*All New* Miami Caption Mania!

Calleigh: (thinking) Crap. I have underwear lines, don't I. I knew something was wrong. Stupid me. I guess I'll just grin and bear it...
Calleigh: Oh darn, I shoved Natalia into the marina. She must have slipped.
Calleigh: So I'm in charge of the lab now huh? Interesting...

and if I may get shippery :D:

Calleigh: So I'm alone in the lab with Ryan now, huh? Interesting.
Calleigh: Damn, I knew I should have believed my grandmother when she told me if I kept my face like this for too long it would stay like this forever...
Ryan: What is this? Fred Flintstone's bowling ball?

=== or ===

Ryan: I think Richard Simmons took his diet a little too far.
Ryan: To be or not to be, That is the question?

Bit of shakespeare lol ..sad i no.
Ryan: H, i think i need promotion...no, i can't call him H...khm.. Horatio, can i talk to you for a sec...no no no NO! let's try that... sir... *and so on* :lol: