Alexx Woods Appreciation Thread

Is it just me or does Alexx have a tendency to call others honey as well as baby? Regardless I cannot hate this woman she's as sweet as peaches. :D She's so pretty too, Khandi has beautiful skin I'm so envious...I wonder what her secret is?
I know, her skin in so beautiful! I just love seeing her, I don't know how old she is, but she just keeps looking better as the days go by.
Alexx is the best.....she's so sweet....i love the mother/son type relationships she had with Speed and the one she made with Ryan.....and it's cute how she calls Speed baby all the time and she does the same with's cute how she sort of adopted them...looks out for them because they have family that they don't really bother with.....or talk she in some ways fills that void for them....and she was, i think the closest to Speed, and she showed the most emotion when Speed died.....she was actually crying and i think it really hurt her to have to cut into him to do his autopsy...... :(

I LOVE YOU, ALEXX....... :)
In an attempt to bump this topic back up, lets share each other's favorite Alexx quotes. :D Mine is definitely this one here:

Speedle: You need some help?
Alexx: Nah. I could undress a dead man in my sleep.
Speedle: Leaving that one alone.

:lol: :lol: :lol:

Poor Speed. XD
LMAO that's a good one......

Alexx:please don't tell me we just sent the body away with a complete stranger...
Speed: Alexx we just sent the....
Alexx:Timmy, I know..

ha ha she called him Timmy....awwww so cute....oh and the time where she made speed laugh.....that was the only time he ever laughed on the show.....

Speed:you do realize he's won the least amount of races in the circut......
Alexx: didn't know.....don't care.....
Speed:*Smiles and laughs*

awwww she made him laugh.....she was the only person to make him laugh on the entire show.......
i loved in 'under suspicion' when calleigh suggested that someone made a mistake and alexx said "honey i don't make mistakes"

i loved it :) alexx is great.
Bumping this thread back up. ;) Is it just me or does Alexx have trouble with fires? I mean really, I can't helpt but wonder about this after watching an episode in S3 where they recover a body out in the glades and she and Eric are nearly taken down by a flash fire.
:lol: yep, her and Eric and glade fires.

So what do you say we come up with a name for this thread, and see if we can get our lovely mods to change it for us?
Wow, I had no idea there was an Alexx thread...Well, what to say about her. She is like the mother of everybody in the show. As she is not involved in so many situations as other CSIs are, she can be proctective and she can be there for helping when they need. She is very sweet for everybody indeed.
Alexx has been truly missed in season 5. She needs more screentime and I think we deserve to see her get some interesting storylines in season 6. Let's hope that during season 6 Alexx is featured like she should be.
hey where's the love? we need to give Alexx some love too!!! just because she doesn't have much screentime that doesn't mean we need to stop giving her some love. actually this is when she should be getting more love :D
Yay! An Alexx thread! She definitely needs some love - great character. I love how she tries to bring the truth to light and justice to the deceased. Alexx seems to have such a great heart for everyone, except the other idiot ME who dumped his work on her.
*bumpity bumpers* ;)

Looks like this thread has been inactive for a while. How about we give Khandi/Alexx some more love. :D
I watched the behind the scenes video on with her and she seems like such a fun lady! 'Course being named for sweet treats she was born to be ;) Her character on ER seemed so stiff but then again being the oldest sibling in that family might make her that way. I like Alexx a lot better - even with the job she has she has a great sense of humour.