Alexx Woods Appreciation Thread

Well, Zippy if you ask me I think Alexx was to quick in accepting Ryan considering her friendship with Speed, but of course that is just my opinion. I mean one minute its "Good, I don't need any new friends." and then 'oh you found a cat hair and you say your not trying to impress everyone you just want to do your job so ok we'll be best buds'

So yes, I think there may be some tension next season...well one can only hope. But the above is my opinion.

I brought a piccie....

I think Alexx should be given more screentime next season. I doubt they'll bring the tension to S5 as you know there's no such thing as continuity in CSI:M :lol: . If they do, good but if they don't, then they should give her some storyline.
hahaha, that is very true. That is one thing they don't believe in. I read somewhere on csifiles that they were talking about giving Alexx self defense classes, maybe we'll see that next season?
Oh perfect speedmonkey2! We can see a 'kick-ass' Alexx :lol: .
Thanks for the pics Nathalie. She's gorgeous.

People say how much Alexx freaks them out when she speaks to dead bodies. Am I the only one not feeling the same? I don't feel she's freaky at all and she treats the bodies with respect.
Well the first episode I saw was lost son and she wasn't talking to any dead bodies so I didn't really get what people were talking about but then I got the other 2 season and I was like "...Oh i get it now." But I don't think its freaky at all, I think its what sets her apart from all the other coroners.
I think it lessens as the season goes. You're right. That's what sets her apart. Alexx Woods has a great personality!
yes she is a great personality, and i like it whens she speaks to her "bodys", its true thats she is different from the other coroners.. She stays sexy in it.. hihi :lol:
i think its season 4 the epi called Fade out.. Hopefully im right. Good luck to every one around here and i will mis the forum and you all, but im going to be back after my moving and having a new connexion to the web..
hugs Nathalie