Eric: oh cmon Man! Start talking or... or i will...hit you with my paper, so...yeah.. better start talking!
Frank: he is definatly stuck on stupid, definatly...
Eric: oh shut up Frank!!
Frank: what? whats wrong with you? you have that women thinggy...well you now..
Eric:WHAT??!! Do i look Like A Woman FOR YOU??
Frank: well YEAH! you all day walking like shit is in your pants!!
Eric: ARGHH you lil..*traying to grab Frank*
Guy: STOP!!*both look at the guy* ok.. i will talk..
Frank:*serious* good work Eric.
Eric:*serious* yes, good work Frank.
*both arrange the clothes and shake hands*
Frank: so, you said you have something to tell for us?
Eric: *smiling* Mhm?