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Re: Det Vartann

YouTube! Smacks forehead with palm !!! Why didn't I ever think of looking there !!!!! Not linking......but off to look.
Re: Det Vartann

Destiny said:
Its not that guys, its the site that was the problem. Also if its a fan site there is a fine line we have to becareful. ;)

Hello Destiny.
I am sorry not to be able to understand it properly. :(
Please teach it once again.
Is an image(pics) OK?
Re: Det Vartann

The problem with YouTube is that its usually a fan video site, which as stated in the "Help Guide" tacked at the top the isn't allowed, the reason for this is due to possible copywrite infringements. Until or unless said show, network, movie, ect. gives their permission (ie puts it up themselves) then its on a fine line.
Re: Det Vartann

Hi, I'm just popping in to ask a question. Does Vartann have a first name? There are other detectives that seem to have a first name and haven't even shown up as often as Vartann has in the entire series. I don't think I've ever seen one mentioned.
Re: Det Vartann

Hey I think I can help

His first name is Tony

I don't like it (too Sopranos for me)

but I don't think we knew that until later
Re: Det Vartann

Ah cool. yeah, not sure I like it either! Maybe I was better off not knowing! :lol:
Re: Det Vartann


a picture I found from Iced that sort of explains his personality too I think
Re: Det Vartann

I'm in the mood for more Vartann :p


from Weeping Willows


from Bang Bang

I think that will do :D
Re: Det Vartann

Ken Fink said it best in the commentary on "Weeping Willows:"

"So ready to believe every perp is a scumbag."

Of course, Marg was close:
"Who Alex? He's cuuuute."


Re: Det Vartann

OMGOSH you have commentary??
it' must be on Season 5 right?
I only have s1 and s2 on DVD
and Thanks DragonLady for the Veritas info :D
;) I saw a clip and he ROCKS!

and of course Marg thinks Alex is cute :)
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