, whatever their called, and the guys had to be hauled out by rope. I was all "Wow. That must have been boring waiting for them." And I got Gibbs-Slapped.
Re: Canadian Thread #4

Palm said:
I don't have a job D:
But I have an excuse. College. It demands your blood. And your eyes. Well, okay, your body. But mostly your eyes so they know your awake. Yeah. I fall asleep a lot D:

lol yeah thats exactly why i dont have a job too. but i'm finding myself runnung out of money. :( :eek: considering either a job with very little hours or maybe a student line of credit....but who knows i still have a while to go before im out of cash :p

yeah. i saw footage of the dome collapse at BC Place was it? (well wherever the lions play). one roof can only withstand so many windstorms i guess. hopefully they can fix it before any major events happen there.

oh and about the CN derailment...they have said they are going to be spending "a little" more money on making the tracks safer. is it just me or do they need to spend a lot more than "a little"? i mean theres been how many derailments in the past few years? (sorry the ones that stand out are the one in wabamun, and the one just recently but i do know there have been several)

oh and congrats to our junior hockey guys...they won gold for the 3rd year in a row over at the WJHC in sweden :D :D :D
Re: Canadian Thread #4

Palm said:
I don't have a job D:
But I have an excuse. College. It demands your blood. And your eyes. Well, okay, your body. But mostly your eyes so they know your awake. Yeah. I fall asleep a lot D:

:lol: I know the feeling.

I had a job. It lasted 3 weeks. It was awful.

Lesson learned, never work at trying to sell credit cards, even for HBC. :eek: :(

University's new semester just started here again this week ... there are some times when I'm dreadfully sick of being a university student.
Re: Canadian Thread #4

allmaple said:
i tried to support canada last night, i rented bon cop bad cop. ive wanted to see it for so long and finally got around to it. but...it turned everything french! no matter what i picked i couldnt make the subtitles english. had a nice fight with my dad, strangled him a la homer simpson with bart. he kept saying 'theyre speaking english, the subtitles will change when they speak french' i couldnt make him understand they didnt. even my dvd player menus turned to french! :eek: its trying to take over i tell you
I really enjoyed that movie- hillarious!! Sucks about the captions...ever figure it out?

BabaOReilly said:
Wow... fellow Vanocuverites, this may interest you. I just looked out the window to where BC place normally sits (all I can see is the dome from my office) and it's no longer there! Apparently the canvas of the dome ripped this morning and now it's fallen completely in! Whoh. :eek:
I saw that- it's weird with it not being there. It's like a skyline staple. My boss sent me this link that has video of it collapsing- Click Here

ETA: Congrats to the junior hockey team!!
Re: Canadian Thread #4

Hooray! We rule at Hockey again! YES!

Shlbers Says:
(sorry the ones that stand out are the one in wabamun, and the one just recently but i do know there have been several)

Yeah, well, because of THAT particular derailment, Wabumun got tourists, whining about how great that crappy lake was, AND now their suing CN. Please. If anyone has been to Wabumun, and I have about 19038684 times in my life, You'd know that the lake is better off WITH oil in it.

I know there was a derailment in BC that spilled.. what was it? Acid or something into a river? Well, I would know more if they COVERED IT more. And there was one up by Slave Lake. "Oh, but it didn't seep into any water, so it's good.". And then there was the one I saw with the one car going off the tracks and down a cliff like, 2 football fields long. Jeez. Crazyness.

Although I did hear one of the best things is to take a train from Vancouver to Halifax. But, with all the derailments, it's kinda iffy to me.
Re: Canadian Thread #4

Palm said:
Yeah, well, because of THAT particular derailment, Wabumun got tourists, whining about how great that crappy lake was, AND now their suing CN. Please. If anyone has been to Wabumun, and I have about 19038684 times in my life, You'd know that the lake is better off WITH oil in it.

well either way, wabumun is still important to the animals that live there. i still say that CN should be doing more to make sure that their tracks are safe so no more damage is done to the environment or to the people that work on their trains.
Re: Canadian Thread #4

^ What Animals!? There was an Albino deer that lived there a while back but the last time I checked, all the deer moved on to more edible lakes. And the fish? Hell, I used to find dead fish everywhere BEFORE the derailment. The only things that lived at that lake were Seagulls that attacked each other. Seriously. That and a million leeches. It was really a nasty lake before the derailment. Since then, the townspeople basically have gotten CN to try and clean it up. Grawgh. I hate that lake.
Yeah, not bitter at all.

Oh, breaking news: Canadian Filmmaker was Shot & Killed in New Orleans. D:
Re: Canadian Thread #4

Palm said:
^ What Animals!? There was an Albino deer that lived there a while back but the last time I checked, all the deer moved on to more edible lakes. And the fish? Hell, I used to find dead fish everywhere BEFORE the derailment. The only things that lived at that lake were Seagulls that attacked each other. Seriously. That and a million leeches. It was really a nasty lake before the derailment. Since then, the townspeople basically have gotten CN to try and clean it up. Grawgh. I hate that lake.
Yeah, not bitter at all.

ok fine ill give you the wabumun thing, but i still think that cn should do more to try to make the tracks safer.
Re: Canadian Thread #4

*bows* And Shelbers, I bestow upon you... Um. Um. Concilmen of the chair! Or something. Can Mascot's do that?

Wtf. My Birthday isn't until tomorrow. Get that thing off of there!
Re: Canadian Thread #4

Palm said:
*bows* And Shelbers, I bestow upon you... Um. Um. Concilmen of the chair! Or something. Can Mascot's do that?

Wtf. My Birthday isn't until tomorrow. Get that thing off of there!

gee thanks :) and btw i have no idea if mascots can do that or not but for your sake i'll say they can :p

and even though your birthday isn't until tomorrow (maybe it's a reminder for everyone?) happy early birthday :)
Re: Canadian Thread #4

*tackles Palm* Happy frigging birthday girlie! I know it's early but still :D.

Here's something I received in an email that I thought everyone from Vancouver might enjoy:

You know you are in Vancouver when...

1. Your co-worker has 8 body piercings and none are visible.

2. You make over $250,000.00 a year and still can't afford a house.

3. You take the bus, and are shocked to hear two people carrying on a conversation in English.

4. You know what these abbreviations mean: PNE, GVRD, VPD, RAV, YVR.

5. You're shocked when it snows in the winter.

6. You've just had California rolls for lunch.

7. You know more than 10 ways to order coffee.

8. You know how to pronounce 'Coquihalla'.

9. A really great parking space can move you to tears.

10. Your hairdresser is straight, your plumber is gay, and your next door neighbour grows weed.

11. At 8:30 AM, the guy at Starbucks wearing the baseball cap and glasses who looks like George Clooney, IS George Clooney.

12. You car insurance costs as much as your house payment.

13. The gym is packed at 3 PM -- on a work day.

14. You can tell the difference between Japanese, Thai, and Chinese food.

15. You watch the weather from a Seattle TV station because it's more accurate.

16. You pass an elementary school and the children are all busy with their mobile phones while waiting for their personal rides home.

17. You're sure that you're the only one on the road with a REAL driver's license.

18. You don't even listen when the forecast announces chances of "showers."

19. The more expensive the car, the worse the driver.

20. You can tell the difference between Starbucks, Second Cup and Tim Horton's coffees.

21. You feel guilty when you throw paper, or aluminum cans, in the garbage.

22. You're not surprised to see geese throughout the whole year.

23. You can't remember: is pot still illegal or not?

24. If there's a day of snowfall, you consider not going to school or work.

25. You realize there are far more Rainbow flags in the city than Canadian flags.

26. You can name 10 Starbucks locations in less than a minute.

27. You don't even blink at a same sex couple holding hands on the street, but it shocks you when you meet a couple married for 40 years.

This list is so true that it actually frightens me :lol:.
Re: Canadian Thread #4

^^ Will I expierence all those fabulous things in Vancouver?! Because I really wanna know what those abbreviations mean :D

*has been tackled with a chicken dance* Hooray! I'm finally legal! *shot*
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