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Re: Det Vartann

Once again!
His new appearance drama [ Wildfire ]
Have you watched it?
It is ABC Family original drama His role is Tim.
season3 "The Feud " guest star.
Re: Det Vartann

I'm hoping that he makes just a 'guest appearance' and not a regular on the show

and yes, has anyone seen this?

I just can't imagine ABC family ... oh well
Re: Det Vartann

Oh! hhunter's Icon is "Bodies in Motion"!!!
very good!!!!! Did you make the icon?

I want to know " Wildfire".
Has anyone seen "Wildfire "? (Alex's guest appearance episode.)
Re: Det Vartann

yes from Bodies in Motion

and no I didn't make it

and No I haven't seen Wildfire either ( I'm not sure I want to either)-- oooppss did I say that out loud again
Re: Det Vartann

again I seriously hope the ABC family thing is short lived

Get this man a DECENT JOB

by the way
this weekend on SPIKE two Vartann episodes
Sunday 7 pm and 8pm
Mea Culpa
and No Humans Involved
Re: Det Vartann

I guess I'll have to check it out then

if YOU say HE'S HOT and yes Alex Carter is HOT :devil: :p

so maybe it's worth a look-see :D
Re: Det Vartann

Does anyone have "Wildfire' screen caps that they be willing to share will those of us that are going through Vartann withdrawl ?????

Anyone ? Anyone ?
Re: Det Vartann

I have Windows movie maker and The Mermaid Chair recorded on my DVR, but I have no idea how to get the movie into my computer to make caps. If anyone does, tell me and I'll do it. There would be some really good ones from that movie and I'm recording the next Wildfire episode too.

I need a better one than this to accompany my story.
I think he looks too harsh. If anyone already has a photo that would work, I'd love for you to PM me with it! :D Thanks!

Re: Det Vartann

Thanks for posting about Wildfire. I taped it today and enjoyed it. LOL especially the white shirt and loose tie scene with him by the horse. :D
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