Alexx Woods Appreciation Thread

Florry86 said:
Ok....just few words....I LOVE HER ELEGANCE :D
That is such a great way of putting it! She's so poised and graceful. If they do a movie about the 30's with Emily Procter, they should have Khandi in it, too. She'd look so lovely in those Art Deco dresses of the time. :)
oh she looks so good in that dress!! i agree mrsjrewing she has an awesome style!!! i love it too :D imagine going clothes shopping with her and Emily? i'll bet that would be tons of fun seeing as they are both great people and bothe have great style sense :D i'd love to do that with them for a day :D
Oh now there's a fan contest! Forget getting to play the corpse on CSI:Original Recipe - win a day shopping with Emily and Khandi, including a small ($5,000) spending allowance :p.
I would so enter that!!!!! and i really don't like shopping either....unless it's for a Halloween costume cause that's tons of fun. but shopping in general...not so much. but i would love to spend the day shopping with Emily and Khnadi. both of them have such great style. i'll bet they know all the best places :D
Loved yesterday's show! Alexx cracked me up with her fear of bad mojo, and then when she passed out part of me thought she might have scared herself too much. Leave it to her to find the logical, scientific answer at the end of the day. I loved how Ryan was so excited to come tell her he was back, too. They have such a great relationship, and her little baby may be all growed up, but he still comes running to her!
She's very lovely, indeed.

She's done real well this season. There was one ep, I don't remember which one, where she was acting more motherly than usual and I was like "Yay! Alexx is back!" :D
Well I loved her in "sunb block" the whole mojo thing cracked me up and I loved her interaction with both Calleigh and Jake.

In "stand your ground" her scene with Calleigh was absolutely fantastic :D I really appreciataed it :D
<< Calleigh, honey, they said you couldn't work the field. Does this look like the field to you, baby? >> lovely, lovely and lovely :D

I loved her also in "Miami confidential" her interaction with Ryan...I alwasy love it....she really looks like the mother of the team :D
I can't believe no one has pulled this one up yet!

Anyway, here it is for anyone who may want to post here, now that our beloved ME has departed the show :(

Favorite Alexx moment, anyone?
It never really creeped me out at all. I saw it very 'matter-of-factly' and natural. It just seemed to fix Alexx. Although, in 'Cross-Jurisdictions' it seemed a little awkward but by the time 'Golden Parachute' rolled around, it was as if Khandi had been playing the role her entire life. That's what I always liked about her--she always looked so comfortable in the character's skin.

My favourite Alexx moment was in 'Witness to Murder'

Alexx: Oh, please don't tell me we gave the body away to a complete stranger.
Speed: Alexx, we gave the body away to a c-
Alexx: Timmy, I know.

:lol: I loved that about her. Even when the situation was very serious, she disarmed the viewers and offered a lightness to the show. Of course, now it's so bloody bright, my corneas are burned beyond recognition. :p But that's just the lighting, not the mood.

It's interesting how when a character leaves, that's when their respective thread starts to light up again. She deserves it. :)
It's never creeped me out either. I love that about her. It's just so much a part of who she is, and it just seems natural.

Geni, I think that's my favorite Alexx quote as well :D It was just so perfect.

Khandi was so great in this roll. She definitely deserves some recognition.