^ That's fine ILuvJT. If anyone has a picture they would like to submit, please feel free to pm it to me or ThumpyG42 and we will post it in due course. Thanks.
Ryan (thinking): Oh my GAWD! Eric's shoes sooooooo totally don't match his belt! Like, what was he thinking? But that shade of red of his shirt is absolutely FABULOUS! Maroon is soooo in style this episode!
*shakes head* I can't believe I just did that to Ryan. :lol:
Ryan: chyeah, like they think YOU'RE hotter than me. don't even go there! yeah that's right!
WHO's got more threads than you? and WHO is it that only came in the 3rd season?!
you are SO passé Mr Delko
Ryanthinking) Hmm.. I wonder how fast i can take off his nice shoes and run away without his relizing..hmmm...
Delkothinking) I wonder how fast I can take off my shoes and run away without him relizing...hmm...
so totally lammmeeeee I know lol but atleast I gave it a shot.