*All New* Miami Caption Mania!

Eric: How many times do I have to tell Calleigh, the top button means "door up" and the bottom button mean "door down"!?!
Here's a new one. ;) By the way, awesome previous captions everyone!


Horatio: Spped...
Speed: Yes, H?
Horatio: You left the key in the Hummer again?
Speed: Sorry, H.
Horatio: This is coming out of your paycheck

---=== or ===---

Horatio: What is with this yellow fog?
Speed: You got me, boss.
Horatio: Did you have another banana smoothie?
Speed: How did you guess?
Horatio: Quit farting.

---=== or ===---

Speed: Don't pose like that, boss. You aren't wearing your Super-H outfit.
Horatio: Hey Speed?
Speed: Yeah H?
Horatio: Stop wearing those shirts.
Speed: Why?
Horatio: Because you're making the fangirls drool.

Okay........it sucks don't laugh lol
I'll give it a try.

Speed: So that's all that's left of it?
Horatio: Yes.
Speed: Wow, that sucks.
Woman in background: *weeping* it was such a beautiful Hummer...

Meh, not great :rolleyes:.
Speed: H, is that woman the victim?
H: She's a survivor, yes.
Speed: Why have you been so nice to her?
H: Well...
Speed: You so have the hots for her.

OK, terrible, I was never any good at captioning. :lol:
Speed: Hey H?
H: Yes Speed?
Speed: Why are you looking over there? The crime scene is to your left...
H: *sigh* We've gone over this, if I look directly at someone or something while I'm speaking then WW3 will break out.
Speed: Umm.... H the crime scene is over here
H: I know. I was posing for the photographers over there.
Speed: Why?
H: Because the blond is hot.
Speed: Good point.

sorry in a weird mood today
Speed: H, you aren't wearing a black coat today!!
H: Speed, you aren't wearing a shirt that is 3 sizes to big for you!!

sounded funny in my head
"H" : Calleigh is going to be pissed when she sees all the bullets that need to be removed from the hummer.

Speed: "yeah" you'll be lucky if she doesn't shoot you for
doing it.

"H": "It's not my fault. I told Stetler not to touch my
Speed: H, am I seeing things or did a UFO just land over there?
H: I see it, too.
Speed: What are we going to do about the aliens?
H: Fear not, I am Super H and will defend our world all evil!

I have watched way too many bad scifi movies :lol:
Speed: Hmm..."Property of Calleigh"...hey H, nice tat
Speed: Hey look, H has a hickey!
H:And you have a big mouth