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Re: Det Vartann

Maggs said:
BIG NEWS! "Louise Lombard, who co-stars on CBS' "CSI: Crime Scene Investigation," has landed the title role in ABC's drama pilot "Judy's Got a Gun." [/

That means Las Vegas will be in need of another detective :eek:

Yes, I also heard the topic. ;)
I wish Vartann to return. :lol:
Re: Det Vartann

But that may bot mean that Sofia is could still br goos for us though.
Re: Det Vartann

if she is in the title role, does that mean she is off the show for good?

and that being the case, are they going to bring Vartann back?

and He (Alex Carter) only did the pilot of Jericho he hasn't been in any more episodes
that could be the case with Louise Lombard as well

but either way....let's all cross our fingers for ...THE RETURN OF VARTANN!!!
Re: Det Vartann

Alot of actors keep their options open as pilots tend to get canceled before they hit the air, others will make it with no problem. Also alot of time depending on the role they play and how much time it takes and how many episodes they get approved for, some stars will remain if they are already on a show with that show until the other either gets picked up or canceled.

The only problem I can see out of all this is the fact that the new show is on ABC and so the above would depend on whether or not CBS would allow her to continue pending and outcome of the pilot, which I am sure she has worked out one way or the other.
Re: Det Vartann

Thank you for detailed explanation. ;)

Does CBS free her?
Does she sign it?
It is a topic to be worried about very much.

However, we hope that Vartann returns. :lol:
It is my greatest wish.
Okay umm hmm lets try to keep Louise's new series to her discussion thread, since this is for the character/actor Alex/Vartann. Thank you. ;)
Thread title [Alex/Vartann]
very nice!

yes,Let's hear it for the return of Vartann.!!!!!

Thanks Destiny and hhunter.

The United States and Japan.
It is very far away.
However, I can talk with everybody and am happy.
You're welcome I figured it would reflect better as being on topic if it held both the actor and characters name. :)
A reader of my series sent me new caps that I don't think you have seen. I thought you guys might enjoy them. If you go to my website (link for the specific page below) and scroll down just a bit you'll see "Tony Pictures" and they are right there. Enjoy! :D There are even smiley ones.
since I'm on a roll with men in suits ;)
here's Vartann in a suit


to get us in the mood for his [hopeful] return :p
to get us in the mood for his [hopeful] return :p

yes,yes, to get us in the mood for his return too!!! :lol:

How do you just pick up an image? :confused:
I tried to test it, too, but was not able to do it. :(

and, His Drama "Her Desperate Choise" March 1 Lifetimetv.
It is broadcast.(12:00PM)
but this drama is shocking. :(
Her Desperate Choice was ok
he wasn't in it very long it's mainly about HER character and how SHE ran from the law...

Big Middle was on the other night
I really liked that episode
lots of people were put off by Vartanns comments to Grissom and Greg about 'curves and rolls'
yeah it was upsetting but I think if Brass had said that people wouldn't have cared so much

I think because Vartann is younger than Brass and good-looking there is an expection that he is the 'clean, wholesome, good cop' and when comments like that come out of his mouth it sets people off...

That's me
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